Maliluli quickly swam to Chenglong's side. Although Chenglong's body occasionally flashed an electric arc that made Maliluli feel unsuitable and scared, she also knew that if she didn't fight it, she would have no chance.

Her eyes condensed, and then her legs kicked, Mali Luli jumped high from the water, raised her right hand above her head, and then emitted a white light, slashing towards Chenglong fiercely.

At this time, the energy of Chenglong has also been condensed.

The golden light instantly wrapped Chenglong, and then the golden electric current with the thickness of adult thighs headed towards Maliluli in midair.

In the horrified eyes of Shao Yunfei and Mali Luli, the current directly hit Mali Luli, and then Mali Luli was also enveloped by the current.

After three seconds, Chenglong gasped and stopped the release of the skills, while Maliluli was completely dark, and her eyes fell straight down in circles.

Shao Yunfei came back to his senses after she fell into the water and splashed a lot of water, and quickly recovered her floating on the water with a wizard ball.

Shao Yunfei's second fairy is Dandan.

Although the grass attribute of Dandan can be restrained by the water attribute, it is twice weaker than the ice attribute...

The ice attribute of Chenglong can double it.

And the most important thing...

There is no good stone platform on the ground!

The egg that was released shivered and absorbed it onto a slightly flat ice block with a weak "mind force", lest it would fall into the water if it moved.

If it falls into it, it will basically be over if it can't swim and its "mind power" is weak.

"Dandan, pitch!"

Dandan’s [Pitching] and [Bumping] are no different, except that each of the 6 eggs will go up and hit one round.

And what Dandan needs to do most now is to clear a place where it can stay...

Shao Yunfei was about to cry, he was really bullying, this place.

If Dandan fails to complete the task...

Shao Yunfei touched the last elf ball on his waist...

The 6 eggs jumped into the air one by one, then fell down and hit the ice cube.

The ice cube used for freezing is not very hard. After all, Zhou Jia's intention is only to destroy the place where the opponent's elves stand. If the dragon goes all out to use [Frozen Light], it will immediately lose strength.

However, even if the ice cubes are not very hard, it is impossible to break the ice right away.

And Zhou Jia wouldn't just watch the other party destroy the "field" he had just made, and when Dandan just flew up, he ordered a dragon attack.

And Chenglong’s attack is impressively [Frozen Light]!

Shao Yunfei twitched the corners of his eyes as he watched the icy blue rays flying towards Dandan.

"Tsk tut~"

Zhou Jiang put his hands on his chest, leaned against the wall and shook his head.

Really pitiful for him.

Not surprisingly, Dandan was directly blocked by ice. Looking at the expression of Dandan in the ice cube displayed on the big screen, Zhou Jiang couldn't help but sigh, it was really pitiful...

In the end, because 30 seconds passed, the Dandan still could not break the ice out of the ice cube, and the referee directly declared that it had lost its fighting ability.

Shao Yunfei picked up the Elf Ball to take it back, but the ice cube was too thick and the beam couldn't be found at all. Zhou Jia ordered Chenglong to use the [water gun] to break the ice cube and he was able to take it back.

Shao Yunfei guessed that he had given up. The whole person seemed to have been squeezed dry, with no energy.

There was no indication of Dandan's loss, and the last elf was thrown after the Dandan was recovered.

His last elf was a fire dinosaur...

When the fire dinosaur first came out, he was about to roar and his mouth opened. As a result, the ice under his feet could not be stepped on at all and slipped and fell into the water...

Hearing its screams, Zhou Jiang couldn't bear to watch it anymore.

Finally, the fire dinosaur emerged from the water, holding a piece of ice, with its tail raised high, the flame on it was really...

"Forget it, I abstained..."

After spitting out a word weakly, Shao Yunfei retracted the trembling fire dinosaur, and then walked back without looking back.

It's really embarrassing, this is probably the worst of their group...

Even if Zhou Jiang's opponent, Xie Zhuoya is much luckier than him, at least her elves still have a chance to perform.

It would be better for him if he was in a dignified duel and lost. Now...

Zhou Jiang shook his head, too lazy to look at his ugly face here, and walked out directly.

The game is over, and the spectators are also exiting in an orderly manner, and they are talking about the game as they exit.

After Zhou Jiang waited for a while, he saw Zhou Nan and the others.

Lao Jiang and they are going back to the hotel.

Although they don't have to stay in the office all day in the company, they still have a lot to do. It would be nice to be able to spare time to watch a few people's games.

After a few people got together, they discussed it and decided to go out to play.

While going out, several people met Zhong Xingchen who was going back to the dormitory.

When there was nothing to do, he was dragged by Zhou Jiang to play together.

Zhong Xingchen and Xu Feng seem to know each other, but the relationship is not very good. When they met, they looked at each other and hummed each other before turning their heads away.

However, although the two of them didn't deal with each other, they were able to handle it well without showing too much obvious.

Said to go out to play Actually, there is nothing interesting. Recently, during the "College League" period, there are no other city activities. A few people are hanging out nearby, chatting while walking.

At the beginning, Zhong Xingchen didn't speak much, but ten minutes later he joined Zhou Nan and the others in the chat, and he was still chatting very well?

However, Zhou Jiang and Xu Feng were still the two most silent among the few people, and they just listened to their chat without interrupting.

It was night when I returned to school.

After spending an afternoon strolling with them, Zhou Jiang's legs were sore. The first thing he did when he returned to the dormitory was to throw some of the small things he bought with them in the afternoon on the table and climb onto the bed.

Although it is a hardwood board, Zhou Jiang still feels very comfortable, and he is inexplicably comfortable lying on the narrow bunk bed of the school after a long absence.

After a few people rested for a while, they started "Elf GO" again.

Zhou Jiang didn't want to play anymore. After all, he played a lot, and he kept playing elves, which was uncomfortable. However, Zhou Nan and Xu Feng were in good spirits. Seeing Zhou Jiang not playing, they had to drag him to fight together.

Can't get through the two, Zhou Jiang can only complain and take out his mobile phone and start to use it.

"Wow, I got a 3V ghost. That's great! The 6V monster is already there, you can incubate!"

"Hey~ it's not..."


"Ha~ I haven't brushed it out..."

"Boom boom~"


"Boom boom boom!"


Zhou Nan lost his phone with an impatient look and climbed off the bed to open the door.

"Um, school...Principal, why are you here!"


Hearing Zhou Nan's words, Zhou Jiang and Xu Feng, who were still holding their phones, looked at the door instantly.

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