"Being a wizard trainer in a parallel world (new find the latest chapter!

Zhou Jiang and the others threw more than 60 elves, and the Rockets were not bad there. There were more than 80 elves thrown out!

Although the overall strength is one rank worse than Zhou Jiang's side, they have a big advantage in number.

As for which side will have the upper hand when they are put together...

This is hard to say.

The result will be known after doing it!

"Fire-breathing dragon, big characters explode!"

"Thunder and lightning zebra, one hundred thousand volts!"

"Fuck crocodile, the wave of evil!"

"Thunder Beast..."

Suddenly, the shouts of the people and the explosion of the elves' skills collided.

At this moment, the Rockets are over there.

The Rockets who were still in the channel suddenly opened their eyes with closed eyes next to them!


The Hudiers gave a low cry, and then the two hands holding the spoon slammed into force, and then the two spoons in their hands were directly bent.

This is more than that, the head of the bent spoon suddenly turned and pointed to the ceiling ahead!

Hu Di also stared at him suddenly.

The eight spoons in the hands of the four Hudi, although they are in different locations and different directions, they point to the same place!

The Hudi's anomaly was noticed by the Rockets.

Although they are very concerned about the fighting of the elves in the outside room, they will not ignore them. After all, this is related to their lives!

Seeing the strangeness of the Hudi, the Rockets instantly understood that this was an elves with a ghost system that came and sneaked in!

In an instant, everyone was angry.

They are the Rockets, synonymous with despicable evil, they haven't done this yet, Zhou Jiang, the prosecutor of the alliance, and the guardian of justice actually follow them?


"Hu Di, use to see through!" a Rockets shouted.

It seems that among these Hudi, there is only one provided by him.

When the Rockets shouted out, Hu Di didn't care about it, turned around and ran!

Four Husbands, it has only one person, how can it stand it?

Moreover, the super power system doubled its poison system, which was even more unstoppable.

Now the two outside parties are fighting, if it is caught inside, and then Zhou Jiang and the others do not find it, then it is absolutely a pill!

Geng Gui is very smart and understands his crisis at this time.

So it didn't dare to run directly, no matter how fast it could run, it wouldn't be as fast as the thought power of the super power elves!

If it doesn't do anything and just runs without care, it's afraid that it won't run very far before being caught by the four Husbands.

So when Geng Gui was running away, he raised his hand and gave the Rockets two waves of evil.

Geng Ghost's attack faced the Rockets and the others, and the evil skills were immune to super powers.

Although the Rockets have other elves guarding them besides the wilds around them, they dare not bet.

So out of the moss that was required to use [See Through], the other three moss are ready to use skills to stop the wave of evil.

Hu Di's see-through was successfully used, and the red beam shot directly past. After sweeping the Geng Ghost, the invisible Geng Ghost was forced to appear.

Although [see through] this trick is harmless, but it is also very uncomfortable for the elves in invisible state to be photographed by this trick.

Although Geng Gui was mentally prepared in advance, he was forced to show himself and stopped running away.

It's not that it doesn't know the current crisis, but that it was forced to show itself after being exposed to this red light!

Fortunately, the red light only lasted for a short second, and Geng Gui's previous evil fluctuations and Hudi's seeing through had also successfully attracted Zhou Jiang's attention.

Of course, although Zhou Jiang and the others discovered that Geng Ghost was discovered, they can support it and make it retreat safely, but this does not mean it is safe now.

Although it is not in the passage at this time, it is behind the elves of the Rockets!

Had it not been for Zhou Jiang and the elves on their side to fight against them, the fight would be inextricable, and Geng Ghost would have been caught fire by them long ago!

Geng Gui can't help but save.

Although the elves in front were dragged, the elves on the Rockets side were also dragged, and they also had Shanaido they could use.

If it is not, they can also release new elves to top the wave.

So Geng Gui's safety problem is not a big problem.

Shanaido and a few Hudi shots.

Shanaiduo used to support the elves in group battles, but now, Zhou Jiang and the others can't just give up, so she can only withdraw the support for the elves in front of them and go to support Hu Di.

