"Being a wizard trainer in a parallel world (New Find the latest chapter!

It is impossible to turn on both the domineering color and the needle bee in the normal state at the same time, but after the evolution of Mega, the Mega needle bee that has gained new power can do it easily!

A red glow flashed through Mega's eyes, and then a mysterious feeling rose in its heart.

The vision of the place that was originally only visible to the two sides suddenly became wider.

Underneath and behind him are all within its field of vision!

Whether it was the attacks launched by the elves of the Rockets in front or the attacks of the teammates behind them, they were all easily caught by the Big Needle Bee.

This is the domineering effect of seeing and hearing, all-round field control!

Although Big Needle Bee’s domineering and domineering experience has not yet been cultivated to the extreme, and there is no anti-sky effect for predicting the future, this kind of 360-degree field of view is already very impressive, and there is no blind spot of vision. Coupled with the speed of Big Needle Bee, don't even want to hit it unless it is inevitable!

Moreover, after Mega’s evolution, it can also use Jianqie while using the color of sight and hearing. With the [Jianqie] that "can evade all skills", the possibility of Big Needle Bee being hit is even lower.


A ray of freezing light flew to the big needle bee first.

However, this icy blue beam passed straight through the head of the Big Needle Bee in the next second!

This is certainly not a big needle bee, but just an afterimage.

After all, the freezing light is not so powerful, it can directly penetrate the elves.

It's impossible to destroy the dead light, let alone freeze the light.

But having said that, the world of elves doesn't have the ability to penetrate elves in one strike, right?

Excluding melee combat, those energy attacks seem to hit the elves with cuts and bruises at most, and they are just about to die.

It doesn't seem to have penetrated the body of the elf directly.

The freezing light passed through the afterimage of the big needle bee, and fell on the potted metal floor with a lot of water. In an instant, a thick layer of ice crystals was laid on the steel plate within one meter of the landing point.

The fastest freezing light shot through the afterimage of the Needle Bee, and the other elves arrived in front of the Needle Bee!

Although the speed is fast and the "field of view" is wide, the range of the Rockets' attack is too big!

Even the Mega Needle Bee can't fly over without a hit.

But it's okay, with Shanaido's mental power as a support, as long as a large number of attacks do not fall on it in an instant, then it is nothing to fear.


A large number of skills failed and slammed straight to the floor.

All kinds of flames, thunder, cold, and vapor from ice and water instantly covered the floor.

Fortunately, although the floor is made of steel, this steel is not ordinary steel. It does not conduct electricity!

Otherwise, the two sides wouldn't have to fight to such an extent, and it would be over if they attacked directly with the electric elves.

The floor is full of steel plates. If it is not protected against electricity, a bunch of Thunder Elves can use one hundred thousand volts together, which will definitely make the other party evaporate (physically)!

On the Big Needle Bee, although it has avoided more than 95% of its skills due to its excellent speed and anticipation, there are always some skills it can't avoid.

And there are some tracking skills similar to [High Speed ​​Star].

Because the speed of the big needle bee is too fast, even Xanadu cannot fully capture the silhouette of the big needle bee, so Xanaduo's assistance to the big needle bee is to directly make the mind power into a semicircular shield and then top it. In front of the big needle bee, used to intercept skills.

Otherwise, with Shanaido’s control ability, you can completely make your mind power into a "battle suit" and put it on the big needle bee. Only when the skills fall on the big needle bee will it be consumed to help resist, and the big needle bee can If it was intercepted with a spear, Shanaido didn't need to waste any energy.

But there is no way, who made the current Big Needle Bee's speed so fast that Xanadu couldn't catch it?

If Xanadu also evolved from Mega, he would be able to easily capture its figure. Unfortunately, Mega Evolution can only allow one elf to evolve in a short time, otherwise it would be perfect.

Shanaiduo's mind shield successfully stopped the attack on Needle Bee, and Needle Bee continued to rush toward the Rockets' elves!

