I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 55

Carlos nodded his head and counted everything.

John Matt didn't mind, he was lively all the time, and with the help of his men, the atmosphere was created quite well.

All kinds of delicious food were constantly placed on the table, all kinds of expensive, expensive wine box by box, as if beer, step on the box to drink, very generous.

After eating dinner, the next program is to take a hot spring.

The hot spring area is very special, not that the hot spring water has any special features, but the place to soak in the hot spring is very special.

The hot spring area is divided into separate areas, usually three meters long and two meters wide, separated by a special glass with all kinds of red-faced paintings on it, commonly known as spring palace paintings.

This kind of special glass is very peculiar, as it looks like you can see outside, and outside you can also see inside, but in reality you can't see outside at all, and inside you can't see outside at all.

But although you can't see it, but you can hear it, the soundproofing here must have undergone special treatment, the sound is not too loud, not too small, it won't be noisy to the guests, just right.

A group of people into this particular area, the ears ringing red malaise sound, Carlos secretly open white eyes a sweep, all the scenery is in full view, even busy white eyes to close.

Boy I'm still just a kid, how could this John Matt bring him to such an exciting place?

Rich people are just so good at it!

Carlos was secretly thrilled, but his face was unmoving, calm and collected.

"Mr. Fei, enjoy yourself, I've arranged for you to have the most beautiful brood in the hotel."

The King's Court Hotel was the highest ranked hotel in Maglin Island, the John family had a considerable share in it, and as quite the youngest son of the audience, John Matt's authority in the hotel was really not low.

After saying that John Matt gave Carlos a wink and then left under the leadership of a waiter, the others, including Degu, were all incredibly skilled in accepting the guidance of the waiters and serving them.

These waiters alone are all very revealing, hot, and every move reveals the taste of seduction.

I Kam!

Is this the life of a rich man? It's so corrupt, so depraved, so addictive!

I'm going to have a good time and then judge them harshly!

Eventually Carlos followed the waiter to his spa room, where he sighed under his breath as he looked at the shameless, explicit paintings on the glass and listened to the vague sounds of malaise coming from around him.

Ugh who can stand up to this?

He's a full-blooded young man!

Should we continue to hold on?

Carlos was struggling with it, and then the door opened and a woman in a white bikini, with a pure face, a rugged body and a blush, entered the spa room and slowly closed the door.

He was about to turn sixteen this year, but according to the degree of physical development, it was enough.

But should we fuck or not?

Did this woman volunteer or was she forced?

Well decided, if it's voluntary, then there's no need to hesitate, if it's forced, forget it, put in a good word for Matt and let the girl off the hook, there should be no problem.

With a basis for making a decision, Carlos coldly said, "Raise your head and look at me."

That pure-faced, scarlet-faced girl looked at him after raising her face at the words, and what caught the girl's eye was a scarlet eye, then it was as if he was half-stunned, and for the time being he didn't know anything.

With the hypnotic power of the Writer's Eye, Carlos peers into the girl's mind and soon gets the answer.

Voluntarily, for the money.

The reason for doing it for the money was also simple, it wasn't that the family was in any trouble, but to live a rich life.

In that case, there was no need to be polite.


Ollie give!

Carlos deactivates his hypnotic powers to bring him back to normal, casually stalls with an excuse that she's distracted, and begins the transformation of the boy into a man

On the other hand, his hypnotic ability of this Writer's Eye seems to be a bit powerful and lewd, if his mind is not correct, he might create a great lecherous devil!

Thankfully, he's pretty righteous with Carlos, so he gets two lifetimes, I guess, hehehe

Chapter 60 - The Beginning of the Fishy Storm

Alas after this hospitality, Carlos all gave birth to a hint of the idea of not unloading the donkey.

The first thing that you need to do is to take a look at the actual shoes or boots that you're wearing.

In the evening at eleven o'clock, a luxurious compartment, everyone has finished their nerves, it is time to talk business.

The only people in the compartment were Carlos and John Matt, the rest were guarding the outside of the compartment and they were to meet in secret.

They sat opposite each other on the soft sofa, the coffee table was filled with some fine snacks and two bottles of wine.

"Mr. Alfie, are you happy with the arrangements for tonight?" John Matt picked up a glass of wine and smiled.

Carlos took a glass of wine as well, and they toasted and sipped their wine.

"It's satisfying, Mr. Matt is generous, a man who does great things."

"Good to be satisfied, speaking of Mr. Fei, he is worthy of being a strong man, in any respect, I heard that the woman in the gentleman's room was helped out of her room, she could hardly walk."

Carlos looked at John Matt at the news and they both laughed at the same time.


The two of them finished laughing heart-to-heart before Carlos spoke up, incomparably confident, "Thanks to Mr. Matt's warm hospitality, you can give Mr. Matt a 10% discount on future business partnerships."

"Truth be told, I came to the Western Sea from the Great Voyage for money, and I need money to do something big."

"What big thing is hard to disclose."

"I just want Mr. Matt to know one thing, my Devil Fruit ability is very good at assassination, plus my own strength."

"I myself can lay down my ravings, there is no one in the entire Western Sea that I cannot assassinate if I get serious!"

"Mr. Matt can feel free to work with me, any slip up and any money earned from Mr. Matt, I'll return it all."

John Matt had no doubt about Carlos' words, being able to kill the strongest person by his second brother's side, the strength was definitely there.

Whether or not he was as strong as he said he was, it would take time to prove it, but someone who dared to say such a thing was either a madman or someone who was truly capable, worth befriending and pulling together!

"I'll take Fei-san's word for it then, I do have a lot of favor to ask of Fei-san."

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