"What happened!"

"What happened, did anyone invade?"

Hualao and Zhang Kui ran hurriedly and saw the firework of the duck-billed fire dragon who was standing at the door, and they hurriedly stepped forward to check.


The big needle bee flew to the top of the duckbill fire dragon's head in an instant, raised his right hand, and then slammed it towards it.

The right hand of the duck-billed fire dragon was also raised, and a raging flame was burning on its fist and slammed at the spear that was swung by Big Needle Bee!


In terms of strength, the Big Sting Bee has hardly suffered.

The duck-billed fire dragon understood the gap between the two sides the moment it faced the Big Needle Bee, but now from time to time it can retreat if it wants to. After a stalemate for a while, the duck-billed fire dragon staggered back.

This is because it was lucky and the Big Needle Bee didn't kill it, otherwise it would be considered light when it flew out.

Zhang Kui and Hualao happened to see this place right after they came out, and then they saw Zhou Jiang standing there facing Huahuo, and they suddenly understood.

But they knew it was not an intruder, but the two still had a headache.

How did these two goods dry up...

"Don't fight, don't fight, please, don't fight..."

However, their persuasion was useless, Hua Huo still had a cold face, and from time to time a move name popped out of his mouth.

Zhou Huahuo didn't plan to stop fighting, so Zhou Jiang didn't give up either.

Zhou Jiang is very careful or a little egoistic.

In this case, Zhou Jiang will not stop if the other side does not give up!

"Weird power!"


With a sonic boom, the big needle bee moved!

Instantly appeared above the duck-billed fire dragon, and then his right arm swung down fiercely!



The duck-billed fire dragon crossed his arms and prepared to take this move. As a result, the power at this moment was far beyond its expectations.

The powerful force passes through its arms, passes through its body, flows to its legs, and finally blooms on the ground!

With a clattering sound, the floor tiles were splashing in all directions. Fortunately, Zhang Kui sent the iron armored tyrannosaurus as a meat shield to stand in front of him and Hua Lao, otherwise the flying brick fragments not far away could make the two People lie in bed for days!

Under this blow, the legs of the duck-billed fire dragon directly crushed bricks and concrete, and the surrounding area was in a mess!

And Zhang Kui, who was behind the iron armored tyrannosaurus, didn't speak anymore, maybe they were frightened by the momentum...

"Duckbill Fire Dragon!"

Looking at the hard-supporting duck-billed fire dragon, Hua Huo glanced at Zhou Jiang faintly, and then after walking two steps outside, he shouted at the duck-billed fire dragon inside.


Suddenly, I saw the duck-billed fire dragon, which was still struggling to support the big needle bee spear, as if it was covered with an invisible flame and opened a house. The place where the big needle bee and the duck-billed fire dragon touched actually appeared white. smoke!

More than that, the surrounding temperature of the duck-billed fire dragon should have risen suddenly, and Zhou Jiang could clearly see the "distortion" around the duck-billed fire dragon.

Zhou Jiang glanced at the feet of the duck-billed fire dragon, and suddenly took a breath.

I saw where he was standing, the original cracked concrete floor has now turned a little red, turning into magma? !

So hot?

After closing the spear, the Big Needle Bee quickly retreated and flew back into the courtyard from the door. After taking a dignified look at the scorched spear, he stared at the duck-billed fire dragon that looked like a Vulcan!


Seeing such a vision, Zhou Jiang couldn't help but slap his tongue.

Is Yuanyuan so powerful...If this is an ordinary weaker elf, I am afraid that it can't even be close.


A golden flame was vomited from the mouth of the duck-billed fire dragon who had never known when it chased it out, and the Big Needle Bee looked at the flame and raised his gun without fear!


At this time, Big Needle Bee could barely squeeze the flame, and the powerful impact of the flame made Big Needle Bee difficult to advance!

"Pointing to the gun!"

At this time, the Big Needle Bee didn't dare to keep it, his right arm continued to block it, and the left arm gathered energy and slammed it towards the red flame pillar that it had illuminated.

boom! The powerful Feng Jin directly smashed the flames, divided the flames into four parts, and scattered them around.

The scattered flames fell on the grass, and the land became dry and flat, and the grass withered and lost its vitality in an instant, and then it ignited directly!


With a full shout, the flame column shattered, the big needle bee flew back, and a figure appeared in the middle of the two pets!

Zhou Jiang fixed his eyes and found that it was a flying praying mantis!

There are many scars on the flying mantis, and it gives people a feeling of being dying. Zhou Jiang quickly glanced at the system and found that this flying mantis had reached level 79!

This is the peak of the king! If it goes further, it will be the champion!

The two sides were deadlocked there, and then a figure appeared at the door.

With the appearance of the figure, the Flying Mantis also glanced at the Queen Needle Bee and flew to the side of the figure.

Hua Lao!

