I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 312.

It would be very difficult for the revolutionary army to develop by then, and this show up and suffer a blow at all costs, the revolutionary army would definitely not be able to withstand it, the revolutionary army has only been developing for a few years now, it is very weak, and the revolutionary fire would be extinguished if they didn't pay attention.

So they were both very upset to see each other, and suddenly the big change came.

Carlos's figure flickered, and in the blink of an eye, he came within more than a decade's distance of the dragon, standing on the desert, and spoke faintly, "You are the leader of the revolutionary army, Monch D Dragon, right?"

"That's right, I am, Your Excellency's great name I've learned of it long ago, I've heard of it for a long time." The dragon's low, hoarse voice, his body tense, his heart filled with vigilance, the man in front of him had a special identity and high strength, it was perfectly normal to take a shot at him.

The King of the World Government Franchise, and nominally the head of the Seven Wookiee, was inextricably linked to the World Government, but he was also a pirate, both good and evil, and as far as he was concerned, the man in front of him had unique ideas, it was normal to take a shot at him or not.

"You're here for Beiga Punk as well?" Carlos' face was indifferent and opened the door.

"That's right, I never expected to meet Your Excellency here" the dragon admitted directly, in fact there was nothing to deny, the purpose was clear, denial also let people look down on, lost the dignity and style of the strong!

"I had no idea,"

"Tell you what, how about we take care of everyone who gets in the way, and then we'll each see on our own merit who can impress Mr. Bega Punk?"

"Fair enough, but I hope the researchers don't move and I don't end up not getting Mr. Bega Punk, and I don't want my trip to be in vain."

"Haha downright shrewd."

"Fine, if I get Mr. Beiga Punk, the other researchers will be given to you as a consolation prize." Carlos laughed.

"If I get Mr. Beiga Punk, if there is anything your Excellency needs Mr. Beiga Punk to help with, I will help persuade him, and the Revolutionary Army will be happy to establish a good relationship with your Excellency." The dragon took off his cloak, revealing his face with a slight smile, his tattoos shaking and looking fierce.

"Well?" Carlos looked a little surprised, not bad for a leader of the revolutionary army, a man of his stature would dare to pull together

"I am the King of the World Government Franchise, the head of the Seven Wonders under the King, and the Revolutionary Army dares to establish diplomatic relations with me?"

"If I put you revolutionary army together, the revolutionary army will be almost annihilated."

"Hahaha for your rise to power, I've studied it carefully, your Excellency is not a man of subservience, has a mind of his own, not at all considered a lapdog of the world government, just a mutual cooperation."

"Right, I am not one to stoop to the bottom, but I will allow for equal footing."

"But your revolutionary army is too weak to cooperate with me now."

"A single spark can start a prairie fire, the revolutionary army is still weak and vulnerable at first, but the world government has been ruling the world for over eight hundred years and is rotten to the core, many people around the world are living in dire straits, and discontent has accumulated to a critical point, like a powder keg"

"It only takes a little spark to explode into an earth-shattering movement, and our revolutionary fire is still weak, but it's enough to detonate a powder keg."

"Not only do we detonate the powder kegs, but we can also control the power of the erupting powder kegs to rush where they should be!" The dragon said with a serious face, saying that fervor appeared on his face and his eyes were filled with determination!

A revolution is something that requires a strong and unyielding will, and you must first convince yourself that it will succeed, or else don't make a revolution.

"Heh heh heh well said."

"Since you are so confident, I'll invest a handful if I get Mr. Bergapunk. I can also persuade Mr. Berga Punk to help your revolutionaries with some research."

"But more help is needed for your revolutionary army to show more power, more value."

"Whether this world ends up being the world government's or the revolutionary army's doesn't really matter to me, because there is a part of me after all!"

"I just have two boats on my feet, and whichever boat is stronger and sails farther, I end up on."

"I'm putting it here, both your World Revolutionary Army and the Revolutionary Army can attack me and exterminate me if they see me as unpleasant, if you can do it!"


Carlos unabashedly said what he was going to do, confident and even conceited, magnanimous, after laughing loudly, the sound was as loud as heavenly thunder, the terrifying tyrannical tyranny erupted, sweeping in all directions, the wind wrinkled, the yellow sand spread, heaven and earth was dark!

Struck by Carlos's tyrannical hegemony, the dragon's tyrannical hegemony suddenly exploded, as the leader or king of the revolutionary army, how could the dragon not have a tyrannical hegemony?

There actually must be, and unsurprisingly very strong!

