I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 281.

Such pirates made Carlos very appreciative, people were powerful, not without reason.

"All stand down." Whitebeard took a step forward, urning and looking serious.

Whitebeard's speech instantly silenced the movement.

"Yes, Old Father." Everyone respectfully stepped back and quieted down.

"How about I be your opponent this time? Dare you take it?" The white bearded man with a naginata in his hand, dominating the road, the overbearing momentum swirling a gale, pouncing on Shura Dao Payne, blowing Shura Dao Payne's hair wildly, the red cloud costume on the black background resounding!

"Yes, it would be an honor to cross paths with the famous Whitebeard, and I'm looking forward to it!" Carlos didn't hesitate to say yes, he Carlos didn't lack courage either!

Although Shura Dao Payne alone was mostly no match, the Ancient Weapons Stygian couldn't be used in such a scene.

Chapter 316 - One Blade, One Punch, One Leg

"Gulla la la don't get me wrong, all you have to do is take a cut, a punch, a kick from me."

"If you can go next, this time we, the Whitebeard Bandits, will yield to the Golden Lion's request to not only accept, and then give you a fine island alone."

"How dare you take it? I'd like to see how much power the dead Barrett still has, and how much power you really have."

"Hahaha I told you before."

"Why don't you dare? It's just a block, a punch, a kick" Carlos let out a loud laugh as he maneuvered the Shura Dao Payne.

"Very well, let's get started then!"

As soon as the words fell, the white bearded face was solemn, the faint aperture on the feet flashed, the terrifying anti-vibration force erupted, holding the naginata rushed towards Carlos, speed compared to instantaneous movement is not inferior, compared to the information of the future dying and seriously ill than the gap is huge, the terrifying momentum is like the sky collapsed, shocking people's hearts!

With both hands holding the knife, the wide blade sharp body of the white light twisted and shifted, the terrifying vibration of the force attached to Qi, a simple force chopping Huashan beheaded Carlos's head, the attack method is simple, but in the hands of this expert white beard is also the most difficult to deal with, either hard resistance, or dodge, and one has to lose the initiative to dodge, was suppressed.

Carlos who manipulated the Shura Dao Payne was very excited and eager to try his hand at fighting White Beard wow, just thinking about it made his blood boil ah!

Pupil power wildly surging, Shura Dao Payne all over the body hegemony gathered on top of the right fist, a layer of hegemony wrapped around a layer of hegemony, double layer of hegemony firmly protect the sandbagged fist, all the muscles of the body extreme compression, as if suppressed to the extreme spring, the force from the ground, along the calves, thighs, waist, torso, arm layers passed on top of the fist, every time you pass, the power will increase by one point.

The black fist and the white flickering blade collided, ding a sharp, piercing sound rang out, time and space seemed to freeze in half, maybe after a breath, maybe after a long time, the ground, the sky, the sea began to vibrate, swaying, the average pirate could not stand firm.

In the two for the power of precise control, the shock wave is not very large, but that vibration is very terrifying, the whole island can feel, the sky, the sea is not spared, more amazing horror!

Carlos could feel a terrifying vibratory force rushing into his body along his fist and arm, even Shura Dao Payne's powerful Armed Color Tyranny couldn't isolate all of it, and the bones, organs, and muscles of his body were all vibrating at one frequency.

If Shura Dao Payne is a normal life words, this strike even if not injured, this absolutely will not be easy, because to spend power to suppress the body's vibration, must not care, otherwise at first can barely withstand, superimposed, it will be exactly the white beard's intention, most likely will taste the bitter fruit of failure.

It was good that Shura Dao Payne wasn't a normal being, vibrations were vibrations, and the painless Shura Dao just had to not shake him to pieces.

Any serious injury to the inside and leave it to Hell Dao Payne to eat would be fine.

So Shura Dao Payne didn't bother about the vibrations inside his body and directly dealt with White Beard's next attack.

After White Beard saw that the slash he slashed out was blocked, he released his right palm and raised his right fist high, a white aura emerged, radiant and very bright, this strike contained even more terrifying power than the one he had just made!


This punch White Beard didn't hit Shura Dao Payne's body, but rather the air in front of Shura Dao Payne's chest.

Ka-ching, ka-ching.

Countless cracks resurfaced in the air, these cracks were like spider webs that completely enveloped Carlos's figure, the terrifying vibratory force directly invaded Xiu Luo Dao Payne's entire body, making Xiu Luo Dao Payne unavoidable and unguardable, juvenile good hard fight!

