I'm a pirate

I'm the Big Boss of Pirates Chapter 279.

As soon as the words fell, a terrifying breath erupted from Sauron Dao Payne's body, a very cold and terrifying breath, as if it was a ghostly aura from hell, the original Sauron's ghostly aura was a world away compared to Barrett's!

Originally Barrett's move was going to combine Hegemon Color Hegemony and Armed Color Hegemony, but due to losing his life and self, Hegemon Color Hegemony naturally disappeared, so currently this move was just a combination of Ghost Qi and Armed Color Hegemony.

However, misfortune was a blessing, blessing was a misfortune, and although Shura Dao Payne had lost his powerful Hegemonic Color Hegemony, due to becoming a corpse, the ghost qi contained in Barrett's killing countless became even stronger, as if it had put one in the hell of the underworld!

A black energy erupted out with Barrett as the center, the pitch-black breath energy swept in all directions, and although the temperature of the places it passed didn't drop too much, it made all the members of the Whitebeard Bandits, except for Whitebeard, feel a piercing coldness, as if an incomparably vicious and fierce ghost was lying on them, reacting and slowing down their movements.

The impact range of this breath energy was extremely huge, even the many ships on the surface of the sea did not avoid it, one only felt their scalp explode, their hands and feet were soft, a great fear pervaded the heart, all the ships could not help but retreat, and the less courageous ones were directly scared to faint.

This move was Barrett's group fighting machine, not only could it clean up the stray fish, it also had a certain suppressing effect on the strong, but unfortunately the Tyrant Color Tyranny was lost, if there was a Tyrant Color Tyranny, then most of the people present, whether they were by the beach or on the sea, most of the people fighting should have been stunned.

Although Whitebeard was not affected by the breath of Shura Dao Payne, but at this time was very shocked, this breath, this energy made Whitebeard think of a person at once.

"Douglas Barrett!" After looking at Shura Dao Payne, Whitebeard turned to look at the Golden Lion beside him in shock.

The Golden Lion's strength was also unaffected by Barret's scent, and felt immensely relieved to see Whitebeard's shocked appearance, this bastard, finally made you lose your temper and panic, right?

Barrett, though he didn't know what had been done to him by that kid Carlos, lost his ego and lost his strength, was still no match for Marco, leaving him strong enough to rival the Admiral!

Marco more than a decade later if he took it seriously could hold off the Admiral, and fight the Admiral back and forth, and wouldn't fall to the wayside for a short time, but nowadays he didn't have that kind of ability, and the higher he went, the greater the difference in strength by even a sliver, the greater the gap.

"Hahaha that's right, it's that guy Douglas Barrett."

"Well? Didn't think so, Whitebeard?" The golden lion smiled proudly and joyfully, not at all like his usual powerful and domineering appearance, but rather like a smug villain, making Whitebeard very unhappy.

"Well, don't get too happy too soon, Marco may not lose." Whitebeard said with a hard mouth.

"Just talk tough, the others might not be too clear on that, you're still acting like a big tail wolf in front of me, who doesn't know who."

"Your son is going to lose."

"But don't worry, the most he'll get is a beating, so his life won't be in danger."

"My son's character is really much better than yours, my subordinates died and I spared your son's life."

"You'll have to compensate me, and it doesn't have to be much, how about allocating me two islands?" The golden lion chattered due to too much pleasure.

"Hmph" white-bearded guy was not in a good mood and was put on the spot, not bothering with the golden lion.

Chapter 318 - Shura-do vs Marko (below)

Whitebeard snorted and looked towards the battlefield, but in his mind he was pondering how that guy Barrett could have joined the Flying Pirates. Isn't he advancing the city? Even if he got out, would he have joined the Aerial Pirates?

You're kidding!

Being in the same era, Whitebeard knew Barrett better, a man who pursued power, and power above all else was his code of conduct, even if he joined the Rogerian bandits for the same pursuit of power!

The Golden Lion guy was strong, but the strength of Douglas Barrett during the All Victory Period was not far behind the Golden Lion, and the Golden Lion guy was still Roger's defeated man, so why would he join the Flying Pirates?

Had the Golden Lion been kind to him and rescued him from Propulsion City in some special way? Or was there something in the Golden Lion's hands that appealed to him?

Whitebeard is puzzled, but the fight still goes on and won't stop just because Whitebeard is confused

Marco was the main bearer of the cold, bone-chilling ghost qi, Marco felt that even though he had transformed into the form of an undead bird, he still couldn't isolate himself from the cold, incomparable power, which suppressed his will to fight, and also reduced his reaction and speed by quite a bit.

Even though Marko felt bad in his heart, he would not admit defeat, he would rather die in battle than definitely not admit defeat, the honor of the White Beard Bandits could not be desecrated!

"Prepare to meet your fate of failure!"

A phantom cold lonely voice as if from the nine ghosts of the land, full outburst of strength of the Shura Road Payne, knock, also not full strength, ancient weapons Hades did not use, but with full strength is also similar.

