Just do it!

   After choosing the fishing net, Zhou Jiang slowly waited.

There are a lot of fish swimming in   , but most of them are ugly fish and carp king.

   Zhoujiang will wait until there is no obstacle between the turret and the horned goldfish before launching.

   Suddenly, Zhou Jiang's eyes lit up, and a horned goldfish and a Gotha duck were swimming together!

  Gotha Duck is the existence of 20 game coins, and there are no fish in the way between the turret and the Gotha Duck!

   Without hesitation, Zhou Jiang immediately changed the fishing net of the highest specification and shot at the Gotha Duck...

   With a snap, the fishing net exploded, and instantly caught the Gotha duck, horned goldfish and a king carp.

   In other words, I earned 5 game coins in one fell swoop!

   Looking at the 105 game coins in stock, Zhou Jiang felt happy.

   Go on like this, Guisi still...

and many more!

   If you earn 7 game coins in 1 minute...

   An hour is 420, and Guisi needs 100w...

   If you play 24 hours a day without sleep, it will take 99 days to reach 100w...

   And it takes a certain amount of luck. If you don't meet it, I don't think you can turn much in an hour!



   Zhou Jiang's heart instantly chilled.

   After a few moments, Zhou Jiang shook his head.

   Now is the time to play, why do you think so much!

   Even if you can’t change to Ghosts, you can earn a little by selling the game currency to those players.

   Although there are not many...

   Speaking of money... Zhou Jiang remembers that his elves are still being sold on the auction network... Until now, no one has bought their elves...

   Regardless, now is game time!

  Game, start!

   Except for those "boss", as long as Zhou Jiang saw those elves pasted together, he would make the one with the highest value among the two elves and then choose the fishing net.

   And Zhou Jiang also caught all the carp kings, so in half an hour Zhou Jiang has earned more than 50 game coins...

   It would be nice to have such a conscience in the game of the previous life...

   If you transfer 50 yuan in half an hour, it will be 800 yuan in 8 hours a day!

   This Nima... 2w monthly income...

   Two hours later, Zhou Jiang has been sitting here fishing for fish, and there are many people around Zhou Jiang watching.

   Zhou Jiang didn't know what to say to these people who watched him play games and exclaimed.

   From what they said after exclaiming, Zhou Jiang learned that this "deep sea fishing" game is difficult to play...it is one of the most difficult games in the game hall...

   Zhou Jiang is going to vomit. Such a simple game is difficult?

   It's obvious that those slot machines are very difficult!

   And I am embarrassed by so many of you looking at me from behind!

   After shooting your own fishing net, you will exclaim every time and take a breath...


   Global warming is all your responsibility! !

   Looking at the time, Zhou Jiang didn't count the number of game coins in the coin box, so he closed the box and carried it away.

   It's time to gather.

When    came to the front desk, Zhou Jiang realized that the three of them were already waiting there.

   "Oh, how is it? How many game coins are left?"

   Seeing Zhou Jiang coming, Zhou Nan waved his hand quickly.

   Zhou Jiang watched them empty-handed, knowing that they have lost all the game currency boxes...

   Zhou Jiang smiled and sighed sadly.

   "Haha, did you lose all? It's okay, we all lose!"

  Chen Yongning came over and patted Zhou Jiang on the shoulder: "It's okay, the first time I played it like this, I didn't lose as badly after so long. You are already very strong after losing two hours!"

   said, he took out four game coins from his pocket.

   "I have four game coins here, just enough for us to finish the last game, come and try?"

   Zhou Nan sighed and waved his hand: "Hey, forget it, don't play, it's too difficult, I never won, before. A game coin will be lost soon."

   Zhou Nan secretly lamented the difficulty of the game. After losing before, he sneaked back and exchanged 400 game coins, but he still lost it...

   Xu Feng also nodded.

  Although he was unwilling to say that, he did lose miserably...even before Zhou Nan finished losing the game currency...

   After losing, he sneaked back and exchanged for 300 game coins, but he still lost...

  I was thinking about Zhou Nan and Zhou Jiang, I am really useless...

   Looking at the two men with sad faces, Zhou Jiang smiled and handed Zhou Nan the coin box.

   Zhou Nan took the coin box, but because of too many coins, he almost couldn't hold it firmly, so he hugged him tightly.

   I found out when I recovered. its not right! Why is this coin box so heavy!

   Xu Feng and Chen Yongning also looked at Zhou Nan in surprise, what's the matter?

   Zhou Nan suddenly thought of something, looked at the coin box with an incredulous face, looked up at Zhou Jiang, and saw that he was smiling and looking at himself.

   Zhou Nan swallowed and slowly opened the box in his hand.


   Looking at the game coins in the box that was almost full, the three of them swallowed unconsciously.

   Looking at the three people who looked at him in shock, Zhou Jiang satisfied his vanity to a great extent.

   Chen Yongning looked at Zhou Jiang with emotion: "Zhou Jiang, you actually..."

   Zhou Jiang nodded proudly.

   Not bad, I am so awesome!

   "You actually changed so many game coins again!"


   Zhou Jiang almost fell off his feet.

   What the hell? I changed the game currency again?

   Looking at the eyes of the three of them, Zhou Jiang said that his soul has been hit hard.

   You guys doubt me!

   "Hey! What are you thinking, I won back!"

   "Huh? You won back?"

   Zhou Nan looked up and down Zhou Jiang, then reached out his hand and touched Zhou Jiang's forehead.

   "It's me, and I don't have a fever. I actually said such inferior lies~www.ltnovel.com~Are we so good to cheat?

   Zhou Jiang twitched the corner of his mouth, patted Zhou Nan's fat pig hand, took the coin box, and walked towards the "deep sea fishing".

   "Come with me! I dare to doubt my skills. It seems that you don't know my strength if you don't give it to you!"

   Zhou Nan looked at each other, shrugged, and then followed Zhou Jiang's steps.

   Chen Yongan looked at Zhou Jiang's back and muttered to himself.

   really won?

  No, no, no, how could it be possible, I won so many in two hours, at least more than 700 coins, how is this possible!

   If it really wins, then I will broadcast...


   "My Cao!"



   Seeing the change from 5 coins to more than 20 coins, the three of them are really served!

   This is only three minutes, and I actually made 15 coins!

   "Big brother, please bring it!"

   "Are you still missing a pendant on your thigh..."


   One word, cool!

   Hearing the praise of the three, Zhou Jiang didn't feel ashamed at all, but felt unusually comfortable.

   "How about it, let me take it now."

   "Hmm! The boss is what the boss says, but when will the boss teach us?"


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