"Being a wizard trainer in a parallel world (new find the latest chapter!

"Huh? The village chief!"

"Huh? Why did you come out?"

Around the corner, Zhou Jiang, who was walking in a hurry, almost ran into the village chief, and after seeing each other clearly, the four of them stared in surprise.

"The village chief, why are you back? What are you..."

Looking at the village chief, Liu Xing had already guessed the ending inwardly.

Judging from the location of the fast food restaurant they had learned from a villager, it was in front of them and behind the village chief.

But the village chief rushed back at this time...

The village chief smiled and said, "Ah, Wang Yaoer has already started cooking, and I am going back to inform you. I didn’t expect to meet you here. What’s the matter? Where are you going? I’m familiar with this place. , I will take you there!"

Liu Xing: "..."

What else can he say.

Could it be that they are leaving now, so that Wang Yaoer will stop cooking?

Moreover, he had made a decision before he came out. If they had already started cooking, then they would stay and finish the meal before leaving. Is it possible to regret it?


Hot rice...

He wants to eat too!

"Huh?" Looking at Liu Xing who was there, the village head was a little puzzled, not understanding what was wrong with him.

Upon seeing this, Zhou Jiang quickly touched Liu Xing with his elbow.

When reminded by Zhou Jiang, Liu Xing recovered immediately, smiled awkwardly, and replied: "No need to trouble the village chief, we will just stroll around and go back soon."

"Really." The village head didn't doubt he was there, and asked enthusiastically: "Do you want me to take you around? I'm familiar with it!"

"No, no, no." Liu Xing waved his hand and refused.

Just kidding, it's just an excuse, it's cold, who is in the mood to wander outside with an empty stomach, empty stomach, the body heat has long gone!

"You go back first, let's just stroll around and go back right away." Seeing Liu Xing's choice, Kou Jiangbin said to the village chief.

"Hmm." Zhou Jiang nodded to the side and stood in line.


Seeing that Zhou Jiang said so, the village head did not force it.

"Then you come back early, the weather outside is so cold, you haven't had any food yet."

"Yeah." Zhou Jiang nodded in response.

The village chief said nothing, and walked towards the village committee.

After the village chief walked a little farther, Zhou Jiangsan took back his sight.

Kou Jiangbin said, "Shall we go back?"

Listening to Kou Jiangbin's words, Zhou Jiang looked at him in surprise.

They just said to look around and go back later, and now they just follow the village chief back?

This is too slapped...

Although I don’t know that the village chief didn’t see anything, but at least pretend to be a bit like!

Liu Xing also said grimly: "What's the hurry, let's go shopping first!"

A cold wind blew, and the three of them couldn't help but shiver. Kou Jiangbin glanced at Liu Xing with a pity, and said nothing.

Zhou Jiang said: "I'm here, let's go see what fast food restaurant?"

"Yes." Kou Jiangbin nodded without objection.

Just when Zhou Jiang thought that Meteor would not object and was about to leave, he heard Liu Xing's serious words.

"No! Can't go there!"

"Huh?" Zhou Jiang, who was about to move forward, stopped the car and looked at him in confusion.

Kou Jiangbin is similar.

Since he can't return now, it doesn't matter where he goes. It stands to reason that Liu Xing is the same. Why should he oppose?

Is there anything he wants to go here?

To the gazes cast by Zhou Jiang and Kou Jiangbin, Liu Xing's expression remained unchanged, and he looked at Zhou Jiang calmly and said, "Do you think it is appropriate to go hungry and smell the scent of food..."

Zhou Jiang: "..."

Kou Jiangbin: "..."

Zhou Jiang touched his stomach subconsciously.

Swallowed and shook his head.

To be honest, he couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to take out something to eat.

Usually, it's okay to be hungry.

It's hard to be cold and hungry outside.

If there is no food in the stomach, it is difficult to generate heat. They don't wear thick clothes themselves, and they are wandering outside on an empty stomach. They are really cold to death!

"Let's go, just go back and sit and wait." Liu Xing said.

"Okay." Zhou Jiang did not refute.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Jiang and the others returned to the village committee.

At this time, the other team members who were resting in the village committee were drinking hot tea, eating melon seeds, chatting and spanking.

