I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 297.

"Well then, I'll tell the story of the Roger Bandits, where to start," Riley's head slightly lowered, the color of reminiscence appeared in his eyes, the tone of some impassioned, as if returning to the once that blood boiling days.

"Honey just tell it from the time when Captain Roger met you, and will meet me halfway" Shaki walked back to the bar between the cigarettes, softly, the eyes are quite sobbing.

"Okay, just tell it from there." Riley's gentle glance at Shaki's way.

And so, once the story is told in a tantalizing way

Chapter 328 - Three to Naval Headquarters

Carlos had spent the night in the tavern, listening to many of the hidden adventures of the Rogerian bandits, seeing many different people and things, and was quite happy that he hadn't come for nothing.

There are still a lot of islands in this world that Carlos has never been to, and Carlos can't just go around all of them once, so he will have more time later on to travel around the world.

After staying one night, Carlos paid for his drinks and said goodbye to Styx Riley and Shaki, staying up all night wasn't even a thing for the strength of the three of them, it had no effect at all, fighting for a day and night was a piece of cake, let alone sitting and chatting and listening to stories.

After leaving the tavern, Carlos left the outlaw area of the Shambordy Islands and found an upscale tavern for dinner, then continued to explore the Shambordy Islands, although some areas are a bit sensitive, but Carlos can go wherever he wants!

After Carlos left, in the tavern, Shaki looked to her husband Riley and spoke, "What do you think of this guy?"

"From the reports I once saw and last night's chat, this is a rather selfish man, centered on his own will, a baron I guess."

"He is very strong and unpredictable, I can feel an extremely dangerous feeling from him, I'm afraid I'm not even a match at my peak" Riley narrowed his eyes and spoke faintly after taking a sip of wine.

"My opinion is similar to yours, but this person is self but has his own principles of dealing with things, he is not a person without boundaries."

"There's no use thinking so much, we've already retired, there's no need for us to worry about matters on the ocean, it's already good enough to send this person off without incident."

"Then do we need to move?"

"There's no need for that, people don't have that much time to stare at us, and a strong man like that isn't a man with a broken mouth."

"Well then, it's morning, and I'm off to prepare breakfast."

"Good work."

Shaki smiled sweetly and drifted off.

Spending two days, Carlos had played all the ones he was interested in in the Chambordy Islands, walked all the places he was interested in, and didn't encounter any injustice, nor did he encounter anything rampant and infinitely arrogant from the Celestial Dragons, having a calm and happy time!

Without encountering the Celestial Dragon Man, Carlos couldn't take the initiative to find trouble with the Celestial Dragon Man, and it was better to leave the trouble with the Celestial Dragon Man to others.

Would Carlos dare to mess with the Celestial Dragon Man?

That was natural, the current forces and powers Carlos was not afraid of messing with the Celestial Dragons, those large pirate groups in the New World also dared to mess with the Celestial Dragons, as long as the Celestial Dragons dared to be arrogant in front of them, but no cerebral palsy would take the initiative to mess with the Celestial Dragons and find trouble for themselves just.

There was nothing left to stay in the Shambordy Islands, so Carlos left the Shambordy Islands and went straight to the naval headquarters in Marin Vandal.

This was the benefit of having official status, one of the kings of the World Government franchise, going to the naval headquarters would not only not be subjected to the heavy blows of the navy like the golden lion, but would also be received with the proper level of hospitality, even though there might be many in the navy who were upset with him, but what could they do?

Just love to see me upset and can't fuck me up, who can afford to take a shot at the king of a world government franchise, without orders from the world government?

The world government franchise countries have their own contradictions, interests, but on the issue of defending the rights and interests of the franchise countries in the world government position is undoubtedly unanimous, to fight a quite fight a group of, the Navy is not a lawless pirate, fire up who would dare to do, the Navy is bound by rules!

Naval Headquarters Marin Vandal, Office of the Admiralty, once the master of the office here was Air, but now it was Warrior.

Warring States has been promoted to naval marshal for some time, with the promotion of Warring States, the following navy has also a number of get promoted, it is worth mentioning that now Green Pheasant, Red Dog, Yellow Ape also became a great admiral.

Peach Hare, Tea Dolphin the two fell a little short of being able to become Admirals, only licking the Admiral's waiting list on the Admiral, in fact the gap was quite large compared to the Admiral.