Fortunately, this is a large-scale elf battle, even without Shanaido, she is not a problem.

After all, Shanaido can only allocate less than half of her strength to help. If she fully displays her superpowers, it will be of great help to the battle situation.

Zhou Jiang and the others had Shane Duo here to help, and the Rockets' attack on the ground was blocked.

There are a few elves on the front line of the Rockets who want to sneak attack on Geng Gui, but Geng Gui is so slippery that they didn't even hit it!

The front-line battle itself is fierce, and the elves on the Rockets side can't keep chasing the Geng Gui. Basically, it just takes the time to make a shot, so it doesn't matter if Geng Gui is not hit.

After all, if Geng Gui slips away, nothing will happen, but if the front line is breached, it will be cold.

Well, especially not to let the hard vortex water blade of Menus rush in!

After having suffered a loss, the elves on the Rockets side were very wary of Zhou Jiang's Minas. Even an ordinary water gun would have to rush to set fire to kill, for fear that there would be some moths.

Fortunately, Menas didn't use hard vortex water blades, otherwise there was a huge waterspout in the middle of this place, and Zhou Jiang and the others would be uncomfortable.

After all, the Rockets' mission is to delay time, while Zhou Jiang's mission is to attack.

Once the waterspout appears, the elves of the Rockets will definitely not attack.

After all, it only appeared in the middle of the field and would not attack them.

There is a waterspout across, the Rockets' elves can not fight, but Zhou Jiang and their elves can't, so the elves on their side need to expend extra physical strength and energy to solve the waterspout, absolutely blood loss.

Meinas didn't expect this, it was in charge of fighting.

The grasp of the situation and these things are all left to Zhou Jiang to complete.

And it doesn't use a hard vortex water blade, so Zhou Jiang naturally asked Shanaido to inform it.

After Geng Gui finally suffered three thoughts, he managed to return to Zhou Jiang and the others. Although his physical strength was lost a lot, there was no danger, at least there were no accidents.

As for its mission failure...

No one expects it to succeed anyway...

It’s just a try. It’s good if it succeeds, but it’s okay if it fails.

However, Geng Gui failed, but they were not without other sneak attacks.

The method of digging tunnels like the one used at the last Rockets base is very good.

Zhou Jiang had already let Shanaiduo explore, and the steel plate under their feet was not thick, so there was absolutely no problem in letting the elves dig.

The only trouble is that Geng Ghost has been discovered, so the Rockets and others may be very vigilant, so even if they dig to their side, they dare not go directly.

But anyway, it was just a dark child, just like Geng Gui. It was good to be successful, but it didn't matter if he didn't. Therefore, Zhou Jiang didn't hesitate to let Shanaiduo explore the surroundings with his mind power, and don't let Hu Di's mind power stretch over.

Otherwise, they would expose the plan without digging through...

There was no warning message from Shanaido, so Zhou Jiang stepped back two steps and came to a trainer of King Chuanshan.

Fortunately, Zhou Jiang remembered him. When he and Liu Xing were in the last base operation, it was his Chuanshan King who went to dig a hole.

After having an experience, Chuan Shan Wang must be familiar with this business, right?

Zhou Jiang and Kou Jiangbin were standing in the front, and now they stepped back, so everyone looked over.

Zhou Jiang didn't care, and said directly to the people around him: "Let your Chuanshan King make a hole, right?"

After hearing what Zhou Jiang said, the man smiled slightly, "Of course!"

Let your own Chuanshan King make a hole?

Of course you should come down!

This is a good thing!

Regardless of success or failure, his credit will increase after the time is over.

If he succeeds, then he will make a lot of money!

The King Chuanshan got the command of the master and started to dig a hole directly on the spot.

Zhou Jiang and the others are in the passage, and the Rockets are also in the passage, and the two passages are not opposite, but one under the room and one on the left side of the room.

Across the wall, the Rockets are not afraid of seeing them, so the only thing you need to pay attention to is the sound of digging.

