I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 285.

Seeing the flag on the pirate ship, Carlos casually threw the invitation over again, and after getting the confirmation, the back could be unimpeded, but the Flamingo pirates and Moonlight Moria's band of pirates were the ones who confirmed it felt embarrassed, they were not among the invitees, but were the ones Carlos had brought.

"You are to immediately report up the chain of command to your superior." Carlos faintly spoke.

The patrolling confirmation cadre breathed a sigh of relief, if the other party had a tough attitude, it really wasn't easy to do, even busy taking out the phone worm to consult his supervisor, resulting in his supervisor consulting his supervisor again, and finally consulted before the big mom.

The first thing I noticed was that Carlos was coming to his tea party, and the first thing I noticed was that Carlos was coming to his tea party.

The first thing she noticed was that she had been working with Carlos, Kaido and the Golden Lion to destroy the Wolf Pirates, and she had learned about Carlos' strength from Kaido.

So for Carlos to bring two little-known two pirate groups to her tea party, didn't mind at all, and directly agreed.

With the order from the lady, the rest of the trip was smooth sailing, and they reached Cake Island without any obstacles.

This way over to see the scenery let Carlos and other people are slurping, all kinds of juice ocean, all kinds of food-filled style of island, all of the people's eyes, see with their own eyes and see from the screen is still different.

After arriving at the cake island is BIGMOM personally to meet, with most of the core members of the pirate group, mostly the son and daughter of the big mother, there are many early guests, have come to watch the fun, to see which guests are worthy of the big mother personally meet.

Auntie began at the age of eighteen and continued until she was sixty, during which time she kept having children, the highest record of which was ten, and today's Auntie is naturally less than sixty, but she's also over forty, and her body shape is not as exaggerated as she was at sixty.

Auntie's body is out of shape, but she is not as big and strong as the little giants she will become.

Auntie's reasons for holding a tea party were many, the last few years almost a year to report two to three times, this time the reason was that Auntie was pregnant again, and to celebrate her pregnancy, the BIGMOM pirates added new people to the party.

"I can't believe you're here Carlos, it's quite a surprise" Auntie took a few steps forward, condescending and smiling.

Carlos is not short now, about two and a half meters tall, but still a little less than the aunt, talking with his neck up, it's a little cool.

"Ha for the first time to receive an invitation, naturally I have to give face, besides, I am still very interested in the tea party you held Ling Ling, your tea party has become more and more famous in the new world."

"Quite a few pirates, and all kinds of forces are honored to receive the invitation you sent out ah."

"I've come all this way, my horizons have increased quite a bit, very interesting variety of islands, much more distinctive than those islands of mine."

"Tsk tsk look at what people are saying, give face ah, people mix so well, it is not just by force ah" Dolfingo's face remained the same, but his heart secretly thought.

Auntie's heart burst with joy at the news, she naturally wouldn't take the praise of someone too different than her to heart, but it was different for someone of the same level as her.

The same level of people sometimes also annoying, Auntie remembered that it was the second time he held a tea party, invited Kaido that silly than to come, when he arrived only know to drink, half of the dessert will not appreciate, but also to her place, spit out her taste, so angry that she on the spot with Kaido that bastard dry fight.

And then look at someone else Carlos, it doesn't matter if it's true or not, but it's really comfortable to listen to, no matter what, it's someone else giving face, gotta pocket it.

Auntie suddenly remembered that Carlos hadn't gotten married yet, and wondered if she should pick the best daughter to marry over, so that she wouldn't have a powerful alliance, even more ironclad than the one the Flying Pirates had with the other, as if it was wonderful, the more Auntie thought about it, the more she thought it was a good idea!

If Carlos had been thinking right now until Auntie, he would have cursed and immediately flipped out, I gave you face and complimented you, and you ended up wanting to be my mother-in-law and my mother?

You son of a bitch! You're too much of a bully!

Although Auntie currently generated the idea, but the specific person to marry has not yet thought about, can only put it aside for the time being, go back and think about it slowly, currently it's better to cast a peach and entertain each other properly.

"Carlos, you are the most respected guest of all nations, please follow me, I have prepared a grand welcome ceremony for you."

"When the tea party begins, I will share with you the chocolate milk cake that my chefs have made especially for me, it is a delicacy that is hard to find in the world, and you will only be able to eat it in my place."

In the older woman's mind, that was the best reward for Carlos giving face, when had she, Charlotte Lingling, ever shared her favorite dessert with anyone?

Not even her sons and daughters are entitled to what? Husband? It's just a reproductive tool. If a person can't have a baby, who cares about those stinking men, they're just tools.

Is that good enough?

