I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 283.

There is an old saying that a new officer has three fires, and while this world doesn't have that saying, the approach is the same, and soon after the Warring States became Admiralty Marshals, they started to make things happen, and they did have three fires.

These three fires were in the New World, the first half of the Great Voyage, and the Four Seas.

The first half of the Great Voyage and the Four Seas action for the moment had no effect on the New World.

In the New World, the navy made a big move, mobilizing top-notch warriors and a large number of navies to overwhelm a good band of pirates, expanding the navy's influence in the New World quite a bit.

The warlord known as the Wise General became a naval marshal and continued to act, winning and losing a lot, gaining a lot of prestige, and was considered to be in the position of a naval marshal.

The Revolutionary Army was down to nothing, the New World was not a place where the Revolutionary Army of today could stir up trouble, the Revolutionary Army that had just formed a blazing prairie fire after all had not yet had a blazing prairie fire, and daring to make trouble in the New World could only be said to be looking for death.

Only their leader, Dragon, could make the pirates of the New World take notice of the Revolutionary Army nowadays, the others were not worthy of being one, and were all trash in terms of strength!

While there was no major movement by the revolutionary army, there was a small piece of news, revealed by the world government, and the pervasive world government intelligence agency probed the news of the birth of the dragon's son.

This news may not be taken seriously by others, Carlos naturally not one ominous, the dragon's son Luffy was born around May of this year.

This was the chosen son, tsk tsk.

But Carlos would just tsk and be done with it, he wasn't interested in running to the East Sea to see this Chosen One, and by the time this Chosen One grew up, God knows how much his power and influence would have swelled

He Carlos didn't have any conflict with Luffy, the chosen one, and he Carlos didn't want to fight for the Pirate King's position, he had no interest in that seat at all.

Besides, there was still time, if he wanted to make a plan, there was enough time, why would he pay attention to a newborn baby at this time?

Carlos stayed quietly in the Sun and Moon Island, mainly focusing on dealing with things, cultivating, and developing the Straight Death Demon Eye.

Rarely left the Sun and Moon Island, and only inspected the other three islands once, the other times generally through the information and newspapers collected, both corroborated, to understand the outside world.

To be honest, Carlos felt that it was a wise decision for him to put the other gods on Stacy in the first place.

Through Stacy Carlos was not only able to learn about news in the dark world through Pleasant Street, but also through the channels of CP0, which was the highest spy agency, and the intelligence of the subordinate agencies was also conveniently at his beck and call.

Knowing that raising an intelligence agency was very wealth-intensive, a hundred million berries thrown in might not even make a sound, whereas he could have powerful intelligence capabilities for almost no money at all!

Ahem, as long as the world government stays in business, Stacy still has a central role in it.

Is Stacy the core? Of course it was, the woman who could be sent to the New World as a spy and become Queen of Pleasant Street wasn't the core of what it was, and it couldn't have grown that fast without the world government behind it.

Regular life time tends to go by extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye it's 1504 on the Sea Circle calendar!

Chapter 319 - Magic Eye, Tea Party

On the night of February 15, 1504 in the year of sea circle calendar, in the vast grassland of the Moon Island, the bright full moon hung high, the sky shone with stars, there was an atmospheric and exquisite tent outside the grassland, Carlos stared straight at the moon and stars in the sky, dumbfounded.

Carlos had been in the manor for a long time and wanted a change of scenery, so he moved to the grasslands for a while.

That wasn't the point, the point was that Carlos's eyes were not his usual black as ink eyes, nor were they scarlet as blood eyes, nor were they purple rippling reincarnation eyes, not any kind of eyes that had appeared before, but a brand new pair of eyes.

It was a pair of extremely layered eyes with three layers, the innermost layer was black, not a pupil, somewhat atomized, the middle layer seemed to be purplish red, on closer inspection it was peachy red, presenting a circle shape to envelop the somewhat atomized black part, and the outermost layer was bright blue, as if it was blooming with blue light.

This was an extremely unique and powerful pair of eyes, it took Carlos was nearly two years to study and deduce the eyes, the so-called Direct Death's Demon Eyes!

Carlos had only just studied it out, studied it out for a few days whenever he had a free moment, and took these eyes to watch everything and view the so-called dead spot dead appearances of everything, which was honestly a wonderful feeling, more interesting than the world in the eyes of the reincarnation eye.

Carlos had also experimented with some animals or plants, cutting through the dead line and piercing the starting point, and all of them had died without exception.

Recently, Carlos had been studying lifeless objects, such as rocks, rivers, guns, swords, cannons, and so on, and today was the middle of the month, with a big moon and many stars, Carlos couldn't help but look at the moon and stars with the Demon Eye of Death, observing the dead lines and dead spots of these great existences.