Fortunately, the fight was fierce outside, and it could provide cover for Chuanshan Wang, but even so, it needs to be careful.

After all, the sound of claws tearing the alloy is different from the sound of fighting outside.

If you make a sharp sound, there is a risk of exposure.

However, it didn't make any mistakes last time, and once experienced Chuanshan Wang, I believe it will be more secure this time.

King Chuanshan began to dig holes, Zhou Jiang also returned to the front of the team.

It has been almost twenty minutes since Zhou Jiang and the others rushed into the base.

Zhou Jiang estimated that it would take the Rockets people more than half an hour to collect information from the base, that is, they only have ten minutes left!

Zhou Jiang was a little worried about this.

Is it possible for someone to run away again?

Or did they release all the elves and fight desperately?

But as soon as this thought came up, it was extinguished by Zhou Jiang.

It would be too dangerous if all the elves were released.

Although they are protected by elves, no one can guarantee that these elves can safely protect them.

If they hold the elves in their hands, even if the elves placed outside cannot stop the threat, they can release the elves.

And the convenience inside is almost full, there is really no room left.

There are more than 140 elves on both sides. These are not small elves, they are all medium and large elves...

Although Chuanshan Wang started to dig holes, he could not press Bao on it.

It can only be regarded as a hidden child, a surprise.

Zhou Jiang reached out and pressed his chest.

On his chest, there is a necklace, but because of the amount of clothes he wears, it can't be seen.

The necklace is the keystone of Mega Evolution Stone, and Big Needle Bee and Xanadu also carry the Evolution Stone.

Perhaps, is it time for a wave of evolution?

Normally he seldom let them evolve, after all, they are very strong, basically they can't beat them.

And like the current team fight, he was afraid of accidents, so he held this big move and prepared to wait until the critical moment.

After all, Mega can only evolve once in a short time!

Like the Big Needle Bee and Xanadu, he can only selectively evolve one, and two Mega-evolved elves cannot exist at the same time.

And even if the elves he chose degenerate from the form of Mega evolution, another Elf Mega cannot evolve in a short time.

It's as if this keystone has energy, and evolving an Elf Mega will consume all the energy, which can only be restored after a period of time.

Of course, this is just a metaphor.

It's not because of Keystone.

After all, if it consumes the energy in the keystone, then Zhou Jiang should bring two keystones on him.

This thing is a treasure that can't be found for others, but it's just like that for Zhou Jiang.

Although a keystone of five thousand points is not cheap for him, at least there is a way to get it.

If it was really because of the keystone, Zhou Jiang would have replaced it long ago.

As for why he didn't change another experiment and knew it was not a keystone...

Mega evolution is no longer a secret now. Due to the extremely strong elves after Mega evolution and the new elves form, various alliances have sowed a large amount of funds for Ph.Ds to study the secrets of Mega evolution.

Naturally, this most common phenomenon has already been announced.

It’s just that Mega’s evolution is rather mysterious. Although the problem has been discovered, the cause and solution have not been found yet.

After all, it hasn't been long since the discovery of Mega evolved.

There is only one chance for Mega to evolve now, and there is a long time between the second evolution and two hours, so Zhou Jiang needs to seriously consider who he wants to evolve.

To be honest, ~www.ltnovel.com~ he didn't let the elves Mega evolve in the previous team fight, and part of this is because...

After all, for him who has difficulty in choosing, it is really difficult to make this choice.

But now he won’t be able to choose...

At present, Shanaido has consumed a lot of physical strength. After all, she has been maintaining the state of mind activation. Before in this passage, she blocked the Rockets' attack with a few other lands and helped Menus’s hard vortex water blade to pass over. After consuming a lot of physical strength, he cracked the waterspout with mental strength, and finally lost a lot of physical strength after rest.

In the case of Big Needle Bee, although its physical strength is sufficient, it is a melee elf after all.

Now the elves in the room in front of them are almost full, and the skills in the room are flying around. Now it dare not rush to it, for fear of being caught in the middle of the fire, so it can only stay in front of its own elves to help stop the opposite flight. Overcoming skills.

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