Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, deliberately release Larouras so that I can relax my vigilance, and then take back Larouras after hypnotizing the froggrass and release any elf to harvest...

   good means!

   A Laroulas who has no combat power has changed my trump card!

you are vicious!

   gave Zhou Jiang a fierce look, Xu You did not intend to take back the frog grass.

   She still survived a fluke, and I hope the froggrass can wake up...

   Xu You estimated that Zhou Jiang’s second elf was the Qingteng Snake. After all, he was ranked in the top five on the "Celebrity List" by the Qingteng Snake's [Big Sunny Day] and [Sunshine Flame].

   Miao Frog Grass and Qingteng Snake are both grass attributes. As long as the Miao Frog Grass does not lose the ability to fight, she believes that it can consume a lot of the Qingteng Snake's physical strength.

   I will make you regret it!

  A girl’s prayer...


   "La Roulas, Shadow Ball!"



   Not afraid, not afraid, even if it can attack skills, but Laroulas should not be able to show much strength, it’s okay, it’s okay...

  La Lulas put his hands on his chest, and then a dark energy ball appeared between his hands.


   Xu You was silent, not knowing how to persuade himself.

   She also has Larulas, but her Larulas is already at level 16 and she doesn't have much combat ability, and her only [Mind Power] can't hold even the elves.

   Once you struggle a little harder, it will be broken...

   Coach, this script is wrong!


   The fist-sized shadow ball instantly hit the wonderful frog, the shadow ball exploded, and the surging energy flowed out, instantly covering the wonderful frog.

  The wonderful frog in his sleep screamed suddenly, and then opened his eyes.

   Seeing the wonderful frog grass moving, Xu You was immediately happy.

   I didn't expect to wake up so soon, it's time to fight back!


   Xu You's cheek stiffened.

   Before she was happy, Lalulas launched a shadow ball at the frog grass...

  Wait until the black mist from the explosion dissipated, the froggrass had already lost its fighting ability with its eyes in circles...

   Xu You glared at Zhou Jiang uncomfortably, looked at his disgusting smiling face, and suddenly wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

   Seeing that the other side did not intend to take back La Luras, Xu You suddenly became even more unhappy. Is this looking down on me?

   took back the wonderful frog grass, Xu You released Bibi Bird.

   No more water will be released this time, wait for me!

   Hate the house and Wu, looking at the lovely Laluras, Xu You only felt disgusted. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

  Obviously, the strength is so strong, they can all evolve, but they still maintain this "naive" posture, really there is a master and a servant!

   "Bibi Bird, Yan Fan!"

   Xu You intends to make a quick battle and let Bibi Niao use its best skills.

  Bibi bird chirped in excitement, and then entered a state of acceleration.

   disappeared like a streamer, and flew towards Larulas.

   "La Roulas, light wall!"

   Zhou Jiang wanted to try the strength of the light wall made by La Luras, but he never had the chance. Zhou Jiang didn't bother to let his elves try it. After all, his elves are masters of high attack and high speed.

  La Lulas raised his small hand slightly, stroked and waved in the air in front of him.

   Xu You almost didn't laugh when he looked at La Roulas, who was trying to create a light wall.

   This is what you need to learn in school. [Light Wall] is specially used to defend against special attacks, while physical attacks can easily destroy light walls.

   I didn't expect the other side to use [Light Wall] in front of Bibi Niao.

   It seems that he is really overestimating him, and I really can’t wait to see his expression after the light wall is broken.

   must be wonderful~

   Although Bibi Niao doesn't understand the function of [Light Wall], but his trainer did not give him any other instructions, so if he trusts the trainer, it will hit it straight!

   It’s a bit embarrassing to say it, but in fact it still has a little confidence in its own strength~


  , who had already entered the "Swallow Return State", slammed into the nearly transparent light wall.

   The expected scene where the light wall is broken like glass and paper paste did not appear.

  Bibi bird's head hit the thin wall of light, and then his whole body was stuck on it...

   There are only a few cracks on the surface of the bare wall, but it is hard to find without looking closely.

   The recoil from the rapid impact bounced Bibi Niao back far away, and when his head hit such a hard wall of light, Bibi Niao suddenly felt that the stars in the day were so bright and shining.

   It was not a stone head, it was hit suddenly and dizzy. It fell on the ground, with two short legs standing on the ground supporting its shaky body.

   This is still better than the physical fitness of the bird, plus it has energy wrapped around the surface of the body, otherwise it is estimated that if it hits so hard, if it is bad luck, its neck will be broken...

   is like the stupid bunny in "Stand By the End".


   Xu You opened his mouth wide, looking at the drunk Bibi Niao foolishly.


   Xu You was stunned, but Zhou Jiang was not stunned.

   After all, this result was also expected by Zhou Jiang.

   Maybe other elves of my family broke through, but other elves of the same level trainer~

   This is just the [Light Wall] which is specially used to defend against special attacks. Later, Zhou Jiang plans to learn a halving reflex for La Luras...

   is specially used to defend against physical attacks.

   will really be the enemy’s nightmare then!

   "La Roulas, hypnotism!"

   "Bibi Bird!"

   Xu You also reacted at this time. This is his last elf. If he loses his game, it will be over!

   Now Xu You didn't care about pretending to be a weak little girl, and hurriedly shouted at Bibi Niao hysterically.

   If you lose...


   However, the current Bibi Niao is still swaying, and her ears are all "buzzing", so no one can hear her shouting.

   And even if I heard it, I couldn't react at all.

  Bibi, who was spinning in circles, saw Laluras’s red eyes, and then he fell down...

   Maybe being hypnotized is also a relief from it.

   After all, the world is spinning, and the brain is very painful, it must be uncomfortable.

   "La Lulas, Shadow Ball!" The fastest mobile terminal of the new 81 Chinese network update: https:/



   Looking at the two huge shadow **** flying towards Bibi Niao, Xu You's mind went blank.

  As the proud son of heaven (female?), I didn’t expect that I would be defeated by someone who had never taken it seriously before...

   The battle was over, and the scene was silent for a while, and the audience in the audience were all embarrassed.

   After all, they came here basically to see Xu You.

   Although very few people are not, everyone is so quiet and they are not embarrassed to shout or something.

   Of course, the reporters don't care. Holding the camera at the two is a crazy shot.


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