"Come, come on, Jiang Brother, please line up first."

The person standing in front of Zhou Jiang pulled Zhou Jiang by the arm and told him to move forward, Zhou Jiang quickly stopped.

"No, no, I have my share for her, and now I will queue up, and there are not many people in line, just wait a minute, I can't wait for this moment."

After Zhou Jiang's repeated resignation, the talent gave up.

The queue was very fast, after all, it was just serving food and vegetables, and it didn't take long before Zhou Jiang's turn.

Looking at the plastic bowl handed over, Zhou Jiang was taken aback.

Zhou Jiang didn't bring many bowls and chopsticks, only about ten sets. The other bowls and chopsticks were made by the elves.

Let the elves shape the rocks into the shape of a bowl, and then let the water elves clean them. The chopsticks are even simpler. There are not many things in the forest, just the trees!

It stands to reason that with so many people, they are the last, and there are still plastic bowls?

"Hey, Brother Jiang, this is what I saw you come back in line so I kept it specially for you!"

As he said, "Chef" squeezed his eyebrows at Zhou Jiang: "But if Brother Jiang wants to chase Captain Huahuo, it will be difficult."

The "Chef" leaned in mysteriously, glanced at no one next to him, then looked at the people and Huahuo who were eating there, and whispered: "Brother Jiang, you don't know anything, inside our inspection team. There was a message that Captain Fireworks was that!"

As he said, the "Chef" stood up and looked at Zhou Jiang seriously and nodded.

"...That...you mean..."

Zhou Jiang looked back at the fireworks that was eating a small bite, then looked back at the "Chef" and said.

"Chef" nodded: "Yes, there are rumors that Master Huahuo only likes women. After all, in the inspection team's base, no one has ever seen Master Huahuo walk with a man or have a meal with him. "

After speaking, the "chef" who was hesitant to say something looked at the fireworks that were still eating, and came over again.

"I heard that someone saw Master Huahuo and a girl from the logistics department often go in and out of a place..."

After speaking, the "Chef" winked at Zhou Jiang, and then he filled himself with a bowl of rice.

Zhou Jiang saw that he was going to eat too, so he stopped disturbing him and sat aside to eat.

It's just that after Zhou Jiang sat down, his mind was full of what the "chef" said to himself.

That girl Huahuo is actually Lara?

No wonder she is cold.

and many more!

Cold... Lala... Zhou Jia... Bing Jiao?


Maybe that guy is also lesbian, so he thinks that he is not pleasing to the eye...

And her attitude towards King Shui Tian... a bit different from her attitude towards the teacher...

And it's not as bad for fat people as to treat me like this...


Could it be that that girl likes me!

And the reason why you are arrogant and cold-talking about yourself is just to get your attention or...

Zhou Jiang had heard of a kind of "advanced" disease before...

Separate your family in secret, provoke your friends, crush your career, and disintegrate your mind, but never show any abnormality to you, and quietly eliminate everything you have Later, with the most affectionate smile hugging you who is shaking, and smiling and telling you "I am still there~"


Ha... Ha ha... It shouldn't be...

She did not treat herself tenderly, her friends did not "separate" from herself, and the family relationship was pretty good. With her career "elf trainer", she couldn't beat herself...

Maybe...I'm too sensitive?

By the way, am I too narcissistic...Couldn't that guy really simply hates me...

No way...I don't remember what I did to that guy...No way!

When I was a kid... Same as Yoo?

The more Zhou Jiang thought, the more crooked, the more crooked, the farther and farther he was. He almost ate the food in his nostrils. Brainstorming was really scary...



"I wipe it!"

The sudden shout made Zhou Jiang tremble, and then something white was scattered...

"I said Xiao Jiang, what do you think, so absorbed, how can you react so loudly when you call you, hey, what a waste, this is a good thing..."

Seeing the white rice scattered on the ground slightly stained with dark red meat sauce, Zhang Kui couldn't help but shook his head.

I really don’t know how expensive chai rice is...

It’s like my own team of inspection team members. They eat compressed cubes that compress a lot of stuff all the year round.

That thing can be used as a hidden weapon...

Zhou Jiang glanced at the rice falling on the ground, and he was relieved.

Fortunately, my hands are strong, the unicorn arm is not a joke, somehow it caught the rice bowl, and almost ran out of food...

The little bit that was dropped was rice, and it was the rice with less sauce after being eaten underneath, and the meat did not fall. It's so dangerous...

After breathing a sigh of relief, Zhou Jiang looked at the visitor sullenly.

"I said, why are you walking silently, one day you will be scared to death!"

"Hahaha! How can you blame me, this time I brought the voice, but you didn't hear anything."

After speaking, Zhang Kui looked at Zhou Jiang for two more seconds, and then shook his head sighfully.

"What's the matter? I have something on my face?"

Zhou Jiang touched his face, there is no food sticking...

I saw Zhang Kui shook his head helplessly~www.ltnovel.com~ Hey! Remember when I first met you yesterday, one bite of "you" and one bite of "predecessor"... hey! I don’t know who taught me this! "

With that said, Zhang Kui looked distressed, and Zhou Jiang looked at him at the side of the scene.

Had it not been for yesterday's contact, Zhou Jiang might have almost believed him...

"If something starts to play, it's okay to get out!"

"Hey! You have changed..."


"Oh! Well, well, you put the stone down, I said! I said! Really...you can't be gentle with others~"

Listening to Zhang Kui's words, Zhou Jiang almost couldn't help throwing the stone on his hand to shake his face.

This person is so...

Obviously he looks rough and rough, but he turns out to be disgusting but can kill...

"Say, what's the matter! I still have to eat! I can't eat anymore if you get sick."


Zhang Kui lowered his head and sighed, then raised his head and looked at Zhou Jiang seriously.

"Do you want to join our inspection team!"

"Okay...huh? What are you talking about?"

"Haha, just agree, just agree! Come on! Everyone welcome our new teammate-Zhou Jiang!"

"Oh oh oh! Brother Jiang! Brother Jiang!"

"Welcome, welcome, warm welcome!"

"Eh! Wait, I didn't..."



"Haha, don't be discouraged, you see how everyone welcomes you. Although the inspection team did not perform well when they came out to act, but the usual treatment is very good, and the resources are not mentioned. Sometimes there are kings. Will come to guide, no matter what you do when there is no activity, as long as you come over when there is a task, is this not good?"

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