I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 90.

Why would the giant king, an enemy, help Alabastan by creating the original historical monolith that hides the Underworld and its data?

And why have the princes of Alabastan guarded this original historical monument about Hades and the ancient weapon Hades for generations?

The manga and anime show that Vivian and her father and daughter, the Alabastan royals, are very upright, so were the former Alabastan royals upright?

The answer should be very upright, and conversely the king who was one of the twenty who participated in the original crusade against the huge kingdom was also very upright, otherwise why would he have left Marijoa when he won the war, distributed the fruits of victory, and became a super privileged class of Tritons?

This righteous king probably discovered the truth after the war was over and wanted to publish it, but the other nineteen simply disagreed and wanted to make up false history to deceive the world, and thus the conflict arose.

Because Alabastan has the Ancient Weapons of the Underworld, and after a super war, this is a very bad time to fight, and the Nineteen and the man behind the curtain are scrupulous about it, but what does the king of Alabastan have to fear from the Nineteen and the man behind the curtain?

So, the king of Alabastan could only pretend that he didn't know there was a backstage operation, each side took a step back, and the hundred years of history was blanked out, and the king of Alabastan, not wanting to be complicit, also left Marijoa, choosing not to become a Triton.

So what is the context about the possible existence of the blank 100 years, as discussed earlier?

Based on various bits and pieces of speculation from the manga and anime, Carlos has a guess. Having watched the video of the short-haired teacher and agreeing with ninety-five percent and more, here it is, for the confused kids.

Speaking of which, using the One of the D's as a starting point couldn't be better.

The D One clan is a very important setting in the Pirate King, a very important clan, and every time we talk about the D One clan, we're not talking about it.

The D One clan is the natural enemy of God, a title that makes the Tritons and the world government very mindful and wary.

So how did this title come about?

Did it come before the advent of the Triton system or did it come after?

The answer to the latter question obviously predates the advent of the Triton system, and only if you defeat the Triton are you considered a natural enemy, what is a natural enemy if you haven't even defeated one? Who would have nothing to do with calling one of their defeated men a natural enemy?

What about playing?

It follows that a group of self-proclaimed gods existed before the Celestial Dragons came into existence, and it was by confronting and defeating them that the D-Is were known as God's natural enemies!

So who are these people?

Mostly Earthlings who have acquired lunar technology and have grown ambitious to rule Earth, the original world of the Pirate King.

This is from the title page of the Enylu story, from which you can see that the moon's technology is very advanced, and can even create artificial intelligence.

Of course the Lunarians as a whole are very technologically advanced, but not all places are advanced, and like the real world, some places are technologically advanced while others remain backward.

More than nine hundred years ago, the lunar people migrated to Earth because of the depletion of lunar resources, and also brought the lunar high technology to the Earth, which led to the development of Earth's technology.

This may explain why the world's technology tree is so bizarrely eccentric, with some places being extremely advanced and others unimaginably backward.

Not everyone in the moon people had high technology.

There was a group of people who got powerful technology and controlled great power who called themselves gods and began to dominate the world and impose a dictatorial reign of terror.

Some of the people who mastered lunar technology escaped to Air Island, which is now the original inhabitants of Air Island, and they used the unique shelling of Air Island to re-form their country.

The other part of the more primitive moon people established the golden city of Shandora, now known as Sandia, on Gaya Island.

Both the inhabitants of Air Island and Sandia had wings from their backs, and all of them were identical to the wings on the backs of the Lunarians, so they could be said to be the descendants of the Lunarians.

The Lunarians fled to the skies, while the Fishmen and Mermaids, who had always been despised by humans, fled to the bottom of the sea and established the Dragon Palace Kingdom to escape the persecution of those who called themselves gods on land and on the sea.

Ordinary humans were not so fortunate, they could not go up to the sky or down to the sea, they could only live under the slavery of the gods, yet wherever there was oppression there was resistance.

A group of people have secretly set up a resistance group, which includes both ordinary humans and giants, and they have added the letter D in the middle of their names as a symbol, a secret code, so if there is a D in their name, they know they are one of us without having to meet.

The D's have developed a fruit that gives people superpowers, the Devil's Fruit.

They used these supernatural powers to attack like the forces of God, defeating God and showing the world that God was not invincible.

As God's dominance over the world waned, the shipbuilders of the Seven Capitals of Water were freed and joined the rebellion against God, and in order to defeat God, they built a supership, the Ancient Weapon Hades, with Vivian's ancestor as their commander.