After seeing Zhou Jiang and the others coming back, everyone just greeted them, and then went on to do their own things.

The village chief didn't know where he was going, and he was not here at this time.

Perhaps the leisure room here on weekdays was due to their arrival, and no one came to play at this time.

As soon as Zhou Jiang and the others sat down, he saw an old man outside the door who was about to push the door to enter, and then left.

Seeing this, Zhou Jiang said nothing.

Is he going to chase out and let the old man come back?

Moreover, it was the old man's choice not to come in. He might have left after seeing no acquaintances sitting and playing mahjong. He was not afraid of them. After all, they seemed to have nothing to be afraid of, right?

They are not bandits...

Zhou Jiang and Kou Jiangbin picked up the cups on the table when they left, and then went to the teapot to pour some hot water to drink.

Although Liu Xing does not have the cup given by the village head, he also has a kettle!

It's just that the kettle contains cold water.

Just pour cold water and pick up hot water.

It’s just that it’s a little weird to use a kettle to bring river water here, but no one dares to say anything.

Just like Jack Ma's father.

Do you dare to call him ugly?

Well, dare you.

But in front of him, do you still dare?

I believe that ninety-nine percent of people dare not, even if that one percent dare, they will not say.

When the three of them were drinking hot water and knocking the seeds and nuts in the red plastic plate on the table, someone pushed in again.

This time it was the pilot who came in, that is, the person who took Zhou Jiang and the others to the next mission location.

After the two drivers came in, they scanned the house, and after seeing Zhou Jiang and the others, they immediately walked towards them.

When they came in, everyone in the room looked over, and now they saw them walking towards Zhou Jiang. Although the players didn't look at them blatantly, their movements were much smaller.

Even the loud speaker is gone.

Not to mention the players who were going to watch the show, Zhou Jiang and the others looked at the driver who came in front of them, stared at them and kept silent.

The two drivers wore uniforms and hats. From the outside, they looked a little similar. If they were viewed by a Westerner, 80% of them would not be able to tell who it was. Even Zhou Jiang was a little confused.

If they were to separate, Zhou Jiang would definitely not be able to tell who was who.

Without mentioning Zhou Jiang's feelings, Liu Xing looked at the two standing there, raised his eyebrows, and asked, "Don't you sit?"

Among the two people who seemed to be looking for something, one of them with a flat nose said, "Should we go now?"

"We haven't eaten our food yet, let's wait a moment, and we will leave after we have eaten." Liu Xing took a sip of hot water and said lightly.

Looking at Liu Xing, Zhou Jiang's eyes twitched.

To be honest, if the kettle in Liu Xing's hand is replaced with a teacup, it would be quite compelling, but if you use this green military kettle...



However, before he could finish speaking, Liu Xing interrupted him.

"How long does it take to eat some food, and I am the captain of this operation!"

Hearing the smell of gunpowder in Liu Xing's tone, Zhou Jiang was a little confused.

Are they having a festival?

Although puzzled, Zhou Jiang did not ask.

After all, Kou Jiangbin, who is close to Liu Xing, didn't have any actions, so he was worried.

And they wouldn't fight here either, at most they would be cynicism or something.

Liu Xing and Liu Xing looked at Zhou Jiang and Kou Jiangbin at the Gang Gang, and said calmly, "Is that right? It's as you wish."

After speaking, he nodded to the colleague next to him, then turned and left.

As he walked, he said: "I hope you hurry up, I will wait, the Rockets won't wait."

Liu Xing did not speak, took a sip of hot water, grabbed a melon seed and knocked it off.

The two pilots walked out, and due to the previous tense swords, even after they went out, the room did not become lively again, instead it became quieter.

Although I haven't been watching Zhou Jiang and the others all the time, the people who chatted and talked were gone, and they all changed to playing mobile phones or being in a daze.

Regarding the dull atmosphere, Zhou Jiang and the others have nothing to do. Do you tell them to leave them alone and let them go?

Isn't this a silly fork...

And if it is dull, let it be dull. It doesn't matter to Zhou Jiang anyway. If Liu Xing or Kou Jiangbin is uncomfortable, let them solve it by themselves.

In comparison, he was more curious about the relationship between Liu Xing and the previous driver.

