I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 122: "break out"!

   can't catch up, and the long-range attack method Nitorino can only use one move [poisonous needle].

   The [Poison Needle] used by Nidolino is probably not as powerful as the Thunder Elf’s [Electric Shock], which means it will still return without success...

   Zhou Nan estimated that Nitorino could only last a minute at most...

  Looking at the Thunder Elf in the distance, no matter how Nitorino ran, he couldn't catch up, and he looked like a little fire monkey.

   Zhou Nan is not very good at thinking about tactics. After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't pay much attention. After gritting his teeth, he could only decide to let Nidolino attack far away.

  A dead horse should be a living horse doctor, what if it can be done? This is the worst result anyway.

   "Nidolino, attack with poison!"

   "Thunder spirit, electric shock!"



   The slender poison needle collided with the electric current, and the current effortlessly broke through the poison needles one after another, until all the poison needles that were shot at the Thunder Elf were consumed, and the current stopped moving forward.

Although    is evenly matched, there are also obvious differences.

  Nidolino is closer to the Thunder Spirit!

   But this is not enough!

   "Come again!"

   "Electric shock!"

   is near, nearer!




   Looking at Nitorino, who had suddenly stopped lying motionless, Zhou Nan was stunned.

   "Nidolino loses the ability to fight..."

   Zhou Nan stood there blankly, the pupils without any focus.

   At this time, a few people rushed out of the safe passage behind Zhou Nan, it was Zhou Jiang!

   Three minutes ago...

   "That's it! It's an "outbreak"!"

   In the lounge, Xu Feng, who was looking up at the game, suddenly shouted anxiously.

   "Huh? What's wrong?"

   The other people in the lounge turned their heads to look at Xu Feng. Other passers-by saw that they didn't know each other and continued to watch the game.

   "Have you heard of "outbreak"."

   Seeing Xu Feng's serious expression, Zhou Jiang did not slap his face.

   Isn’t it an outbreak? What’s so fuss about!

   "You mean..."

   Wang Qingyan lowered her head in contemplation. Suddenly, she remembered something, and raised her head with a shocked expression!

what? Is this outbreak not an "outbreak"?

   Zhou Jiang’s IQ is still online. One person may make a mistake, and two people may make a mistake, and he immediately realized that it might be something that he did not understand.

   After all, although I have incorporated a lot of memories from my predecessors, most of them can’t remember the “browsing” in a hurry, only when they encounter specific things.

   Moreover, the knowledge of the predecessor itself is not very broad, and it is not impossible to meet people who do not know.

   Jiangshui frowned and asked, "What are you talking about, what happened to the "outbreak"?"

   Chen Yongning, Jiang Shui, and Li Linghui were also dumbfounded. They didn't seem to know.

   But Jiang Shui is a very direct person, just ask if you don’t understand!

Xu Feng took a long breath and looked at several people solemnly: "The "burst" was named by Dr. Wang Hongru. One of his papers mentioned that there are two types of elf bursts. One is harmless bursts, and another..."

Having said that, Xu Feng paused and then glanced at the big screen again: "If another outbreak is not handled properly, it is easy to kill the elves! If it is not handled in time, the elves will fall to the root of the disease, leaving behind something that cannot be eliminated. Secretly injured, it will be difficult to increase your strength in the future!"

   Everyone was surprised, and suddenly understood what he meant: "What do you mean!"

   "That's right! Nidolino is logically impossible to have these physical strength and speed. Now its speed is exactly the same as when it was at its peak. This is completely abnormal!"

   "Then what shall we do."

"There is no way, we can only go to the safety exit and wait and see. If it is really an "outbreak", we will quickly send Nitorino to Miss Joey. It is estimated that Zhou Nan doesn't know yet. Nitorino’s condition."

After a pause, Xu Feng said again: "Of course, these are just my guesses. I can't guarantee whether they are true or not, but the sequelae of the "outbreak" will definitely show up. If it is really an "outbreak", we After that, I can only upload it!" First posted https://https://

   Several people nodded, and then walked towards the other side of the arena.

   Of course, there is a checkpoint in the front, and several people were stopped there. This is to avoid the miscellaneous people waiting to get in during the game.

   A few people explained the reason to the guard, plus their participation certificates and Wang Qingyan's three-person Dawn College badge, and the guard put the three in.


   Xu Feng rushed to the platform first, and withdrew Nitorino from Zhou Nan's confused eyes, and then a few people hurriedly caught up with him and ran back.

   Race against time!

   The audience above the auditorium looked dazed and talked.

   The commentator on the rostrum wiped the sweat from his forehead and began to comment.

   so that everyone does not have to panic, discuss, and inform everyone of Nitorino's situation and what the so-called "outbreak" is. Finally, I added a sentence that they knew it was an "outbreak", but because it was Nitorino's own decision, the school did not order the game to stop.

   Fortunately, a few people have already ran outside now, and they haven’t heard the commentary. Otherwise, if they hear such shameless remarks, they may be tempted to take off their shoes and lose his face...

When the guards let in a few people before, they used the communicator to call the rostrum and asked the school leaders. As a result, those school leaders wanted to end the game quickly~www.ltnovel.com~ After all, "outbreak" is not a trouble. For fun, if the elves die in the school...

   But in the end, the principal pressed everyone and decided to let the game finish.


   "Miss Joey, come on!"

   Shuguang High School is next to a school of this level. There is a elven center next to it. After all, the school is big, and there are often other places to use the school’s playing field, and then heal the elves.

   Especially the annual "College League".

   So the Alliance set up a wizard center directly next to the school.

   A few people ran in and ran directly towards Miss Joey.

   The yelling of several people caused the people sitting in the hall waiting for the elf to recover and turned their heads and looked over.

   Looking at the few people in a hurry, Miss Joey also understood the seriousness of the matter, and did not blame the few people for yelling in the wizard center, but hurriedly walked out of the front desk.

   Xu Feng quickly released Nidolino and told Miss Joey that Nidolino's current situation may be caused by the "outbreak". New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

  At this time, Geely Egg had already walked out with the cart. After Miss Joey solemnly nodded to several people, she greeted Geely Egg and hurriedly walked towards the operating room.

   "Outbreak" Miss Joey also knows, and she also saw an incident where an elf died without timely treatment after an "outbreak" in her childhood, so Miss Joey understood the seriousness of the matter!


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