I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 294.

The Sun and Moon Island's Island Master is Kylie, Kylie's management talent is good, and has been with him the longest, so she is trustworthy.

As for Carlos, he doesn't need to be the island's master, he's the one who has all the power in his hands and can take over the island at a moment's notice.

After taking ten islands and expanding their forces and territory, the God's Eye Bandits fell silent, digesting in silence.

As for more islands, more territory, Carlos no longer wanted to fight, the current territory is completely enough, after all, there is still a large territory in the West Sea, if the plate is too large, busy feet, the joy of life is no longer, he is not a very power hungry person, stop in moderation.

Carlos has little desire for power, now the territory is just right, every day there are things to deal with, but not too much, with plenty of rest time, feel the great power and influence to bring the joy of life.

Food doesn't he smell good? Beautiful wine. Doesn't he taste good? Isn't he funny, girl? A beautiful view. Isn't he beautiful?

Right desire Carlos is not big, but the desire for strength that is infinite, strong enough he retreats to be able to guard the current base, into to be able to enhance their influence, one day want to expand the territory is not not impossible.

Although the thought is that today's territory is enough, but someday really want to expand is not just to expand

Strong enough, even if he proclaims all over the world that he has enough territory today and will never expand, but when the day comes to break his own promises, who can do anything about it?

The expansion of territory can stop, the expansion of power, Carlos will never stop!

Chapter 324 - The Seven Seas Issue

However, after seeing that the bandits had occupied ten islands and remained silent, other powers gradually put their minds at ease and turned their attention to other aspects.

The God's Eye Bandits were active for a period of time in 1503 and then fell into silence, and it was rare to see news about the bandits in the New World, but the storm in the New World was getting more and more intense, and the first half of the Great Voyage, the growth of the pirate tide in the four seas did not slow down.

The World Government conducted a worldwide draft to maintain the Navy's suppression of pirates, and many potential men entered the Navy.

However, these additional troops were only for the first half of the great voyage, the four seas effect is more obvious, for the new world pirates role is very limited, because the new world is now within the time of the immortal fight, ordinary troops come no matter how much, it is a vegetable.

The new world struggle fierce, the old generation of pirates, the golden lion, white beard, the middle generation of bigmom, Kaido, silver axe John and others, the younger generation of red-haired Shanks, hawk-eyed Mihok, big bear, Dover, Croydal, moonlight Moria and others, these people in the new world or for wealth, or for territory, or for fame, or for the dream, has been fighting endlessly, every day is very hot and lively.

In fact, the God's Eye Bandits is just relatively calm, there are still other ambitious pirates to find trouble, but do not recognize the reality of the strength of the bandits, the God's Eye Bandits lightly cleaned up, set off no waves.

In addition to well-known pirate masters, there were also some masters from powerful countries of the New World mixed in, such as the Upper Fur Clan of the Country of Giant Elephants, the Samurai of the Country of Harmony, the Giants of Elbaff, and other powerful countries that were either actively or passively involved in the struggle in the New World.

There are many powerful countries in the world, but in terms of military first powerful country is undoubtedly Elbaff, the country of giants, and the country of harmony is also a lot less meaningful, this country is in a very special position, although not a world government joined the country, but also mixed in the navy, in the same way among the pirates, the status is more superlative.

All in all, the New World was becoming more and more chaotic, chaotic, and this chaotic trend has spread to the outside of the New World, the situation of the hordes of warfare stimulated the pirates outside of the New World to scream, in order to join this feast of warfare, in order to enhance their own fame, in order to increase their own strength, the means are endless, by any means, make the whole world more and more chaotic.

The strength of the New World Navy is not weak, every one of them is elite, and there are at least two top warriors sitting in town, but it is also difficult to contain the situation in the face of the New World Gods, the Navy can achieve good results, but for the pirates in the New World trend can not be changed, there is no way to do anything about the increasing number of pirates in reality!

The warlord who took over as the naval marshal was the one who knew the situation best, because all the information obtained by the navy had to be assembled in his place, the navy's strength was increasing, but the pirates increased even more, making it still difficult for the navy to deal with it.

In this situation, the warlord had been contemplating a strategy, and this chaos was actually bad for the navy, and for the civilians.

Order was important, and even order established by pirates was better than chaos, like in the original New World where the Four Kings had established order, and they restrained the lawless pirates with their great strength.

Facing the rule of the four kings was also stronger than facing chaos, and having order, no matter how fragile that order was, was much safer than chaos.

As for the Seven Moons, although order had been established as well, this power was much looser than the Four Emperors.

