I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 315.

Chapter 351 - Moving In

The three of them drank the wine painfully, and for the time being, no one mentioned those words that spoiled the atmosphere.

The three of them sat casually, drinking wine and chatting, mostly talking about some sightings, rare things and so on, but there is a time when the wine will run out, and after the wine is finished, the dragon can't help but be the first to speak up after all.

The dragon took the lead in inviting Beiga Punk to join the revolutionary army, giving very good conditions, the status is even enough to be on par with him, but the direction of the tube is different, in the direction of Beiga Punk's jurisdiction even the dragon does not have the qualification to intervene, only the right to suggest, discuss.

As for what research equipment was needed, where to use it as a research base and so on, there was no need to say anything, as long as they cooperated fully, it would be finished.

At the end, he described the Revolutionary Army's philosophy in detail, complaining about the world government's corruption and decadence, and portrayed the Revolutionary Army as incomparably lofty and majestic, a beacon leading people to happiness!

Now the revolutionary army is indeed great, very normal, that is, after the overthrow of the world government is still great Carlos are not surprised, the key is after, this great, high can maintain how long, sitting on the mountain than fighting the mountain is difficult is not just talk, things are a thousand things, just a human heart is unpredictable enough.

Some people are very strange, once the oppressed people get rid of their oppression, not only can't they appreciate the pain of being oppressed, but they will intensify their oppression of others, they won't even compare their hearts to their minds!

Not everyone was like that, of course, but there was no denying that there were actually quite a few of them, and it was all too normal to become suddenly wealthy, suddenly change status, and lose oneself.

Carlos lit a cigarette beside him, holding up a force field to keep the falling fur out of the rain, listening closely to the Q&A between the dragon and Beiga Punk.

According to Carlos's observation, Beiga Punk was actually a little bit moved, it was normal that Carlos would be moved to replace Carlos in Beiga Punk's place, the conditions were indeed very generous.

But the conditions, only more generous, not the most generous, Carlos was not in a hurry, until the dragon had finished all the words, Carlos exhaled a mouthful of smoke, and spoke slowly.

The dragon and Beiga Punk couldn't possibly disallow Carlos to speak, this matter was done by both of them together, Beiga Punk was even more of a party, not to mention the heartbeat, even if it was already decided, it would be impossible to disallow Carlos to speak!

"Mr. Bergapunk, I give simple terms, and I can give all the Dragon's terms except to be on equal footing with me, but the gentleman is also second only to me."

"In addition to the above conditions, I have two other distinctive conditions."

"First, financial resources, the United States of Darkness under my command, the wealth contained in the God's Eye Bandits is mobilized with Mr. There is no limit, I can build whatever experimental base I want, as many experimental bases as I want, as much as Mr. pleased"

"Secondly, I will give Mr. Power, the power to control my destiny!"

At this point, Carlos's mind moved, and Heavenly Paine instantly elementalized, turning into a blue-white electric light that flew in front of Carlos, then slowly countless electric lights condensed into the appearance of Heavenly Paine, the speed was much slower than the previous elementalization, it was clearly a deliberate display.

"This is the puppet I created, the demonic fruit he ate in life is the natural demonic fruit I obtained from the Air Island, the Ringing Thunder Fruit."

"I'm sure that with his insight, Mr. Natural would have already recognized it, and Mr. Natural understands the true power of this demonic fruit."

"This devil fruit can be at most fifty percent powerful in his hands, in my hands it may exert seventy to eighty percent of its power, only in sir's hands can it exert its full power!"

"The nature of the various electrons must be well known to you sir, this devil fruit is more than enough to protect yourself if you eat it, and the possibility of becoming a top powerhouse in the world is also very high."

"As for how to eat the devil fruit again if you've already eaten it?"

"Destroying him will just recreate the ringing thunder fruit, I already have a few guesses as to how to make it about that, but if I want to verify the guesses, I want sir to verify it himself."

"I believe that with sir's wisdom and scientific ability, it won't take much effort at all to research it out in a directed manner!"

"The power to control destiny, that's the biggest bargaining chip I give, I'm done, sir choose."

"No matter who sir chooses, Sir Dragon and I respect sir's choice, and the loser has the chance to cooperate."

Long's face was a bit ugly, this bastard had already prepared and was so well prepared, he didn't know when he started to calculate, this was difficult.

The power of the Resounding Thunder Fruit he naturally also knew, it was not too much to say that it was an enhanced version of the Shining Fruit, this demonic fruit was too fitting for Beiga Punk, the world's strongest scientist, not only would it bring him the power to control his destiny, it would also be quite helpful in raising the standard of scientific research!

Scientific research everywhere involves the use of electricity.

Now his solicitation was mostly going to fail, the tangible benefits were too tempting and too great!

"His Excellency, Carlos, has also been to Air Island?" Rather than answering directly, Bega Punk asked a seemingly unrelated question and actually made a choice

"Been there, it's fun, it's quite amazing, you can take the gentleman there sometime, there's something desirable about the shelling on the empty island." Carlos smiled faintly.

"That's too good to be true, I've decided to follow His Excellency Carlos you."

"As for His Excellency the Dragon that's a real shame, as compensation, just call me if the Revolutionary Army needs anything to research."

Beiga Punk first promised Carlos with a smile, then turned and became apologetic, changing his face very quickly, and of course with a proper attitude.

What else could the dragon do? It had been agreed at the very beginning, not good to go back on your word, but of course the most important thing was that going back on your word wouldn't take Beiga Punk away, otherwise the dragon would never mind playing a trick on him, after all, Beiga Punk was too valuable.

"I respect Mr. Beiga Punk's choice, the revolutionary army has never been a force to be forced, what we need are like-minded people."

"Since we didn't get to that kind of fate with sir, we won't force it."

"As for Mr. Punk's help, the Revolutionary Army would naturally ask for it, and I'm afraid we'll have to trouble Mr. Punk in the future."

Long spoke out very magnanimous and beautiful words, also very beautiful, also don't know the real thoughts inside, such magnanimity even if pretending is actually very good.

A person who could pretend to be a good person all his life that was a good person!

Of course in the future if there was a chance to get Vegapunk into the Revolutionary Army, would the dragon do it?

The answer is definitely yes, and for the same reason, Beiga Punk is too useful.

That's why Carlos wouldn't allow Beiga Punk to run around until it had the power to defend itself, not only against the revolutionaries, but also against other forces, including the Alliance.

"It's fine, it should be." Bega Punk squinted with a smile.

"It's getting late, there's still a lot going on with the Revolutionary Army, so I'll leave with the other scientists, and I'll see you two later."

The dragon didn't want to stay here, and decisively offered his farewell.

"And wait, are you interested in a fight with me?"

"Well venting venting." Carlos squared off.

"No need, Your Excellency is so well prepared, I didn't lose unjustly, there's nothing to vent about."

"What's more, I'm not the slightest bit confident that I can defeat Your Excellency, that person before Your Excellency was able to take care of it in a short time, asking myself I can't do it."

"Later, when I am confident, I will come back to Your Excellency for advice!"


After saying that, the dragon carried the storm and disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving on a trajectory as clean as a dragon swimming.

"Hey, it's really neat, I still want to find out the bottom of the Revolutionary Army boss, did you perceive my purpose?"

Chapter 352 - The Might of the Underworld King

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that.

The Revolutionary Army needs the help of Beiga Punk, and we'll see how the dragon will shrug it off.

Carlos was also confident that the dragon was no match for him nowadays, because although he could sense that the dragon was strong, he couldn't feel the danger.

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