The Admiral has more than just strength, the power is also very great, definitely belongs to the top of the Navy.

The warrior was closing his eyes on his desk, thinking about the person sent to the holy land of Marijoa, the world government meeting was going to be held, the navy was obliged to send out people, next to a dull goat was watching the warrior, every now and then softly barking, baa, baa

Suddenly, the warrior suddenly opened his eyes and a fierce outburst of energy surged out of his body towards the window, it was a powerful force with a domineering presence that looked down upon everything!

"Tsk long said that the Marshal of War is one of the few strong men in the navy to awaken the overlord color hegemony, today I saw it, it really is worthy of the name" Carlos's figure stood on the bed, tsk, his own overlord color hegemony released to counteract the sudden outburst of the overlord color hegemony of War, the office wind storm, black and red lightning dancing, a look like the end of the world!

"So it's you, what are you suddenly doing at the naval headquarters?" Seeing that it was Carlos, the warring nations collected their dominance and looked serious.

"Hey isn't the world meeting about to convene? Come in early and take a look." Carlos jumped through the window into the Admiral's office, his eyes looking around rather curiously.

"Mistake you, not going to Marijoa and coming to Marinfandom?" The warrior's brows furrowed as he pondered what this guy's purpose was for his sudden visit.

"What am I doing in Marijoa at this hour? So many days left."

"Doesn't it smell good to be here to see an old friend?" As if he had come to his own home, Carlos unceremoniously sat down at the coffee table in the marshal's office and unceremoniously poured himself a cup of tea.

The warlord didn't bother with Carlos about these trivial matters either, sneering, "I don't believe you're here without a purpose, but last time you screwed the Navy over properly"

"Tsk" Carlos tasted the tea and smiled after smashing his mouth, "Nice tea, worthy of a marshal, classy enough, which time are you talking about?"

"Which other time can I use it? To leave Propulsion City those criminals simply had a premeditated plan and an ulterior motive, the loss is too great." The warrior glared at Carlos with great displeasure.

God knows how shocked and confused he was when he heard that the abilities of Barrett, Vard and the others had reappeared in the world, if one day the two sides went to war and tried to take care of these older strongmen again, God knows how much damage would be done to the navy, maybe it was easier for the world government to accept, but it was simply a blood loss for the navy!

"Cut, the world government and navy don't hold any good intentions, not a good bird, use me as a shield, how many difficult pirates have I taken care of for you in the New World?"

"Let's all get even, shall we?" Carlos disdained, as if the world government and the navy is a good bird, we all use each other, earn more or less to earn their own ability.

The warring nations heard a stagnant, Carlos's words did not believe in nonsense, the pirates of the four seas is just that, will be hiding, fight not, escape first, as long as they find an opportunity, the navy can easily clean up their, the pirates of the new world is different.

If the battle strength is similar, it's not going to be empty at all, the battle is over, what do you care about the navy?

The results achieved by Carlos in exchange for the Navy would not be so easy, the internal fighting between pirates and the Navy and the pirates are definitely not the same, the new world, not to mention the pirates on the Navy is very repulsive, is a deadly enemy, is most of the general public for the Navy also does not have any good feelings, the two to achieve the same results, the difference in difficulty!

Chapter 329 - Inviting Green Pheasant to Battle

The New World is the world of pirates, and the Navy knows exactly what the pirates do, so they are incompatible.

Why don't most of the general population of the New World have any affection for the Navy either?

It's all because of the sins of the world government, most of the countries in the New World are non-world government member states, for the weaker ones among the world government member states, the world government still ruthlessly exploits them, for the non-world government member states that means needless to say?

Whitebeard's homeland can be used as a reference, and is directly scrapped under the use of the world government as a haven for pirates and a hotbed of crime.

In the new world pirates are the harborers, the navy, the world government is the invader, that's the root cause of the slow progress of the navy, no mass base ah!

Carlos's words made the war a little hard to take, because the truth is, it depends on the person, see in front of people who understand, have the bottom line to turn black and white, you see to be smacked or not to be finished!

"Forget it, it's not impossible to stay in Malinfandom as you are, but I'm warning you, be disciplined and don't do anything unseen, or else"

War doesn't bother to bullshit Carlos, what if he wins, what's done is done

"Hahaha don't worry, I'm a pretty honest guy." Carlos laughs.

Warrior: "MMP, believe it or not!"

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