In order to fight Hades and turn the tide, God builds the Ancient Weapon Triton, and the two superweapons duel, bringing the world to the brink of destruction.

Ahem, maybe that's why the Pirate King has less land.

The leader of one of the D's clans seeks help from the underwater dragon palace to reduce casualties and to keep the world from being destroyed, and obtains the help of the Awakening Sea King, the Mermaid Princess.

The leader of the D One tribe and the Mermaid Princess agreed to help them solve the problem of racial discrimination after the war was won, so that they could live on land as equals.

The two weapons and the rebellion of the D-1 tribe defeated God, and the world was at peace, and the D-1 tribe who rebelled against God and led everyone to defeat Him was called God's natural enemy!

After that everyone established their own kingdoms, and the D-one clan also established a huge kingdom in Rafdru, and built Noah's Ark in order to fulfill a pact with the mermaid princess.

But the gods were not completely wiped out, and there was a deceitful ambitious man among the remaining D-one clan, this man being Im, who first got his hands on the Ancient Weapons King, and then by various means mixed in with the huge kingdom.

Then by various means, he gained the trust of those with the ability to operate on the fruit of surgery, and underwent immortal surgery to become immortal, then he learned how the demonic fruit was made and began his own plan for revenge.

There's a segment in Punkhasad where Caesar turns ordinary fruit into demonic fruit through a highly poisonous, deathly kingdom.

This doesn't exactly show that the devil fruit is the result of the poison, but it's mostly related.

Im unleashes all kinds of poisonous gas on the giant kingdom, using all kinds of unknown means to frame the giant kingdom and force it to become like Frevans, the home of Law, anyway.

Im then shifts back into an avatar of justice, leading a super alliance of twenty kingdoms to crusade against the Giant Kingdom.

The kingdom was plagued by internal and external troubles, and the D-1 tribe was suffering a lot of casualties. The leader of the D-1 tribe felt that there was nothing he could do, so he made use of the lunar characters that not everyone could understand to create a history of the original, and recorded the origin of the kingdom, the ideas, the location of ancient weapons, and the real history.

The leader of the D One tribe also used the stone tablet to write a letter of apology to the mermaid princess and sent it to the island of fishermen, without the support of the kingdom established by the D One tribe, racism once again became mainstream, and the Dragon Palace Kingdom could only sink into the deep sea again.

The war ended with the king of Alabastan knowing the truth of the war and Im's true nature, but it was too late, the other nineteen kings had been brainwashed by Im's theory of calling God, and it was irreversible.

So the Allied Forces of Alabastan withdrew from Marijoa, taking the King of the Underworld with them, and through the help of the Light and Moon Clan created the original historical monolith to hide the location and information of the King of the Underworld.

This was done to preserve a share of power, lest the Celestial Dragons swell again and want to return to the horrible dictatorships of the past.

Im used the King of Heaven and various machinations to become the highest ranking of the Celestial Dragons, and while it was still his dictatorship, Im, having learned his lesson, established the Five Old Stars system and the World Government, making some superficial chapters to create some constraints on the Celestial Dragons.

The king of Ara Abbas opposed the fabrication of false histories and withdrew from the Twenty Kingdoms, which naturally made Im suspicious, and after investigating Ara Bastian, discovered the stone tablet in the dungeon that recorded the history of the original, that is, the stone tablet that recorded the location and information of the King of the Underworld.

Alabastan has the King of the Underworld, guardian of the Underworld, and naturally has the ability to read and write the stone tablet words, which is to guess the moon, and there is no reason why he wouldn't.

However, Vivian and her daughter do not have this ability, indicating that it has been lost, just as the Kouetsu clan generally lost it in Peachnosuke's generation.

Alabastan's ability to read and write tablets must have been lost in a certain generation of kings as well, and conspiracy theory aside, Im, the world government can't get away with it, so naturally it's too unlikely to be lost.

That's the context, and Carlos is the one who believes most of it, whether anyone else believes it or not. , something to analyze!

Chapter 99 - O'Hara

At the top of Paradise Island, in a small separate garden attached to the Redbud Castle, Carlos sat on the couch with his legs crossed, holding a cigarette, basking in the sun, his eyes on the newspaper, a bottle of wine and some offal on a small table next to him.

"O'Hara, O'Hara" Carlos put the newspaper down casually and smoked with his eyes closed, his mouth agape, his mind weighing whether to dabble or not

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