"Kami Turtle!"

   Without Zhou Jiang's command, after tying the tortoise, the Qingteng Snake directly lifted it, and then slammed it heavily on the ground.

  Even if the Kami turtle is retracted into the shell, it is still not useful. The impact will cause vibration, and it will still slowly lose energy.

   After falling a dozen times, the Kami turtle's limbs stretched out from the shell, his eyes circled.

   The referee promptly announced the result of the game, and then signaled Qingteng Snake to put down the Kamie turtle and stop attacking.

The green vine snake did not presumptuously. After putting the Kami turtle on the ground, he retracted the vine whip. Then he put his hands on his chest and looked at the trainer on the opposite side proudly, as if to say: What else do you have? !

   Although I don't know what the expression in Qingteng snake's eyes contains, Xiao Yu still understands it. It is mocking himself!

   was taunted by an elf!

  Well, although Xiaoyou is extremely annoyed now, he really has no ability to defeat it...

   The two strongest elves among his own elves have already lost, and the third elves...

   probably can't beat...

   Hearing the voice of "Zhou Jiang!" shouting from the audience, Xiao You was very uncomfortable.

   The original female fans were all taken away by him, and even a few of his own support was covered by the torrent.

   And even the narrator is not speaking...

  Because the situation of the battle has been set, the commentator shouted, "Can classmate Zhou Jiang win a zero to three, let's wait and see" and then stopped talking.

   I have already determined that I am powerless to resist, and I don’t even have the right to present a wonderful showdown to the audience... Some are just whether they can please them and serve as a stepping stone for Zhou Jiang...

   Xiaoyou wants to fight back, fight back, and defeat Zhou Jiang, so that people who don't think about themselves and turn to passers-by to fan their opponents are shocked!

   Xiaoyou doesn't blame them, he can't beat them, it's useless...

   Reality is so cruel and ruthless.

   I don’t have any power to resist...

   I did my best, but the opponent is not even warming up...

   This is not a duel, this is my unilateral crush...

   Weakly threw the last elf ball, and Xiao Yuxin was ashamed.

   A pangosit was standing on the field. Unfortunately, the pangoit was restrained by the green vine snake...



  " The referee blew the whistle and the game was over!

   Contestant Zhou Jiang defeated Contestant Yu by a score of zero to three with a Qingteng snake!

  Even in previous campus leagues, no player won with such a crushing situation!

   Zhou Jiang, no, Zhou Jiang and Yu, they made history together! Set a record!

   Let us congratulate them! ! ! "

   followed the applause and screams, and the narrator shouted with excitement and passion!

   I praised Zhou Jiang for not wanting it, and almost flew.

   Compared to Zhou Jiang, Xiao You is not so good.

   stayed there in a daze, because the distance was a little far away, Zhou Jiang couldn't see his expression either, maybe he was crying, Zhou Jiang guessed.

   Suddenly, Xiao You turned his head abruptly and ran away. Zhou Jiang was stunned.


   shanmo, you haven't taken it back...

   Leaders, reporters, audiences, none of the people present has discovered the disappearing Yuu!

   I guess even if I found it, I didn’t say it.

   After all, from ancient times to the present, the ones remembered by people are always winners!

   Zhou Jiang shook his head, without thinking, turned around and walked towards the passage behind him.


After   , the top 4 will be promoted, and it is time for Zhou Jiang to consider it.

   Back to the lounge, Xu Feng and Li Linghui greeted them enthusiastically, and congratulated themselves.

Sitting in the corner, Zhou Jia glanced at Zhou Jiang, moved her mouth, trying to say something, and finally moved her **** wrapped in a blue floral skirt, adjusted her body to a relatively comfortable angle, and then Closed his eyes.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   There is still a while before her game!

   The other players in the lounge looked at Zhou Jiang with solemn expressions.

   I knew Zhou Jiang was very good before, but I didn’t expect...

   This is the quarter-finals promotion. Those who can enter here are not idiots or rookies.

   And Zhou Jiang directly stringed three...

   And the Qingteng snake hasn't even started to breathe...

   Do you want to be so against the sky!

   They are all thinking, if they get promoted, if they meet Zhou Jiang...

   However, they have not considered, can they advance...

   After the game, Zhou Jiang has nowhere to go. The auditorium is already full of people, so it's better to stay here with the two of them.

   It’s just that Zhou Jiang is a bit weird. Why is Xu Feng so wrong when he sees his eyes...

   seems to be complaining... annoyed?

   Don't understand, Zhou Jiang scratched his head when he looked at Xu Feng who was talking to Li Linghui and his expressionless face.

   Maybe I think too much? First release https://https://

the other side.

After    Xiaoyou rushed out of the playing field, he kept running.


   He wanted to vent his grief and anger.

   keep running, keep running.

   Xiaoyou who was running was almost out of breath, and he stopped running.

   After standing and taking a few breaths, Xiao You fell weakly to the side, leaning her shoulders on a tree, and then fell backwards. Xiao You leaned back against the trunk and sat on the ground.

   With her legs curled slightly, her arms folded, Xiao Yu buried her head under her shoulders, her eyes tightly closed, thinking back to the previous game, what the commentator said, and...

  ‘Brother You, it’s okay, isn’t it just a loss? I know my strength, it’s okay, it’s okay, but let’s say it’s OK, our Fengcheng School depends on you! Can't lose to those rich kids! ’

  ‘You brother, come on, we believe in you! ’

  ‘You brother, come on! ’

   "Brother You..."

   "I'm sorry... 嘤..."

   "Not reconciled..."



   The moment Xiao You raised his head~www.ltnovel.com~ she rubbed her face **** her arm and hung up the teardrops on her face.

   Xiaoyou looked in the direction where the sound was made, and saw a man wearing stupid white clothes and pants with no logo on it standing there, looking at herself with a smile.

   Looking at the man's smile, Xiao You doesn't know why he always feels disgusted.

   The man looked directly at Xiao You: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is, are you willing?

  The elves trained hard, but still can't match the casual elves of the rich.

  Are you really willing to..."

   Xiaoyou remained unmoved: "What does this have to do with you, I don't know you!"

   After speaking, Xiao You got up and wanted to leave.

   "Brother Yo!"

   "Brother Yo~"


   There were several seeking shouts in the distance, and Xiao You subconsciously looked over there.

   The man took out a card from his pocket and handed it over, but Xiao You who turned around also subconsciously caught it.

   "Hehe, take this, when you think about it, the card will guide you to find us, remember, we are..."

   "Brother Yu! I finally found you!"

   An anxious shout came, and Xiao You was shocked. When he looked back, he saw a panting boy pulling aside the small bush and looking at him.


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