Now, the Rockets and their elves only have the last wave of attacks.

After this wave of attacks fell, if the Big Needle Bee was not stopped, it would be able to rush directly in front of them!

However, it is not so easy to stop the Needle Bee, not to mention that there is now the assistance of Shanaido and the remote support of other elves behind him.

In addition to attacking the Big Needle Bee, the elves on the Rockets also continued to move towards Zhou Jiang and their elves.

But that little part is really just a little part.

Originally, the confrontation between the two sides was basically the same, but now most of the attacks of the Elves on the Rockets side are towards the Big Needle Bee, so there is less of the Elves on the wave with Zhou Jiang.

Originally, the Rockets had a slight advantage on the wave between the two sides, but now that there are a lot of elves missing, the elves of Zhou Jiang and the elves on their side are all cheering up again, so the current counter wave The situation is that Zhou Jiang's attack on the Elf regiment directly overwhelmed the attack on the Rocket Elf regiment, and then a lot of skills fell towards the Rocket Elf regiment.

Forty or fifty skills, overwhelmingly fell towards the Rocket Elf group, the momentum was unusually large.

Once these skills fall in the middle of the elves, then the elves of the Rockets will definitely be greatly injured.

However, since the Rockets dared to let the elves attack the needle bee first, they must have a certain degree of certainty to withstand these attacks. Otherwise, even if they destroy the needle bee and are overwhelmed by a bunch of skills, they still suffer heavy losses. Will be killed, so they dare to do so, they must have a certain degree of certainty.

However, although they don't know what that "grasp" is, the Rockets and their previous expectations must be a wave of skills to directly solve the big needle bee, otherwise there will not be so many skills blasting towards the big needle bee.

Otherwise, even if the elves want to face up, they won't be so excited, so that three-quarters of the elves' attacks are directed at the big needle bee.

Obviously, when the Big Needle Bee intercepted in front of its own elves, the Rockets could see its strength, and felt that its strength must be an elves like the captain, so it would only be when the Big Needle Bee rushed into the face. Let so many elves attack the big needle bee.

Otherwise, just send a few elves to intercept them. After all, even if they rush to the opposite side, there are still a bunch of melee elves waiting for it.

But no matter what, anyway, the Big Needle Bee has not lost the fighting ability as they expected.

Not only did the big needle bee not lose its fighting ability, but it was also harmless?

Moreover, Zhou Jiang and the others here also attacked the Elf Group. This is a big crisis!

Regardless of how the Rockets would respond, Zhou Jiang, who had a big advantage in an instant, was ready to expand the results, so he shouted at Minas in the room: "Minus, attack!"

Zhou Jiang's shouts were mixed with the shouts of other players from time to time. It was a bit inconspicuous and was not heard by the Rockets, but the players around Zhou Jiang did.

Hearing Zhou Jiang's voice, the eyes of the members of the previous team with Zhou Jiang brightened.

Is this going to use a hard vortex water blade?

The fruit of the previous Hard Vortex Water Blade was so fruitful that they were amazed, so when Zhou Jiang seemed to let Menus do this trick again, they were all excited.

As long as these elves are destroyed and the Rockets on the opposite side are captured, they can rush in!

Now the lights have not gone out, and the equipment operation of the base has not been shut down. Obviously, this is a situation where the people inside have not run away.

As long as they rush in now, they can properly catch the "big fish" in this base!

The most valuable items in the Rockets’ base are the scientific researchers, materials and equipment.

Although this is a small base, it is a scientific research base, where there are no matter important people or data equipment. Once they live online, they will make a lot of money this time!

As long as the data is valuable, even if the points they earn in this action are evenly divided, they can be exchanged for some ordinary items. If they add other things plus points from the mission, then exchange for a rare item. Props are not a problem at all!

Of course, all this is in smooth operation, the "big fish" in this base has not escaped, and the data equipment has not been destroyed.

Generally speaking, in the Rockets base, the most difficult to obtain is the information and equipment.

