I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 112: Zhou Nan comes on

   The others also nodded.

   is really quite shocking, [Ice Missile].

   But now is not the time to sigh, Zhou Nan is about to play!

   Looking at Zhou Nan, who was waving to the audience, Zhou Jiang couldn't bear to look directly...

   Zhou Nan’s opponent should be considered an acquaintance of several people.

   She is also a student of "One Day School", named Chen Xi.

   However, girls did not participate in the "friendship" melee in the previous two schools, so they have not met yet.

   Of course, although Zhou Jiang and the others do not know her, she does know them.

   After the two sides were in place, they threw the poke ball together at the referee's signal.

  Zhou Nan's first elves is Nidolino. After all, only two elves can be used, so the victory or defeat in the first game will determine the momentum and other issues.

   As long as you win the first game, the second game will be much easier.

   But the other person guessed that Zhou Nan would send Nitorino, so her first elf was a pangolin!

As the elves of the ground type, the pangolin doubly restrains the elves of the poison type, while Nidolino, as the elves of the pure poison type, has the bonus of poison skills but only half the effect when hitting the pangolin, which is in disguise. "Seal" its poison skills.

   Of course, you can still use it, but the effect is not good. Consume the same physical strength in exchange for poor damage, it depends on what the user thinks.

  The elves of the ground system are not afraid of the fighting system skills. If this happens, the pangolin will unilaterally restrain Nitorino.

   "Mountain rat, dig a hole!"

  As soon as the two elves came out, Chen Xi gave orders to the pangolin, who quickly digged into the ground beneath him, got in within three seconds, and disappeared on the ground.

   Zhou Nan could not help but feel a headache looking at the disappearing pangolin and the big hole in the ground.

   can only hope that Nidolinuo itself.

   "Nidolino, be vigilant!"

   Nidolino nodded, and then concentrated on, carefully feeling the changes under the soles of the feet.


   I saw Nitorino's limbs push hard, and instantly disappeared from the place.

   A big hole was opened where Nidolino was originally standing, and the penguin rat jumped out of it!


   Seeing that the pangolin missed Nitorino, Chen Xi was slightly flustered.

   Now the pangolin is flying in the air, it is easy to be attacked, if it is hit by Nitorino a few times, then it will die.

   "Mountain rat, high-speed star!"

   "Good job! Nidolino, second kick!"

   Nitori Norton paused for a while and ran towards the mountain rat quickly.

   Pieces of yellow stars hit Nitorino’s face, and Nitorino only shook it at the beginning and then stopped shaking and continued to run towards the mountain rat.

  Since he hadn't jumped much before, Nitorino suddenly came in front of the pangolin.

   Enduring the pain of being beaten just now, Nidolino quickly turned around, raised his hind legs high, and stomped toward the mountain rat, as if to return all the pain he had just suffered.

   And of course the mountain rat didn't froze, waiting for its attack to fall on him.

  The whole body of the penguin rat curled up and became a ball.

   Although it’s too late to use [Rounding], at least it can take less damage.


   Nidolino’s sturdy hind legs kicked the pangolin twice in a very short moment, even if the pangograph was mentally prepared, it could not help but flew out with a scream.


  The mountain rat flew far away and rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

   "Nidolinuo, take advantage of the victory and pursue another two-stage kick!"

  Nidolinuo rushed towards the pangolin before Zhou Nan's order after landing, and after hearing Zhou Nan's order, he was ready to accumulate his strength and do it again [second stage kick].

   "Mountain rat, come on! Dig a hole!"

   Looking at the mountain rat lying on the ground and panting with difficulty, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

   I didn't expect a mistake to turn into this...

   After hearing the trainer's words, the penguin rat stood up with difficulty, and then digged into the ground with the strength of milking.

   Fortunately, Nitorino kicked it far enough before, otherwise it would not have time to dig a hole.

   Finally, in the nervous eyes of everyone, the pangolin hid in the hole before Nidolino arrived.

   Nidolino kicked and twisted his body before acting vigilant, bowing his head and carefully feeling the vibration of the ground.

   But this time the pangolin was also vigilant, instead of rushing out rashly, it was waiting underground for an opportunity.

   There are regulations in the league game that the elves that can dig holes and fly cannot stay underground or in the sky without attacking. If there is no action for more than ten minutes, it will be considered as a waiver.

  Of course, no one would do that.

   Cross-mountain rat finally emerged in about three minutes when the audience was about to doze off.

   Not surprisingly, Nidolino sensed the vibration of the ground and escaped the attack.

   Although Nitorino escaped the attack, its condition was not so good.

   It has been straining its nerves for three minutes, guarding against the pangolin attack. Although it has not been physically attacked and reduced its physical strength, its spirit has been fatigued a lot.

   On the other hand, the pangolin, resting in the shady ground for three minutes, not only adjusted its mentality ~ www.ltnovel.com~, but also recovered a lot of physical strength.

   After the previous lesson, the pangolin did not jump out of the old height. After getting out, he stood aside and stared at Nitorino.

   The audience saw that the pangolin finally came out, and finally got a bit of character, and they shouted for cheer again.

   The two elves faced each other for a while, and Chen Xi, seeing that there was no action on the other side, gave orders to the pangolin.

   "Mountain rat, roll!"

   Panshan rat quickly hugged his head with his hands, and then formed a ball, rolling quickly on the ground.

   "Nidolino, rush forward, kick in the second stage!"

  【Rolling】The longer this skill is, the greater its power and speed. If it is not interrupted in the early stage, it will be difficult to fight later.

  Of course, if you can fly or the strength gap is too large, but neither of these two Nitorino accounts...

  【Second Stage Kick】It can barely be said to be Nitorino's strongest single skill.

   also only use it, Zhou Nan can rest assured.

   Nidolino lifted his strength and ran towards the golden ball that was rolling towards him.

   Hind legs are the most powerful place of Nitorino apart from the long horns.

   Brake, use inertia to turn around and kick.

   in one go!

   The powerful long legs kicked towards the pangograph, and the pangograph who had not much speed was kicked out instantly.

   And Nidolino also staggered a few steps forward.


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