I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 161: Prosecutor Zhang Kui

Zhou Jiang emerged from the grass after the two chatted.

Looking at the direction where the two disappeared, thoughtfully.

Rockets...Doctor...Experiment...Pharaoh...Change the light bulb...

Etc., etc!

Bah, baah!

What do you want...

Zhou Jiang shook his head quickly and dragged back the crooked thought.

Just this rocket...

"Hey, little brother!"



Zhou Jiang hurriedly jumped forward and turned around to look around, holding a poke ball in his right hand, ready to throw it out at any time, and the big needle bee beside him appeared at the source of the sound in an instant.

Zhou Jiang looked and saw that behind the grass where he had been squatting, a big man in a mountaineering suit was standing there, and the big needle bee was beside him, with a spear just under his neck. It seemed that the big man was slightly One action would pierce the throat, and the big man could not help but look up at the sky.

"who are you!"

"Um, I said little brother, your elf is too dangerous, can you let me put my neck down and talk again, it's weird to hold it like this."

The man didn't speak in a hurry, as if he wasn't the one with the spear against his neck.

There are three types of people who are still calm at this time.

The first is neurosis and confusion.

The second is a master who is 100% sure that he will not be in danger.

The third is a person with a big heart, pretending to be a master so that the other party can't be sure and then get a chance through the next negotiation.

But... even if he knows the three situations, Zhou Jiang is not easy to judge...

"Big Needle Bee!"

Zhou Jiang yelled, then Big Needle Bee lowered the spear a little, but still stuck his neck firmly.

Approaching the master silently, he hasn't noticed yet, it is really negligent!

I have already neglected my duty once, and I don't want to have another accident!

Big Needle Bee stared at the man without blinking, with cold light shining through his eyes.

The man's head slowly came down, and he was about to raise his hand to rub his neck, but was poked hard by the big needle bee. He understood that this meant warning him not to move, and quickly explained. Finally, the big needle bee Under his watch, he hurriedly rubbed the nape of his neck twice and put it down in a jealousy.

Opposite the man, Zhou Jiang frowned and felt his chin.

Why is this person so familiar...

Seeing the big stubble on the man's chin, Zhou Jiang was startled and suddenly looked up.

"Prosecutor Zhang Kui!"

Hearing Zhou Jiang's exclamation, the man also looked at him.

"Why, do you recognize me?"

As he said, Zhang Kui rolled his eyes to the right.

"Ahem, Big Needle Bee, come back first."

Regarding Zhou Jiang's order, Big Needle Bee unconditionally obeyed, stopped his gun, and then kept staring at Zhang Kui and flew upside down to Zhou Jiang.

"Your Big Needle Bee is loyal!"

Zhang Kui didn't count the "invasion" of Big Needle Bee, but his eyes became admired when he looked at Big Needle Bee.

"But you haven't answered my previous question yet, do you recognize me?"

Zhou Jiang scratched his head.

"Um, you may not remember, I was the novice trainer in City J before, or you were responsible for our initial elves, and the big needle bee is my initial elves!"

As he said, Zhou Jiang glanced at the big needle bee that was flying next to him on alert.

No matter how you look at it, Zhou Jiang is very satisfied.

In terms of strength, Zhou Jiang has no shortage of system plug-ins, and for a loyal spirit like Big Sting Bee, Zhou Jiang only has one...

Zhang Kui touched Hu Zhu and looked at Zhou Jiang.



do not know..."


Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched.

I thought he remembered...

"Uh, forget it if you don't remember, but you are here..."

Speaking of business affairs, Zhang Kui also got serious and said seriously.

"Didn’t you hear that before? There is a Rocket base here doing evil experiments. After we got the information, we organized and sent me to spy on the enemy first. If the situation is true, we will send the information back, and if my words are possible, we will enter the enemy’s interior. ..."

"Ahem, what... you told me so much..."

Zhou Jiang shrank his neck and looked at him weakly.

He knows, the more he knows...

The two looked at each other for a while, and Zhou Jiang was the first to insist on defeating, and looked away.

Zhang Kui smiled trivially, glanced at the big needle bee on the side, then winked at Zhou Jiang.

"How about, you are interested, you are so smart, and the elves are also good, don't you come? I can give you some points during the college entrance examination, how about?"

What else can I do, I can only agree...This thief ship can get on board, and can get on board...

Knowing so much, he would never let himself run. He would definitely have to wait for the arrival of the large unit he said to inform him before he could leave. In that case, he would have been waiting here.

It is impossible to run by yourself.

I have told him his school before. What if he runs away and writes himself as a "suspect" or "suspected Rocket member" when he reports to it...

It will be uncomfortable then!


What if you can't beat him...that's a problem...

And if here, two big men just sit like this... if he is a flowery policewoman~www.ltnovel.com~ What a big beard and stubborn guy!

According to the routine in the novel, as the protagonist, shouldn't I meet the policewoman, then break into the enemy together, be found, and rescue the policewoman by myself. After the policewoman is Balabala Balabala...

Seeing Zhou Jiang nodding his head, the big man laughed "relievedly".

Sure enough, it is the future flower of the motherland~ In order to fight the evil elements, I am willing to give my own modest strength, even if it is possible to be in a dangerous place, do not shrink back!

The pillar of the country, the great fortune of the country!


After being dragged aboard the thief ship, Zhang Kui mysteriously beckoned Zhou Jiang to talk about the "Seamless Plan".

"We are this way, then that way, and then that way..."


Zhou Jiang was a little excited just at the beginning of leaning in, like a spy, and he didn't lose money even thinking about it.

But unexpectedly!

What he called the "seamless plan" is to wait for the big troops to come in!


Zhou Jiang wants to scold his mother...

Are you really a national prosecutor? Regarding the intelligence of the evil organization from unknown sources, the organization sent you to investigate the authenticity of the intelligence and whether it was a trap. As a result, if you don't even know if it is a trap, you will find someone to open it...

Is it too late to get off now...

After discussing the "countermeasures", Zhang Kui threw a wizard ball, and instantly a two-meter-high steel snake coiled up and appeared behind them.

"Big Steel Snake, you dig down the hole, follow behind us, and act by chance!"

The head of this big steel snake stands at least five or six meters away. Fortunately, there are no members of the Rockets nearby, otherwise the two will be exposed directly.

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