Xu Feng is not stupid, how could Kabymon be able to stop falling from a height?

So the Kabimon didn't directly confront the coconut tree, but retreated a little at the right time and blasted directly on its body!

And Zhong Xingchen also guessed his thoughts.

After the coconut tree fell, the Kabymon stepped back and punched, and used [Standalone]!

Rotate at the moment of blocking the attack with a stand-in, kick!

[Stand-in] It only slightly blocked the Kabimon’s attack and dissipated directly. Then Kabimon’s fist hit the coconut tree, and the coconut tree was also fiercely held on the Kabimon’s belly!

Although the big fat belly of the Kabimon can absorb the shock well, there is an upper limit.

Kabymon's fist hit the coconut tree's head, and the coconut tree flew out directly in a circle, and fell to the ground without knowing its life or death.

With the use of "trample", coupled with the power brought by falling from a high altitude, the coconut tree kicked its legs on the belly of the beast. The belly of the beast instantly appeared as if it had been thrown into the calm lake surface of pebbles. A lot of ripples.

Afterwards, the Kirby beast was also carried by the huge power, and flew directly out, turned several tumblers, and dragged his head on the ground for several meters before stopping...

Both elves fell down, and the ground was in a mess. There were two big pits. Although they weren't comparable to those made by Zhoujiang Big Needle Bee before, they were also devastated.

The hearts of the leaders on the rostrum were suddenly caught again.

The first two elves will change the venue, and then...

Ten seconds later, neither of the elves were moving or getting up. Just as the referee was about to pronounce the verdict, Xu Feng's Kabymon suddenly moved.

Afterwards, in the eyes of many people, Kabymon climbed up.

Although Kabi was panting, the result was basically doomed.

Kabimon has no physical strength, but it still has a magic trick!

At this time, the skills could not be used, Xu Feng also took back the Kabymon and let it rest.

The two threw the poke ball at the same time.

Wonderful Frog and Kami Turtle!

Xu Feng knew that his Kami Turtle couldn't beat the opponent's Wonder Frog, but he didn't have any worries.

If Kabimon loses the ability to fight, then he will be worried, now...

Compared with Xu Feng's ease, Zhong Xingchen looked depressed.

Although the froggrass restrains the Kami turtle, the Kami...

He needs to be mentally prepared...

Kami Turtle and Wonder Frog are very flexible in the hands of the two of them, and the linkage of moves and the timing of use are very good.

Zhong Xingchen was in a bad mood because of his loss in the first game. Although the frog grass defeated Kami Turtle in the end, the frog grass also consumed a lot of energy.

Xu Feng's third elf dispatched a fur ball. The fur ball also restrained the frog grass. After the frog grass was killed without much physical effort, the hair ball was killed by Zhong Xingchen's Nitorino.

"Kabimon, sleep!"

Kabiju was lying on the field as soon as he came out, and then his injuries slowly began to heal, and his originally bitter expression began to stretch out slowly, looking cute and cute.

Zhong Xingchen sighed, knowing it would be like this...

However, Nitorino still has fighting skills.

It still hurts to hit Kabymon with double damage.


There is no more.

Nitorino can't get in with a stomach hit, he can only hit Kabimon's leg.

The sorely beaten Kabimon kicked Nitorino out and lost his fighting ability...

Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched.

Sure enough, getting up is terrible...

Zhou Jiang stood up and stretched.

When they passed Xu Feng, the two slapped their hands again.

"Don't lose!"

"Hmph, of course, don't look at who I am!"


"Zhou Jiang, Zhou Jiang, Zhou Jiang!"

"Zhou Jia, Zhou Jia, Zhou Jia!"

The moment the two walked out of the passage, screams broke out in the audience.

But even if you don’t have to listen carefully, you can find that there are more people calling Zhou Jia’s name...

Also, after all, it is a beautiful loli and a promising champion, plus this is their home ground advantage of Dawn College, it is not surprising that Zhou Jiang is suppressed.

Although it is not very clear, Zhou Jiang can feel the opponent's fighting spirit.

Zhou Jiang smiled, touched the elf ball on his waist, and looked at Zhou Jia's eyes strangely.

It seems that it needs to be adjusted, otherwise it is really going to heaven.

The random selection of venues is completed, it is an ice venue!

Zhou Jiang felt that he could consider getting a pair of glasses. After all, he couldn't see the face on the other side clearly during the game, and I felt a bit of a loss... Just like now, Zhou Jia’s face is a little fuzzy, for her Zhou Jiang was not sure whether he mocked himself just now.

All preparations have been made, and now, it can also live!

Both sides threw the poke ball together, but the moment they saw Zhou Jiang's pokemon, the whole venue was silent!

Most of them are cream-colored snake-like bodies, with two pink "eyebrows" and pink hair-like fins. The tail is covered with blue and pink scales, separated by black strips in the middle, and the end of the tail is four. Large scales, like a fan.


Not only the glamorous appearance, the gentle singing voice is also intoxicating!

And it is impressively the legendary wizard that has been mysterious before ~www.ltnovel.com~Menus!

No one really owns Menus, the only photo is still an old photo from a long time ago, and there are actually different opinions on whether the photo is true, I did not expect it now!

After a period of silence, cheers like torrents erupted from the audience.

Zhou Nan and the others were all shocked. They all understood what Minas had said after thinking about what Zhou Jiang had said before and the elves they had.

Especially Jiang Shui, his eyes widened, his saliva was about to flow out!

Wang Qingyan and Li Linghui are much better. Although they are staring at Menus, they are not so gloomy.

The principal of Shuguang College was really happy to die.

I thought that the gimmick of the brother-sister confrontation between the brothers and sisters of the king was already very good, but I didn't expect to see this legendary elves!

Operations and publicity are already sufficient, and it is estimated that there are many viewers watching the live broadcast. After so many viewers have watched it!

Be hot, Shuguang College! It's hot, principal!

The principal gasped hard, his mouth was almost grinning behind his ears, and his eyes became vague. He saw this school gradually grow bigger and stronger, defeated Tokiwadai and other schools one by one and then embarked on life. peak!





A muffled noise came from the podium, and everyone who was still immersed in shock and disbelief looked back and saw the old principal fell to the ground with his chest covered...

The crowd hurriedly helped the principal who fell on the ground, and the vice principal asked the two teachers who were supporting the principal to rush the principal to the hospital.

This farce has not been noticed by people. After all, what can be better than the charm of Menus?

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