Shura Dao Payne could only resist even in the face of such attacks, covering his entire body with the Armed Colored Hegemony, which was simple for Barrett's Armed Colored Hegemony attainments.

The all-pervasive vibratory force invaded Shura Dao Payne's entire body, wave after wave, directly to Shura Dao Payne's entire body, in mid-air after the shock dispersed the condensed armed color tyranny invaded within the body, the body's vibration is even more terrifying, internal organs ruptured, muscles torn, bones overwhelmed, has reached the limit range to withstand.

This is not the end, Xura Dao Payne in mid-air, white beard to his own way back to his own body, the terrifying anti-vibration force erupted at an amazing speed, even directly rushed to the back of Xura Dao Payne!

The tall and big body with a shadow enveloped Xiu Luo Dao Payne's body, and his feet were wrapped with a radiant white aura, like a lit energy-saving lamp, kicking at Xiu Luo Dao Payne's back.

Carlos had no choice but to mobilize as much of the Armed Colored Tyranny as possible to surge up his back and reduce the damage.



A muffled sound, Shu Luo Dao Payne was kicked out directly, the body in mid-air, the clear and audible sound of bone cracking sounded, the body's internal organs were shaken, the muscles for tearing most of the body landed on the beach and cut out far away.

This kind of injury, if it was a normal person is already severely injured, the state of loss of combat power.

Unfortunately, Shura Dao Payne wasn't a normal person, it was a puppet, as long as it shattered the black rods in the body, then it could move, and the iron rods in the body were naturally the focus of protection, every time the armed color tyranny protects the body.

If it was the period of total victory, the normal Barret facing White Beard although mostly at a disadvantage, but definitely not so miserable, now the Xiu Luo Dao Payne does not know how to use the ancient weapon underworld this super card, the strength is a clear decline.

Carlos knew that Whitebeard himself came down to the field to definitely save face for the Whitebeard Bandits, and did not rule out the purpose of taking offense for his son and teaching Carlos a lesson.

Out of pragmatism, the golden lion promised an island, White Beard promised an island, Carlos definitely did not intend to let Shura Dao Payne occupy the upper hand, the balance of power also did not report any hope, just to receive a knife, a punch, a leg of White Beard.

So the defense constructed are centered on the location of the black rod, muscles, organs, bones rupture does not matter, as long as the black rod do not damage, can still move, that is he won the victory.

This can get past two nice islands, easy as hell, no need to start a war, why not?

As for humiliation? It doesn't matter, it's not too humiliating to suffer under Whitebeard, and besides, it's not a big deal if you've beaten Marco before, so what's a little loss?

After all, only one of the six Paine appeared, isn't it normal to be at a disadvantage when facing Whitebeard?

"Heh heh heh worthy of a white beard, really strong enough, but just a knife, a punch, and a leg can't do anything to me"

Shu Luo Dao Payne crawled up from the ground, the injury in the body for the image of the action is not big, normal action is absolutely no problem, and the battle strength has also maintained a few percent.

"Hmph strength has dropped quite a bit from what it once was, but it's even more bizarre, even after taking three heavy blows from me it's still not crippled, strength preserved for the most part, count you as a winner."

"But I also feel sad for this guy Barrett, dead are even made into a puppet, playing with the soul and body of the dead brat is really annoying" white bearded face full of displeasure.

"Heh heh heh"

Xuluo Dao Payne smiled, showing Carlos indifferent mentality, he Carlos does not need to please anyone, do not need others to teach themselves to do things, own acting parametrically, has come to this world, must live happily only.

Chapter 317 - Open One Eye, Close One Eye

The Golden Lion and Shura Dao Payne left, both of them having pretty much accomplished their goal and in a happy mood.

It was impossible not to leave, staying to be a nuisance, and the Whitebeard Bandits were not welcome, they were all men of status who couldn't stay deadbeat.

After waiting for the Golden Lion and Carlos to leave, after the ship doctor's treatment, and after the treatment of his own Immortal Bird fruit, Marko, who had regained his mobility, walked up to Whitebeard, bowed his head, and was very ashamed: "I'm sorry, old man, I've disgraced you, I've disgraced the Whitebeard Bandits, and I've made you lose two islands."

"Gulla silly son, those are just things outside of your body, nothing is more important than you."

"It doesn't matter if you fail, no one succeeds all the time, it's good to fail and still get up!"

"Besides it's not your fault, that Golden Lion guy was too cunning to fight you with a puppet made by Barret, and the man who manipulated Barret was also extraordinary, it's not surprising that the other side failed at every opportunity."

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