Two incomparably powerful tyrannical tyranny collided, black and red lightning flashed in the air non-stop, diffused for miles, the sky were completely affected, the hot and dry desert suddenly overcast, the temperature plummeted, the wind whistled, flying sandstorms, two dust storms spread towards the island!

Chapter 348, shot number nine.

Both of them tested the wave with their Tyranny of Colors, but there was no rush to do anything, they had to take care of the people around Beiga Punk first.

The value of Beiga Punk was immense, so the lineup that protected and monitored Beiga Punk was not to be underestimated.

"Let's thoroughly clean up the idle people first, and after Mr. Bega Punk's affiliation is confirmed, then we'll decide whether to engage or not."

After saying that, Carlos didn't wait for the dragon to reply, his figure moved and disappeared, reappearing already on the other side of the sky, suspended in mid-air.

Earthburst Celestial Star!

Carlos clasped his hands together and opened them, then threw them upwards, and a black ball the size of an adult's fist flew out and flew directly above the Institute below the desert.

A terrifying gravitational force erupted, the earth shook, and countless yellow sands soared into the air, turning into a rushing river in the void, being deadly attached to the black ball, unable to detach halfway, just like an overpowered pump pumping water from a pond.

The dragon will not be indifferent when he sees Carlos do it, he is also very confident in his own strength, unwilling to lose half a point, only experts of the same level as himself will have a strong desire to win, the weak can't excite the strong to win.

The dragon's figure flashed with the wind and moved, supporting the nine heavens above to the other side, dark green cloak dancing in the wind, only to see the dragon stretched out his hands, light green tornado emerged in his hands, hands flung, two tornadoes fly out, wind will be long, falling on the desert will countless yellow sand rolled up into the sky.

Both of them together, the thick yellow sand on the ground was soon swept away, followed by dirt, rock, or Carlos's Earth Bursting Heavenly Star more explosive, very destructive for the earth.

Soon the face of the research base hidden deep underground was shown in the eyes of the two, in the void, a two hundred meters in diameter, a giant yellow ball suspended in mid-air, heavy pressure to forget the dread!

Carlos's deep eyes shone on the earth, the situation in the research base was all but invisible in his eyes, the research base was now in chaos, countless people were concerned about the situation, panicking and choosing to flee.

Only a small area remained calm, ten people with strong and cold breaths were protecting the undersized, white research uniformed Beiga Punk from evacuation, appearing more orderly.

"Heh heh heh" Carlos sneered and waved his hand, the giant yellow ball in the sky fell like a meteor, bringing a terrifying force as well as a strong psychological pressure directly smashing into Beiga Punk's group.

"Your Excellency Dragon, I'll leave the others to you, I'll hold off the target first, is that alright?" Carlos looked to the other side of the dragon, his voice was not loud, but it went straight to his ears.

The dragon nodded silently, just now he contributed less, now this kind of slightly tedious thing to him is normal, he can accept it, and then again he is still better than the other side to make a move.

Bega Punk is naturally the most wanted, but the other scientists for the bottom of the scarce revolutionary army is also a valuable resource, he shot to know the importance of, otherwise these people can fire is not certain.

The wind surged, lightning thundered, and as the dragon acted, the thick dark clouds of rain finally couldn't store any more, like a curtain of rain cascading down, with the sky falling boulders, quite an apocalyptic feeling!

Inside the research base, the ten-man squad that was escorting Beiga Punk's retreating team sensed the boulder falling towards them, and their faces changed slightly.

"You guys protect Mr. Bega Punk first, I'll block it, remember, even if it costs your lives, Mr. Bega Punk can't have a single thing!" The captain of the ten-man squad stepped forward in a cold voice, his face cold and serious, without the slightest emotion, as if it were a purely murderous weapon!

In fact this man was indeed an emotionless killing weapon as well, he was one of the ace masters of the world government spy agency, he had lived in killing since he was a child, no emotions, heart like iron stone, only missions.

Such a killing weapon was the true foundation of the world government spy agency, and there weren't many of them, but there were more than navy generals.

These people were not much worse than the Admiral, and only those who were truly valued by the world government and the really big people were qualified to have them.

For example, the five old stars, the bodyguard that Carlos had seen following the five old stars at Marijoa's castle last time was such an existence, and any more ordinary experts in front of them would be a vegetable!

"Yes!" The rest of them were busy talking, afraid of being half a step too slow, these same people out world government spy agencies, they knew very well what kind of person their captain was

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