A few people wanted to lean over, but there were no obstructions within 30 meters of the teaching building, which meant that the idea of ​​a few people secretly leaning over to eavesdrop was basically impossible to complete.

   Despite this, several people are still curious and want to eavesdrop.

   Zhou Jiang turned his head and looked at a few people and whispered: "Is there any way, I can't hear you if you go on like this!"

   Zhou Nan shook their heads with helpless expressions.

   Zhou Jiang nodded, a little disappointed.

   Suddenly, Zhou Jiang's eyes lit up.


   In the curious eyes of a few people, Zhou Jiang asked Zhou Nan to release Bobo, and then adjusted the communicator to talk to Zhou Nan with audio, tied the communicator to Bobo’s wings, and then let Bobo fly over.

   Watching Zhou Jiang's series of actions, several people were overjoyed and gave Zhou Jiang a thumbs up.

   "High, it is really high!"

   Zhou Jiang chuckled, and then asked Bobo to fly there, while several people were listening around Zhou Nan's communicator.

   The reason why Zhou Jiang did not send Bibi Bird is because although Bobo is a little rare in the city, Bibi Bird is not seen. And here, Dawn Academy has a large forest that still inhabits some wild bobo and green caterpillars.

  Bobo also understood the intentions of the people, so after flying there, he pretended to be wild elves, looked at them curiously from time to time, and then pecked the ground with his head.

   Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie glanced at Bobo not far away, and then ignored it and continued to talk about themselves.

   Lu Ran lifted his hair to his ears, looked at the man in front of him, and sighed, "How are you now? No one in the family is urging you?"

   Tian Zhengjie nodded, showing a bitter smile.

   "Although I won't rush me, but I still express this from time to time.

  How about you? "

   Lu Ran nodded: "The same..."

   The two sighed at the same time, then smiled at each other.

   "I still remember your face when you knew you were going to get engaged, but I didn't expect...puff~hahaha!"

  Looking at Lu Ran who was laughing with a belly, Tian Zhengjie gave her a white look, and said, "You are so embarrassed to laugh!"

   "Ha~hahaha~ hug...sorry, forbearance...can't help it."

   Lu Ran laughed so hard that he couldn't breathe well, one hand wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, and the other hand covered his belly and talked intermittently.

  Tian Zhengjie sighed, helplessly: "Thank you for the laughter, if it weren't for you to drag me around for so long that day, how could things have developed into this situation!"


   Lu Ran rolled his eyes for a while: "Who told you to ask me to pick a gift for you? If you can't pick me up, how could there be something behind!"

   Tian Zhengjie opened his mouth, unable to speak.

   unable to refute...

   I was really looking for her to help me choose a good gift...


   scratched his hair, speechless, only sighed.

Lu Ran patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, okay, don't be depressed, isn't it good to be out now? It's always boring to stay at home, and only after I came out as a teacher, I discovered a lot of interesting things. "

   Tian Zhengjie nodded.

   "But don't relax, you still have to find a way, it is impossible to keep Lingling like this forever."

   Looking at Lu Ran, who was looking upright, Tian Zhengjie nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, one day, I will definitely..."

   Lu Ran nodded in satisfaction: "Don't be too late, Lingling and us can't afford to wait!"

   "Leave it to me!"

  Looking at the serious Tian Zhengjie, Lu Ran nodded: "If you encounter any trouble then you can call us, and Nana and I will help you a little if they can help."

   Tian Zhengjie's tense face relaxed a little: "Then I will thank you first."

   Although he said so, Tian Zhengjie rolled her eyes in his heart.

   clearly ended up with me...

   Lu Ran rolled his eyes uncomfortably: "Cut, between us, what else to say thank you."

   Tian Zhengjie smiled and said nothing.

   "Okay, let's go back too.

   Nana and Zhenzhen are still waiting for me over there. See you! "

   "Well, see you later!"

   Both sides waved their hands, then one returned and the other walked towards the other side of the teaching building.

   Bobo fluttered back after the two left.


   In the small pavilion.

   "Wow, terrible news!"

   Watching the two leave, Zhou Jiang touched his chin and sighed.

   Zhou Nan and Jiang Shui were so excited that they had accidentally dug such a big news!

   It's a pity that few people are not reporter paparazzi...

   Well, even if it is a few people, it will not be announced. After all, they are all teachers of a few people, and a few people are not so crazy.

   But even so, the few people still discussed the situation of the two people violently.

   Everyone shared the "intelligence" of the teachers they knew, and then made bold guesses about what they had just heard.

   "I think they may have escaped from marriage!"

   Looking at Zhou Nan with a dignified face, the few people present couldn't help but open their mouths and gave him a favorite big mouth scraper.

   Okay, just kidding.

   Several people choked and almost choked.

   Jiangshui gave him a brain collapse without any hesitation.

   "You still need to talk about it! Didn't they say it clearly!"

   Looking at the speechless people, Zhou Nan touched the collapsed place and smiled happily: "Well, didn't I enliven the atmosphere..."

   Jiang Shui whitened him and said with a serious face: "I know that Teacher Lu Ran has a background at home, after all, she has a super strong wind speed dog!"

   Several people nodded, expressing affirmation.

After   , everyone had a mixed discussion for about ten minutes before they stopped unfinished.

   The reason why I stopped was not because a few people finished talking or Xu Feng's game time was approaching.

   but a few people were caught...

   "Not bad~www.ltnovel.com~ Listen carefully."

   Zhou Nan smiled triumphantly: "Of course, who are we!"


   Zhou Jiang and others reacted after hearing the sound, but Zhou Nan, a fool, hadn't reacted yet.

   But Zhou Nan was not too hopeless, seeing Zhou Jiang and the others stiff and nervous, and then think about the previous voice...

   Zhou Nan swallowed, not daring to look back...

   "What's wrong? Why didn't we discuss it? Didn't you guys have a very good chat just now~"

   Listening to the gentle voice, everyone present couldn't help but swallow.

   Zhou Jiang turned his head stiffly and looked at Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie who were leaning on the trunk behind several people.

   "Oh...ok...what a coincidence, Mr. Ran Lu... Mr. Tian..."

   "Yes... yeah, what a coincidence..."

   "What a coincidence..."


  Looking at the people who were talking about each other, Lu Ran smiled brightly and said, "Yes, it's a coincidence!"

   Zhou Jiang, several people smiled wryly, looked at them nervously, not knowing how to answer the conversation.

   "Who made the idea!"


   Six people, six arms, pointed towards Zhou Jiang who was sitting next to him.




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