The Warring States had previously had the idea of using pirates to rule over pirates, and Carlos was the product of an experiment by the Warring States as well as the World Government, but of course if it was also not strong enough to even qualify to be the subject of this experiment, it would either die or go to Propulsion City to spend the rest of its life.

In today's chaotic situation, the Warring States had this idea again, their navy was able to suppress the pirates outside of the new world because the pirates were scattered, and the navy was able to destroy each of them easily.

Now that the number of pirates is increasing, and the quality is getting stronger and stronger after the great waves, the navy is still having a hard time coping even after conscription, since that's the case then divide and pull the pirates together, and use the pirates to subdue the pirates, split the pirates into two formations, make them hostile to each other, and internalize the war, saving the navy's military power and using it where it's needed more!

In short, it's all about bringing in a group of people, suppressing a group of people, and eliminating a group of people!

Such a thing wouldn't cost much for the navy, nor for the world government, a plunder permit, to be precise merchant ship plunder permit and some other trivial benefits.

They could use these benefits to divide the pirates and bring in these pirates to work for the navy, the world government!

There was no doubt that Warring States thought beautifully, but it did have some feasibility, depending on how well it could be executed.

After a week of pondering, Warring States had written out his ideas in detail and submitted them to the Five Old Stars, and this plan was the prototype of the Seven Wonders Sea System.

If you really want to implement the Seven Wookiee System, then a more detailed plan needs to be discussed in more detail before it can be done, and it is best to put it in the World Government meeting to be resolved and passed, because it has to take care of the interests of the World Government franchise countries as well as the nobles.

What if your world government and navy come up with a seven-martial sea system and those vicious pirates rob them legally? Because it's legal, they have nowhere else to go to justify it.

Just like the very important legal plundering license, plundering nobles is still legal then this kind of system is simply not enforceable, plundering nobles is not legal, plundering others is legal is still acceptable.

After the five old stars received the plan from the warring nations and read it carefully, they all paid great attention to it, and had an all-encompassing discussion about the contents of this plan.

Because there was Carlos this experiment in the former, had achieved the effect is still good, but not without shortcomings, the world government, the navy on its binding completely insufficient, really want to implement this plan how to strengthen the binding is the most important, the selection of personnel is also the most important!

After a two-hour long discussion, the Five Old Stars essentially agreed that this was something that could be messed with, and if executed properly, it was indeed a powerful tool against pirates!

Even if it failed, there was nothing too much to lose for the World Government, the Navy, and it was perfectly acceptable.

It just so happened that the quadrennial World Government Conference was about to start next year, and the Five Old Stars decided to add this topic as one of the main topics, and then everything would be ready if this topic was passed successfully.

The policies of the world government are not easy to change until they have been agreed upon by the World Government Conference, and if you want to abolish them, you have to go through the World Government Conference.

Of course, in order to ensure the smooth passage of the issues, some means still have to be used.

There are some countries under the World Government that are lapdogs of the World Government, and only the World Government is at the forefront, and if the five old stars want to pass this topic, then they need to contact secretly and give a notice.

If the number of votes is more than half of the votes, then the matter will be decided and no one can change it.

If you want to change it, no one can speak, as long as it is through the world government meeting again, even if it is a process, it must go, this is the cornerstone of the world government to maintain operation, some face-saving projects you know he is a face-saving project also have to do, justify the name sometimes is not just words!

Chapter 325 - Purge the Dissidents

Time flew by, and soon it was the beginning of March in the year 1504 of the Sea Circle calendar, and for a year or so, Carlos was living quite comfortably, other than dealing with some things on a daily basis, he was just enjoying life and occasionally taking some time out to teach one of his three apprentices.

On this day, after dealing with the matters of the God's Eye Bandits in the morning, Carlos was ready to take a small nap according to his old habit, but suddenly received a call from the Deputy Speaker of the Council of the United States of Darkness, Noah.

Carlos counted the time, today was not the time for the Council of the United States of Night to give him a report ah, despite some doubts, Carlos is still pick up the phone to see what is the matter.

"What's up Noah?" Carlos spoke faintly.

This earliest henchman who followed him was now considered to be completely famous, high in the United States of Darkness, and a big man in the Western Sea, even able to cross paths with high officials of the World Government, but no different from before in front of Carlos, he could give and take back.

"Your Majesty, the World Government has sent an invitation to invite you to the quadrennial World Government Conference." In a luxurious office on Stygian Moon Island, Noah, dressed in a lavish official uniform and holding a telephone bug, bowed.

"The World Government Conference? Is this the year for a world government to convene?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"When is the convening?"

"March fifteenth at eight o'clock in the morning."

"So it looks like there's still half a month to go, that's plenty of time."

"You can watch the time to arrange for someone to go, I'm coming over from the New World too."

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