Looking at the angry old man, Zhou Jiang couldn't connect him with the kind and smiling little old man before.

Moreover, it is said that he is a quasi-tianwang trainer, but in the end there is a flying mantis that is about to reach the championship?

"Look at the good things you have done! Look! Look! A good house, a yard, it's like this!"

Zhou Jiang guiltyly glanced at the door, then glanced at the hall again, and then shrugged.

Anyway, it wasn't something that I provoked, and to punish her was to punish her.

But even so, Zhou Jiang does not deny that he also has his own responsibility here.

Thinking, Zhou Jiang glanced over there secretly, only to see Hua Huo standing silently without saying a word, while the duck-billed fire dragon looked at the flying mantis with solemn expression.

Zhou Jiang looked at Feitian Mantis curiously.

Except for the appearance of old age and the scars on his body, Zhou Jiang can't feel its power at all, just like ordinary elves. If it weren't for the systematic investigation and the actions of the flying mantis before, Zhou Jiang would not believe that the quiet one was killed. Flying Mantis is so strong!

After talking to Hualao University, his anger disappeared a lot, but he looked at the destroyed hall and courtyard with emotion.

Funding is about to be spent again...Longjing is gone next month...

"You two, come to my office!"

He glared at the two men in angrily, and then Hua Lao folded and walked inside.

After walking two steps, they found that neither of them followed, and turned around and shouted angrily: "Hurry up, if you don't come, you won't have dinner today!"

Well, the effect was immediate. I saw the firework that had been cold and silent before retracted the duck-billed fire dragon, glanced at Zhou Jiang and walked inside.

Zhou Jiang shrugged, put away the big needle, and the queen bee followed.

"Hey, why did you two fight?"

Zhang Kui stopped Zhou Jiang when he passed by.

Looking at Zhang Kui with a curious look, Zhou Jiang rolled his eyes.

How to fight...

I saw it...


Speaking of this tm, everything seems to be the old man’s fault...

Although I said that I was really wrong when I saw someone else's body, I didn't mean it!

The old man gave his room key and said it was in a single room, so he didn't care about the others, so he inserted the key and pushed the door in.

After all, this is really the old man's fault!

When he thinks of this, Zhou Jiang has a black line.


After fighting for nothing, it seemed that he would still be punished, but the old man who caused this series of consequences...

Haha... so angry...

"No way!"

Suddenly, Zhang Kui leaned back, and then made a surprised expression on his face.

"Could it be that you can't pursue what you want to be strong..."


"Keep rolling, what thought, can't you be purer!"

Zhou Jiang looked at Zhang Kui silently while looking around and waved his hand weakly.

"Come on, I won't talk to Brother Zhang anymore. Mr. Hua is still waiting for me. I want to taste what the dinner here is like."

With that said, Zhou Jiang didn't care about Zhang Kui who was shouting behind him, and walked over.


Five minutes later, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief when he stood at the door looking at the three characters "Office" written on the house sign.


I never thought I was lost!


Fortunately, I found it.

Zhou Jiang, who was just about to knock on the door, was taken aback for a moment, his ears pressed against the door, and there was no sound inside, and then he knocked on the door unwillingly.

I thought I could eavesdrop...

"Come in!"

Affirmed, Zhou Jiang opened the door and walked in.

Mr. Hua sat on the chair behind the desk, Zhou Jiang looked around the office, there was no fireworks.

Although he was a little puzzled ~www.ltnovel.com~, Zhou Jiang didn't say anything. He went straight to Hualao and sat down.

"Hey! Tell me, how did you two fight. Didn't I hear that you have a good relationship with her?"

After Zhou Jiang sat down, Old Hua rubbed his eyebrows with one hand and sighed helplessly.

When Zhou Jiang listened to Hua Lao's question, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Zhou Jiang did not speak, took out the key from his pocket and threw it there.

Old Hua took the key and took a look, and found that there was nothing special, just the key, and then looked at Zhou Jiang suspiciously.

Zhou Jiang sighed: "Old Hua, are you always sure this is my room..."

"Huh? Why are you not sure! There is a problem with the room?"

"It's not a problem with the room... How can I put it right... Mr. Hua, you said that this room is a single dormitory, right?"

"Yes, we are the only branch of the inspection team with good conditions. The rooms are all single rooms. Don't you think you are not satisfied with being small?"

"No, no, no...then what..."

Zhou Jiang looked pained, then sighed.

"I saw Hua Huo naked..."



"Boy, do you know what you are talking about..."

Hua Lao crossed his hands and elbows on the desk. He stood up and asked with a dark face looking at Zhou Jiang.


"Is there a video..."


"……Do you have a photo?"


"What's the use of you!"

"...Old Hua, this is not the time to talk about this..."

"Uh, ahem, sorry, sorry, go on, you go on..."


Zhou Jiang sighed helplessly, how come the people he met are so weird...

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