Xuluo Road Payne's figure instantly disappeared, the figure as instantaneous rushed to Marco body, all over the body emitting cold into the bones of the ghost gas, sandbags big right fist armed color tyrannical surge

This time, the Armed Color Hegemony wasn't a simple winding anymore, it was Barrett's unique skill, although Barrett was an ability, Barrett was more adept at Physical Hegemony than the Devil Fruit ability.

A layer of Armed Colored Hegemony wrapped around the fist, followed by another layer of Armed Colored Hegemony wrapped around the fist, a double layer of Armed Colored Hegemony stacked perfectly, boosting double the defense and attack power!

A thunderous punch smashed into Marko, Marko was busy protecting his body with his wings, the wings were also wrapped around the armed colored Hegemony, but there was a big difference between their strength, Hegemony, and Marko could only slightly weaken some of the damage he received, he couldn't defend himself at all.


Shurado Payne punched Marko and flew backwards parallel to the beach.

"Hey, hey,"

The cold, treacherous and smug laughter when the Shu Luo Dao Payne had already disappeared, the ghostly figure of the back, appeared behind Marco, legs as if two old pines coiled on the ground, strong and tall figure in a domineering pose, a heavy fist strike on Marco's back.

When the heavy fist hit Marko's back, Marko, who had transformed into an undead bird, turned pale and spat out a mouthful of blood, the scarlet blood was so striking that the white-bearded pirate group members who were watching the battle were all disgraced and disoriented and cried out!

Marco gritted his teeth and urged his fruit ability, doing his best to repair his injuries, the green-blue flames burning on his body burning even more furiously, his recovery power even more perverted than that of an ordinary Animal Demon Fruit Awakening was displayed, and in the blink of an eye, he recovered close to half of his injuries from the two heavy blows.

If Malcolm was given more time, Malcolm would soon be able to heal.

But unfortunately, it was impossible for Shura Dao Payne to give Marco too much time to breathe, dealing with this kind of Demon Fruiter with perverted recovery ability, one should use fierce and violent, incessant attacks making the opponent not have enough time to recover from his injuries.

So Xiu Luo Dao Payne was again able to catch up with the knocked out Marko with his perverted speed, his body twisted, and a whiplash leg blast on Marko's chest, and the whole man was knocked out again.

What followed was a brutal and inhumane ravage, at this time, although Marko was extraordinary in the New World could definitely be called strong, but compared to Shura Dao Payne, compared to Carlos there was still a considerable gap after all, once full strength, it would be difficult to fight, almost only passively beaten.

The frenzied attacks kept landing on Marco's body, punches, kicks, elbows, and even headbutts with his head, Marco was like being hit by a floating combo in the game, flying around and up into the air, but he just couldn't land.

Blood in the air waved, Marko's appearance made the white-bearded pirate group all the heart of the heart entangled, suppressed silence in the atmosphere contains violence, unease, a random spark will be able to explode out!

White Beard's face seemed calm and ancient, but in fact the beast hidden under the cloak has been held up silently, the white aperture is hidden all the time, hating to personally make a move, to teach Xiu Luo Dao Payne, to save this very competent, attentive son of Marco.

Unfortunately, Whitebeard wasn't able to do that, if he did, the reputation of the Whitebeard Bandits would plummet, this was a contest that was discussed and agreed upon by both sides, what's wrong with taking action now in the middle of the game?

Despite the bad shot, Whitebeard had made up his mind that if his son Marco was killed, he would do whatever it took to keep the two men here forever to honor his fallen son!

After a few minutes, Marko, who had been attacked furiously for several minutes in a row, finally couldn't hold on any longer, his recovery was gradually failing to keep up with his injuries, and he had very little energy left to repair them at full speed.

Shura Dao Payne also sensed Marko's state, the odds were certain, and he was about to perform his final set of ultimate combos.

The undead bird's figure flew up into the sky, and Shura Dao Payne's figure appeared on top of the undead bird, blasting the undead bird's chest with a punch, an elbow, and a leg in succession.

Undead Bird Marko landed on the beach like a meteor falling, boom, raging shock wave rolled white sand swept all around, a deep pit emerged, Undead Bird Marko embedded in the deep pit, chest slightly undulating

Although he didn't die, he was still deeply injured, even if Marco's ability was special, it would take some time to be able to heal.

Although Marko was pressured by Shura Dao Payne the entire time, Carlos did not underestimate Marko, the man's recovery ability was too perverted, and it was the first time he had seen someone who had been held up for so long by Shura Dao Payne's continuous attacks.

The average strong man under this kind of attack had already become fucking broken flesh, not to mention the flesh, even steel, alloy, sea floor stone, can't stand such a violent destruction of Shura Dao Payne ah!

Marko has impressed Carlos with his recovery abilities, no wonder he'll be able to resist as hard as a full set of eight-foot Joan of Arc later, he's the undefeatable little strong!

"Hahaha guys, I'm winning this battle."

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