But the result was not as good as it could be, Carlos couldn't observe it even with his best efforts, maybe it was because it was too far away, maybe it was because he was still far from being strong enough to see it anyway.

But that didn't affect Carlos' mood, after researching the Demon Eye of Straight Death, Carlos had been in a good mood, and since he couldn't see the deadlines and dead spots, he would take the Demon Eye of Straight Death to enjoy the moon.

If the moon was conscious it would probably spit at him, are you looking at me with those eyes to admire me or are you trying to kill me?

Please don't look at me.

Under the self-satisfaction, Carlos could not help but dumbly laugh, appreciate the moon for a while, and near midnight Carlos got into the tent to rest.

It is worth mentioning that there was a pair of sisters in the tent, a pair of mother-daughter flowers, four fine, well-built women, sent by the Golden Lion.

In a good mood, the lascivious and shameless Carlos brought them all, while enjoying the moon, Carlos let them exchange feelings, later when everyone deep communication do not be shy, to let go.

Shameless and shameless and enjoy the night past, Carlos refreshing to get up, leaving four bodies leaking spring light is still on the ship, no way of la, the body quality is not in a grade, can not be whipped.

The four women are ordinary women, here is the physical quality, in fact, these four women had a very good background, the sisters used to be the daughter of a rich merchant, the mother and daughter used to be a new world country's noblewoman and noble Miss it.

This dangerous world is ever-changing, the rich merchant offended the people who can not afford to mess with, the family property was robbed by pirates, men were killed, women were sold as slaves, the pair of sisters flower is the following people to please the golden lion gift.

As for the mother-daughter flower is even more direct, the country where the mother-daughter flower is located has offended the flying air pirate group, precisely underestimated today's flying air pirate group, the peak of the flying air pirate group no one dared to underestimate, as a result of the angry golden lion personally led people directly destroyed the country.

The mother and daughter flowers were famous in their original kingdom, and although they were not royalty, they belonged to the Golden Lion's trophy.

The pirates of the new world were just so overbearing and powerful and terrifying, and the so-called sea emperor in the original wasn't just blowing, that was really capable of exterminating the country!

It was still more scrupulous about such forceful nations like Elbaff, Wozo, and the like, and tolerant given the possibility of getting a twofer, but the others were much less so.

Four women heavy except for the big one, the other three women were all firsts, and the golden lion couldn't send a woman he had enjoyed, because that wasn't friendship, that was feuding.

Gentle country, the hero's mound, just because the four women, Carlos to the golden lion's satisfaction degree sub he sent island is also high, ahem, moderation, moderation, restraint, restraint, must not be addicted to women!

Being able to get up early tonight morning would also show how strong Carlos's willpower was.

After getting up and washing up, Carlos came outside the tent to prepare to eat breakfast, breakfast this kind of thing naturally someone prepared, and two other tents of people specializing in waiting for Carlos.

In the early morning, the grassland was hazy with mist, the turquoise grass was wet, and a drop of water dripped down, so the air was fresh and refreshing.

Breakfast was not bread, milk or anything, but a huge bowl of beef ramen noodles, beef portions, all kinds of side dishes complete, so that Carlos appetite, Carlos, a person in his previous life, although not a northern man, is mainly eat rice in the region, but still quite like to eat noodles.

Carlos hailed the noodles, eating fast, hairy sweat emerged on his forehead, just when he was about to finish, the sound of the telephone bug suddenly rang out.

Boru, Boru, Boru.

Carlos pulled out the phone worm in his left hand, connected it and placed it on the table, continuing to eat his noodles with a somewhat vague, "Kelly, what's up Shigo?"

"Captain, you're having breakfast, what an interruption." Kelly's somewhat embarrassed voice sounded.

"Well, cut the useless bullshit, you've been with me for so many years, what's the politeness, just take more time to make me something delicious in the future, I'm used to eating your food, I still think your cooking is the best."

"Giggle hahaha" hearing Carlos' words, Kylie laughed happily, the captain liked his cooking, it was her honor, it was also an extremely high praise for a chef.

Hearing where Kylie was laughing, Carlos didn't push, finishing the last bite of noodles and wiping his mouth with the paper he had prepared, wiping it and then going for a drink of water.

"Captain, the BIGMOM pirate group has sent an invitation for you to a tea party, are you going?" Kylie finished her laugh and said the main thing.

"A tea party?"

Carlos remembered those delicious desserts on the territory of the BIGMOM pirate group, and had some interest in his heart, counting that it had been a long time since he had left the island of Sun and Moon, and the straight death magic eye had also been studied, so it was good to go out for a walk to get away and see things.

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