In the Rockets base, there are just a few "valuable" ones.

The top commander and other personnel of the base, experimental materials, experimental equipment, and experimental products.

As for the top command and other personnel, if they ran away, 80% of them would take away the experimental materials and test products. After all, if they ran without taking anything, the Rockets would not let them go, so they basically dare not. Run directly.

In other words, if the top command and other personnel disappear, then the experimental data and experimental products will also disappear, and the experimental equipment will be directly destroyed. In this case, except for a base that is almost empty and some combatants, the inspection The officer will not gain anything.

And if the Supreme Commander and others have no time to run away, then when the prosecutors and the others attack, they will probably choose to destroy the information.

In the case of experimental equipment and experimental products, because there are too many items and they are physical, it may be difficult to completely destroy them, so their "rarity" is also moderate.

Only the data in the device is the most difficult.

With one key press down, even if Zhou Jiang and the others rushed fast, those data would be difficult to retain.

Unless the top command of the base is timid and afraid of being cleaned up by the prosecutors and tortured, he dare not delete the data!

However, even if only the person in charge of the base has achieved good results, after all, this base is an experimental base, and there must be a PhD here. Although the ability may not be good, after all, I do scientific research in such a small base. No matter how bad it is, it is also a doctor who can serve as a base. In the Rockets, the weight is definitely there.

And as long as the Rockets value it, then the prosecutors will get more points (laughs)!

When they thought that they were about to attack and capture a large number of scientific researchers and experimental materials, the team members became excited, and their voices for the orders given by their elves became louder.

On the field.

The Rockets also started to make a decision.

A wave of losses did not take away the big needle bee, really blood loss.

But it's done, the Rockets can't just complain and do nothing.

Although the wave of "mistakes" has caused them to fall into a major disadvantage now, if they do nothing, it is obvious that they will fall. They still want to intercept Zhou Jiang and the others for a certain period of time and then run away, but they can't just stop there. !

Soon, the Rockets gave the order.

Regardless of Big Needle Bee, after resisting Zhou Jiang's attack this round, then counterattack normally!

As for the big needle bee that has already smashed into the face...

Let the melee elves do it!

Even if you are a big needle bee, it is still limited. We can't beat you with dozens of elves together?

And even if we can't beat it, we still have support here!

The 80-odd elves on the field are less than half of their hands. If the field is not full, they can release more!

If dozens of big needle bees can beat 20 or 30 elves, then they can make up infinitely.

The big needle bee definitely needs physical strength to fight. More than 80 elves have been grinding them, are they afraid that they won't die?

As long as the elves that seem to be the captain of the prosecutor die, no matter how many elves are replaced, they won't lose!

Of course, this is under the premise that they only need more than twenty elves to solve the big needle bee...

With the orders of the owners, the elves of the Rockets began to perform their duties.

The long-range elves give up attacking the needle bee and use their skills to intercept the skills that are about to be connected to them, while the melee elves go to beat the needle bee!

Of course, all the elves in melee combat cannot be dispatched. After all, it is still very difficult to perfectly stop the skills that are about to be thrown in the face, so the defense of the melee elves is needed.

Although the Rockets still have a lot of elves to supplement, so in theory, even if this wave is not defensive, let the elves "sacrifice" it is also possible, but the truth is that the Rockets do not understand.

And this is no longer a problem of "province"!

After receiving the order from the eight melee elves standing in front for protection, UU reading www.uukanshu.com ran towards the big needle bee, and the other elves also began to accumulate their strength, preparing to meet the flying skills.

As for the big needle bee...

Eight elves have gone to challenge it. Could there be any problems?



Zhou Jiang's elves' skills here and the skills issued by the Rockets' elves met.

A large number of skills collided on the top of the Rocket's Elf Group and exploded. In addition, there were also many skills that were not stopped and fell towards the Elf Group.

At this time, it's time for the melee elves guarding in front of the elves to come out!

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