You can know with your ass, Liu Xing and him know each other, and they have no relationship.

And Zhou Jiang wanted to know how Liu Xing offended him, or did he offend Liu Xing?

Although curious, the room was too quiet. Once Zhou Jiang asked, other people would inevitably eavesdrop. In front of so many people, would Liu Xing tell him?

80% is impossible.

So Zhou Jiang could only shut his mouth and resist his curiosity.

Zhou Jiang looked at the team members who were sitting there holding tea cups.

Seeing them still sitting there, showing no signs of curiosity at all, Zhou Jiang knew that they had stayed and left after eating. The village elder had already told them.

After all, the village chief came back first, and after they came back, the village chief disappeared. These team members also held a teacup in their hands, plus Liu Xing said before that they would leave after eating and they were not surprised.

If everything is like this, the result is already obvious.

Shaking his head, Zhou Jiang sighed and stopped thinking.

Thinking about things, but it takes brain cells, and the operation of brain cells also requires energy. He is almost starving to death now, how can there be energy to grab the brain cells to carry out the burden operation?

Looking at Liu Xing and Kou Jiangbin, seeing that they had already started playing with their mobile phones, Zhou Jiang also took out their mobile phones, grabbed a handful of melon seeds on the tray, and played with their phones while licking on the leather pad to cushion their belly.



"I've been waiting for a long time, the meal is ready, come and eat!" The village head opened the door and shouted.

Liu Xing stood up first, walked over, and said, "Thank you, village chief."

"It's okay, it's not easy for you to clear the Rockets base in a cold day. How can you leave your stomach empty again! Just a meal, we can still help with this little favor."

After finishing speaking, he shouted to the other players inside: "Okay, everyone will go to the cafeteria with me, it won't be good if the food is cold."

After speaking, he walked out, and Zhou Jiang and the others hurriedly followed.

The cafeteria in the village was not far from here, it was inside the village committee, and Zhou Jiang and the others walked there for about 30 seconds.

Said it is a canteen, but it is actually not big, after all, it is just a village.

In the village, everyone’s home is not far from the village committee, and they usually go back to their homes to eat. The cafeteria is the place to invite them to eat when the city leaders come, so it is not too big.

When Zhou Jiang and the others arrived there, a fat young man was sitting inside. After seeing Zhou Jiang and the others, he quickly got up and went to the back of the cafeteria window.

"Come on, let me introduce to you, this is Wang Yaoer, in our place, cooking is really a good hand!"

Coming to the front of the window, the village head enthusiastically introduced Zhou Jiang to the people in front of them.

Zhou Jiang smiled and nodded at him, and he responded shyly.

Zhou Jiang and the others were waiting for dinner on an empty stomach, and the village chief did not delay too long. He briefly introduced Zhou Jiang and the others to Wang Yaoer, and then asked Wang Yaoer to deliver food to Zhou Jiang and them quickly.

These foods are all packed in stainless steel insulated boxes, and the dishes inside are all the same, with three meats and one vegetarian, chicken thighs, pork ribs, braised pork and cabbage.

The rice and chopsticks are distributed by the village head.

"Thank you, thank you village chief."

After receiving the meal, he thanked the two of them. Zhou Jiang and the three of them left first, walked to a table not far away and sat down, and then the people in line hurried forward.

All of a sudden, the voice of "thank you" kept flowing in the cafeteria.

After everyone received the box lunch, the village chief and Wang Yaoer did not come forward to disturb Zhou Jiang and the others. Instead, they sat behind the cafeteria window. Zhou Jiang could see that the village chief was constantly talking to that Wang Yaoer. In the meantime, I would look at them from time to time~www.ltnovel.com~ and don't know what they are doing.

But Zhou Jiang didn't think much.

Let's talk when you are full!

Although they can stay for a hot meal, the time is really urgent.

If they were late and the Rockets ran away, it would be bad, so everyone was eating as fast as they could.

Okay... In fact, even if you don’t want this, everyone’s eating speed will not be slow. After all, everyone has been hungry for a long time. At present, who can eat slowly?

On average, each person ate two bowls of rice, and the late "lunch" came to an end until no one else had to eat it.

After eating, the other team members sat in place to rest, Zhou Jiang and the three of them came to the village chief and them.

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