The top 64 has been decided, and Zhou Jiang is on the hot search due to his upset.

Previously, Zhou Jiang’s ranking on the "Celebrity List" was largely due to Qingteng Snake's hand [Big Sunny Day], and now Zhou Jiang actually defeated Xu You, who was on the top of Zhou Jiang, with a La Luras. ..

   And it seemed that La Luras seemed to have plenty of energy left, which made people who had previously questioned Zhou Jiang's ranking closed their mouths.

   Of course, many people now read that Zhou Jiang's La Luras is about to evolve, and they say that Zhou Jiang is very talented or has a background at home.

   The "level" that the super power elves need to evolve is the accumulation of super powers.

   The so-called "level" was only shown to Zhou Jiang by the system.

   And super power elves want to upgrade is relatively difficult among many elves.

After all,    is the exercise of super powers, and humans don’t understand super powers, so there is no other way but to let the elves explore themselves. Of course, you can also find some more powerful super power elves to teach.

   But that also requires connections and resources.

   Human imagination is very powerful. Even if you don’t have super powers, you can still come up with some useful methods with your brain. It’s just that the "ideas" that many times come up are useless.

   Today is the game to advance to the top 32.

   When it reaches the top 32, it is considered an "official game".

   Those two secondary venues are no longer open, and all the contests of the players are placed in the main venue!

   And the whole game will be broadcast live on TV. It can be said that now it is really famous to appear.

   Zhou Jiang’s opponent is a fat man named Lu Cong, and the signature wizard is a green onion duck.

   But of course it is not easy for this green onion duck to be a signature wizard. First release https://https://

   Zhou Jiang saw some fighting fragments of his green onion duck from Xu Feng.

   The speed of the green onion duck is very fast, and the soles of the feet are windy!

   should have gone through special exercises.

   The scallion duck relies on the speed of crushing the enemy, and then attacks with the scallion.

   At high speeds, even a piece of paper can cause great damage, not to mention the handy long onions used by the green onion duck.

   A total of 4 people entered the top 64 in a certain college, Zhou Jiang, Xu Feng, Zhong Xingchen and a girl named Tian Zhaoxue.

   This is probably the strongest one in a certain college.

   According to previous years, there are only one or two left here. And now there are actually four left!

   If it wasn't for Zhou Nan's bad luck, I guess there could be one more.

   As for the school day when they had a skirmish with Zhou Jiang, there is no one left...

   Their strongest player was out of luck and met Zhou Jiang...

   Other more powerful players also met those famous and famous characters, and they were all knocked out.

   Zhou Jiang’s game was the first, at 11 o’clock in the morning, the 9th game.

   Because there was a live broadcast, Xu Feng accompanied Zhou Nan to the wizard center to sit and wait.

   It's useless to sit there obviously, but Zhou Nan just wants to drill there, so a few people can only leave him.

   "Flying Mantis, Shadow Clone!"

   "Wonderful frog grass, vine whip!"


   The Flying Mantis counts the body and divides into six figures, flying towards the wonderful frog grass in the middle in different directions.

   Miao Frog, under the command of the trainer, launched vine whips in six directions!

The vine whip’s "spur" is extremely fast, and when the flying mantis can’t respond to the richness, he came to it, and then the vine whip was slammed on the chest of the flying mantis, and several shadow clones were destroyed. The Flying Mantis also flew out in an instant.

   At the moment when the Flying Mantis flew out, Miao Frog Grass launched [Flying Leaf Quick Knife] towards the Flying Mantis!

   However, the Flying Mantis was able to control the balance at the moment it was hit, so it didn't suffer much damage, and it fluttered its wings quickly and left the place, gliding to other places, avoiding the follow-up attack of the wonderful frog grass.

   Seeing this way, Zhou Jiang can only sigh with emotion.

   Sure enough, everyone who made it into the top 32 was basically a little capable, and it was completely incomparable with previous games.

   Everyone who hits here already has such a hand.

   Before long, it was Zhou Jiang's turn.

   Walking out of the slightly dark passage, watching the full auditorium outside and the fierce applause and shouting, Zhou Jiang was a little excited.

   After so long of "tempering", Zhou Jiang is no longer as nervous about the game as before.

   At least the calf won't tremble...

   walked to the platform and listened to the voices of "Come on Zhou Jiang", "Zhou Jiang, I will give you a monkey"...and so on, Zhou Jiang was slightly happy.

   I didn’t expect to have fans too!

   But Zhou Jiang didn't dare to wave his hand...

   too embarrassing...ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   If you have few fans, you will be criticized for "shameless" and "cheeky" like Zhou Nan...

   Before Zhou Jiang waited long, his opponent climbed onto the platform.

   After both sides are in place, the referee starts to work.

   Lu Cong smiled honestly at Zhou Jiang, raised his hand to indicate that he was ready, Zhou Jiang also nodded and raised his hand.

   Both sides simultaneously threw the poke ball in their hands.

   The two red and white **** rotated to the top of the field and exploded. The empty **** bounced back to their respective trainers.

   The elves sent by Zhou Jiang are the vine snakes, and the elves of Lu Cong are the birds.

   Zhou Jiang looked at Bibi Niao, slightly surprised, he didn't expect that it was not a scallion duck!

   But I was just a little It doesn’t matter if it’s not the green onion duck, you always use...

   Qingteng Snake put his hands on his chest, raised his head and squinted his eyes while watching Bibi Bird flying in the air.

   Very unhappy!

   Qingteng Snake hates others standing tall and looking down on themselves!

  Be sure to teach it a lesson later!

   "Bibi Bird, Yan Fan!"

   "Ivy Snake, it's sunny!"

   Both sides called out orders at the same time, and the two elves also acted at the same time.

   The green vine snake quickly gathered energy. Fortunately, the weather today was good, and it didn't take long to gather enough "weather energy".

   condenses the energy into a ball, and then spit it into the sky fiercely.

   After everything was done, Qingteng Snake ran quickly without Zhou Jiang's order.

  'S footsteps moved slightly to the side, Bibi Niao's [Yan Fan] wiped the Qingteng Snake's neck and flew over, and then the Qingteng Snake quickly moved away from Bibi Niao.

   Ivy Snake's speed is still very fast, Bibi Niao missed this attack and probably missed it.

  Bibi Niao missed the first paragraph, and the second paragraph did not intend to continue.

   After stopping the energy supply, Bibi Niao quickly exited the "Swallow Return Mode" and flew to the sky to stare at the Ivy Snake vigilantly.

   "Sunny flames!"

  With such a good weather, [Big Sunny Day], the sun's flames are not too much for the consumption of the Qingteng snake, and the power is still greatly increased!


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