Carlos smiled and nodded, sharing dessert with Auntie Carlos didn't mind, as long as it wasn't something Auntie had eaten, after all, Auntie's desserts that were sure to be the best.

Carlos followed the lady and went to the central palace of the cake island, along the way, countless Homiz singing and dancing, and the people living in the cake shop in between the welcome, followed by the core members of the pirate group, and a part of the love of fun, curious customers, the momentum to make is quite grand.

The crew of Dover and Moonlight Moria followed behind Carlos, mingling with the members of the pirate group and some guests, one by one looking dazzled and at the same time Rinne's heart.

After all, hearsay is hearsay, and this time, seeing the strength of the BIGMOM pirate group with their own eyes, the scent of one more terrifying than the other, caused Dover and Moonlight Moria and their crew to be frightened one by one, their hearts suddenly rose in despair, the gap was just too great.

After a few glances, they both understood the meaning in each other's eyes, if they wanted to make a career, they might not be able to do so with their current power alone, an alliance, an alliance was necessary to make a greater chance of making a career!

Carlos didn't expect that he would bring two people here to make them think of an alliance, the butterfly effect, but that wasn't the case in the original.

But even if he knew Carlos didn't care too much, it didn't matter how much it changed, as long as he was strong enough, he could do everything!

Chapter 322 - Turning the Other Cheek is Faster than Turning the Book

In the midst of singing and dancing, Carlos followed the aunt to the square where the tea party was held, although these songs and dances seemed childish to Carlos, as if to coax a child, but still has a special flavor.

According to the pre-arranged seats each sat down, Carlos's seat is very close to Auntie, after all, status strength is not the same, opposite is the core of the BIGMOM pirate group in the core, Katakuri is among them, but look at the seat ranking, today's Katakuri should be the second most in the core of the battle force.

Each of the other three was more fearsome than Katakuri, but that didn't mean Katakuri was weak, on the contrary Katakuri was strong, and at a young age he was already sitting at the core of the battlefield.

The other three weren't Auntie's children, and Auntie's children's strength at this point, with the exception of one Katakuri, couldn't reach the position of core combatant, which was, after all, a position to fight other pirates of the same level.

These three, two men and one woman, according to Carlos's understanding, they were originally from the Rocks Bandits, and had followed Big Mom to create the Big Mom Bandits, they were definitely veteran pirates, powerful!

While Carlos was checking out the others, the others were checking him out, and there were far more people checking him out, after all, Carlos was the one who only looked good to himself, the others didn't have that same level of sophistication.

Carlos's age was not very old, and he still had a few years to go before he reached the age of thirty, but he had already reached this stage at such a young age.

A few minutes later, the tea party begins, whether or not all the guests are here.

After bigmom finished his speech, the atmosphere began to warm up, and everyone ate dessert and drank tea in an elegant and pleasant exchange, looking noble and elegant, full of the nobility of high society.

In fact, any one of the desserts at the tea party was stained with blood, and every time the tea party was reported, someone would suffer, the bigmom pirate group is not some benign pirate group, that is truly fearless and unscrupulous existence.

But what does that have to do with him, he is not a savior, those people don't belong to him, he can't care that much, all he needs to do is to shelter the people he should shelter is enough.

Carlos got up to go meet Stacy, who Carlos had just seen arrive here as well, but as soon as he got up, the older woman stopped him and told him to introduce him to her family properly.

Carlos was a bit helpless, and it was not a good idea to brush off bigmom's face with such an insignificant matter, so he simply agreed.

The next thing that makes Carlos confused is why is bigmom's family all women and no men?

It's just as well it's a woman, why are there some weird ones?

He, Carlos, had little interest in the fae, except for the pretty ones, which obviously had nothing to do with being pretty, such as the Snakeheads, who hung around in front of him every day and he might not be able to resist cutting off their heads!

bigmom's meaning has been quite obvious, otherwise it would not introduce him to all of his daughter, evil intentions ah, even dare to so calculate him, want to be his mother, is simply a dream, Kam!

After introducing more than a dozen daughters in a row, Carlos finally couldn't hold back and looked at bigmom with a look that saw through everything and spoke, "Lingling, I've understood what you mean, I'm still so young with no plans to get married, don't waste your energy, it's not good to hurt the harmony later."

"Is my daughter not pretty enough?"

"If one isn't enough, you can pick a few more beautiful ones, it would be their honor to marry you!" bigmom but refused to let up, very generous Road, in order to pull Carlos is also considered to be a blood, a mouth is a few.

The daughters of the first lady heard the first lady's words a bitter face, but did not dare to say anything, bad big things, they will end up extremely miserable first lady launched a tantrum, that's six relatives disowned!

Marriage is an important means for the bigmom bandits to strengthen their power and expand their influence, who called bigmom's son and daughter so much.

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