Seeing Zhou Jiang shook his head blankly, Zhang Kui frowned and looked up at Hua Huo. The two looked at each other, and then both shook their heads.

"Hey~ Okay then, you can take a good rest and don't think too much."

Zhang Kui patted Zhou Jiang on the shoulder, and then walked towards Lao Tao who had just woken up.

Zhou Jiang had no reaction to Zhang Kui's departure, and he was now lost in thought.

I passed out...

Two possibilities.

The first is that I really met a "monster", and then I was forced to the corner and fainted.

However, this possibility is very small, as I said before, I don’t feel tired from running at all levels, and the bleeding from my head is not as painful as I imagined, 80% of it is a dream.

The other possibility is simple.

I was hypnotized by the elf!

After being hypnotized, use skills such as [Eating Dreams], or such as dream monsters, which have the ability to directly create real illusions for people.

Zhou Jiang felt that the second possibility accounted for 90%!

After all, it is the world of elves. These elves of the ghost system like to make people have nightmares and then have the fear of being sucked by them.

For example, in the animation, Xiaozhi and his party are often hypnotized and teased by ghost elves.

However, thinking of possible reasons, Zhou Jiang still couldn't remember when he was recruited.

"Big Needle Bee, are you also hit?"

Zhou Jiang frowned and turned his head to look at Big Needle Bee.


Big Needle Bee lowered his head and nodded in frustration.

Zhou Jiang sighed, smiled and stroked its head.

"Don't worry, don't blame you."

Zhou Jiang sighed inwardly.

After all, the real realm of Big Needle Bee is "average", even the "elite" has not reached it, and it can't react well when encountering those powerful ghost elves sneaking.

I knew that Zhou Jiang would not lend them La Luras...

If you bring it by yourself, you won't get caught.

But now it’s too late to think about this. Fortunately, nothing happened to me, otherwise there will be no room for regret...

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang thought of something. He frowned and looked suspiciously at the prosecutor who was asking questions and questions around Lao Tao. He quietly put his hands on his chest and stood by the fireworks, surrounded by his own big needle bee and Laru. Lars...


A loud voice sounded, and in an instant, everyone's eyes cast over.

Pain Pain Pain Pain!

Zhou Jiang held his right cheek, tears were about to come out...

"You...what are you doing...are you okay!"

Everyone, including Lao Tao who was still sitting on the ground, looked at Zhou Jiang in horror, and Zhang Kui also looked at Zhou Jiang with blinking eyes.

Isn't he still in a state of being recruited... Isn't he stupid...

Zhang Kui was very nervous.

After all, Zhou Jiang was pulled in by him, and if something happened to him, he himself would feel uneasy.

Zhou Jiang covered his face, crying tears in his eyes, and did not answer Zhang Kui.

Unexpectedly, it hurts so much...

Sure enough, isn't it a dream now...

Yes, Zhou Jiang had a whim just now, what if it was a dream in a dream?

In this case, didn’t I have to finish playing, so I used the most common method, hit myself...

Speaking of which, Zhou Jiang is also cruel to himself. If he doesn't smoke, he is amazing!

With a slap, Zhou Jiang felt that he couldn't open his mouth anymore... Fortunately, there was no bleeding, and the teeth did not fall, it was just swollen...

" guys are busy..."

Zhou Jiang wanted to cry without tears.

I slap myself and eat it with tears...


As soon as Zhou Jiang's voice fell, everyone heard another crisp sound.

It feels like it's coming from Lao Tao behind him, and thinking about it, like Zhou Jiang, he passed out inexplicably and woke up shouting.

Everyone was taken aback, and the people surrounding Lao Tao dispersed instantly, looking at Lao Tao in horror.

I saw Lao Tao sitting on the ground also covering his right face with his right hand, lowering his head silently.

"Old...Old Tao..."

Perhaps a prosecutor who had a good relationship with Lao Tao screamed at Lao Tao tremblingly.

Old Tao didn't speak, but raised his head slightly, looking at the man with red eyes.

The man swallowed, did not dare to speak, and moved back slightly...

Zhou Jiang looked at the red-eyed Lao Tao and said that he was really a confidant!



"Monster!!! Ah ah ah!!!"


As everyone looked at Lao Tao in silence, the investigators lying on the ground and the doctors and assistants who were **** in white coats and their hands and feet also got up at about the same time and then shouted.

Suddenly, these "birds with scared bows" were taken aback, and they hurried back, and even one or two fell to the ground unsteadily, and then they kept kicking their legs and wanted to retreat...

Seeing the funny appearances of those people, Zhou Jiang almost didn't laugh, his mood improved a lot, and the gloom in his heart was "swept away."

Seeing that the lying person woke up, everyone was relieved, really frightened.

So many people inexplicably fainted in the dark cave, and they don't remember anything after waking up.

In this laboratory, it was destroyed by purple hair The light revealed that I don't know if something went wrong, flashing and flashing, the light was no longer bright white, but slightly yellow.

It's a classic horror movie scene...

Those who fainted wake up yelling "monsters" or something. If you are less courageous here, I am afraid that you will not be scared to pee...

When the people lying on the ground woke up, they began to talk nonsense, saying that they saw eight-headed monsters the size of a house, three-headed, six-armed, jagged monsters, and so on.

Anyway, there are different opinions. Everyone sees a different "monster", which makes Zhou Jiang more convinced that it was hypnotized by the elves and dragged into a nightmare.

After all, they can only see a difference if they have nightmares on their own. If it is a fantasy, everyone should see exactly the same monsters and so on.

After everyone finished speaking, Zhang Kui asked everyone to stop discussing this, and take these Rockets out to talk about it. Discussing this in this gloomy cave is really panic...

Maybe it was those people who woke up together, and then everyone told about the "monsters" they saw, so the fear in their hearts dropped a lot, so there was nothing unusual about the few people, but their faces were still a little pale.

Everyone surrounded the tied Rockets, and then slowly walked towards the exit.

The entrance of the exit is still quite large, at least much larger than the entrance of Zhou Jiang and the others, and along the way, the traces of the battle are very obvious. It seems that the people who came in this way have gone through fierce battles. ..

Zhou Jiang nodded.

No wonder why the enemy feels so dishonest. It turns out that those who blocked Zhou Jiang and them were all "noobs", and those main forces went this way to block the big troops.

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