I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 147: Xu Feng VS Zhong Xingchen

Even though Zhou Jiang easily defeated Xu You, who was second in the rankings before, Xu You was obviously careless at the time. This can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye, so people are a bit vague about Zhou Jiang's strength.

But Zhou Jia is different.

A disciple of one of the four heavenly kings of China!

As one of Shui Qingrou's disciples, Zhou Jia acquired Shui Tianwang's proud stunt [Ice Missile] at a young age. She is definitely a talented player.

And Zhou Jia has a dragon, and Shuijing has one!

People guess that Zhou Jia's Dragon-Chenglong is the child of the soft-water Dragon-Chenglong. The soft-water Dragon-Chenglong is her trump card. The quality is silver, and its children can have purple no matter how low their talent is!

If Zhou Jia's Chenglong was really its child, then he would be invincible, Zhou Jia.

As a disciple, the master's good spirit is certainly not bad, and the quality is there, who has done it!

"Ah! Now that you have chosen, let's go out first. The game will start soon."

The man coughed and felt embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, the two brothers and sisters ran into each other so quickly. I thought they could play against each other in the finals, and then they burst out...

Of course, the hot spot is not that they believe that Zhou Jiang can be equal to Zhou Jia, but the gimmick that the Shuitianwang disciple is playing against her brother is very good, and now this trump card will be played in the semifinals...

Although it is a pity that I can't be perfect, it doesn't matter.

Zhou Jiang looked at the man strangely, and then took out his cell phone to check the time. It was only a little bit past eight o'clock, and the game started at ten o'clock, and there were two hours left...

But these are small things. Now that the group has been selected, so be it.

Anyway, sooner or later, if you have to fight against the younger, you can win, it doesn't matter.

After nodding at the man, Zhou Jiang walked outside, while the reporters on the side patted Zhou Jiang frantically.

After all, Zhou Jiang's expressionless expression was completely "I'm about to lose, I'm not confident"...

Zhou Jiang went outside, Xu Feng and the three of them were also walking behind. After all, the grouping was done, so why are they staying here?

"Bean sprouts! How is it, who did you get?"

As soon as Zhou Jiang walked out, Zhou Nan, who was waiting outside, greeted him.

When I came here before, Wang Qingyan said that she wanted to wait outside, so she didn't go in. Then Jiang Shui also said to wait outside, and then Li Linghui did the same. There was no way, Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan also followed outside. Finished.

And Zhou Nan is probably the most curious among the few people, and basically you have to ask about everything.

Hearing Zhou Nan's question, Zhou Jiang answered without thinking.

After all, this doesn't seem to be a problem to myself.

Although he was fighting with his relatives, his "enthusiasm" for Zhou Jia was also wiped out in the hot face and cold ass.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang’s fetters for his family in this world are limited to the “warmness” in his memory... However, memory is always a memory, just like watching a movie from a first-person perspective. Looking at this memory from the third-person perspective will not have unforgettable feelings after all.


"What are you talking about?"

Several people were taken aback by Zhou Jiang's reply.

Going to meet so early?

It seems...it really didn't make it clear that the two will meet at the end...

However, it is a pity for the two of them not to meet in the finals.

Two strong players can only have one first and one third.

"Okay, go sit there, you can say anything when you get there."

Zhou Jiang saw Xu Feng and the others come out, waved his hand and said.

So several people walked towards the battlefield together.

Several people along the way looked "not happy" at Zhou Jiang, so they didn't say much, but seemed a little quiet.

Today is the last day of the "Dawn Cup College League". After the afternoon, the prizes will be awarded directly. Zhou Jiang started to look forward to the prizes.

The classification is done, and naturally there are on either side of the venue, Zhou Jiang and Xu Feng are on one side, and Zhou Jia and Zhong Xingchen are on the other.

After they greeted each other, they went to their respective lounges, while Zhou Nan and the others went to the auditorium to look for Lao Jiang.

Lao Jiang and the others came early and had already helped occupy the position, so there was no need to worry about standing up and watching the game.

Although it is the last game, the people who came to watch the game are almost the same as before. The biggest reason is probably that the auditorium is not big enough...

Zhou Jiang's eyesight is not good, he can't estimate how many spectators this battlefield can hold, and he doesn't bother to think about it.

"How about, are you confident?"

When they arrived in the lounge, Xu Feng asked after the two sat down quietly for a while.

Zhou Jiang always chose to lean against the wall and close his eyes to rest. He opened his eyes and looked at him after hearing Xu Feng's words.

"Maybe, not sure."

Xu Feng nodded and said nothing, don't know if he believed it or didn't believe it~www.ltnovel.com~ The two people fell silent again in the lounge, leaving only the sound of their breathing.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang doesn't like to talk too much. He hates embarrassment and ridicule, so he does everything in a low-key and low-key manner.

There is no absolute certainty, and you will never do everything without saying anything.

The character of the previous life has not changed completely. Even with the "omnipotent" golden finger, Zhou Jiang will still take care of everything. However, many victories and success have made him a lot bolder, not as cowardly as before.

At least in the face of the big scene, I can hold it a bit.

Today, Zhou Jiang wants to indulge himself!

Thinking of what would happen next, the corner of Zhou Jiang's mouth slightly cocked.

The blood is burning!

Afterwards, Zhou Jiang's old problems were committed again, and he was immersed in obscenity...

Thinking of a beautiful place, I couldn't help but smile.

Xu Feng, who was sitting not far away, wanted to talk to Zhou Jiang, but turned his head to see Zhou Jiang’s... smile. After looking back at the quiet and empty lounge, he couldn’t help but shiver. , Shut his mouth obediently, and even moved aside...

Two hours to say whether it is fast or slow or slow.

The first match was between Xu Feng and the others.

Xu Feng got up and walked towards the other side of the field. When passing by Zhou Jiang, the two slapped their hands.

"Don't lose!"

Xu Feng smiled: "Of course!"

For this critical competition, the school will certainly not be ambiguous. The original venue was cancelled and replaced by an ice venue!

Without an ordinary venue, it's even more interesting now!

Seeing the two high-spirited people on the big screen and the cheering sound that can be heard in the lounge, Zhou Jiang clenched his fists and couldn't wait!

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