After receiving the notice from La Lulas, Guisi immediately yelled a few words with Zhang Kui, "Guisiguisi~" and then directly abandoned the second stone room and ran forward.

Zhang Kui and the other person looked at each other, and then followed.

The passage between the third stone chamber and the second stone chamber is a passage that has turned three times, so the lights in the third stone chamber did not shine through. This is what Zhang Kui and Zhang Kui have been exploring in the second stone chamber. the reason.

There are no lights or bonfires in the second stone chamber. It is completely dark. You can only find it with a flashlight, and the location of the passage is not conspicuous. In addition, the entire stone chamber is not small. Chicken out.

After Zhang Kui and the two arrived, Zhou Jiang hurriedly told them to shut up, then quietly told them two of his plans.

Seeing the eyes of the two, Zhou Jiang was immediately upset.

"Hey, what do you two mean, do you think I am such a sinister villain? I'm just to prevent them from running away!"


Zhang Kui and the man looked at each other and did not speak, but they all got the answer from their eyes...

In the end, they also followed Zhou Jiang's suggestion. After all, this is really good...

Let Guisi take the Elf Ball over, then sneak through the door, quietly dig a huge pit in the passage over there, and then send one or two elves to garrison there, it is perfect!

They absolutely can't get out!

Guisi took two miniature pokeballs that had shrunk and floated slowly towards that side.

After the ghost is invisible, the things that the ghost carries will be invisible, of course, if you pay attention to it, you can still detect it, but now this group of people are rushing to copy data and smash the computer, where is the energy to observe these.

The only guy who looked like the captain with the sun tattooed on his clothes also personally went off to help this group of Dr. Zi Ke Jian copy files and hit the computer.

The ghost smuggling went smoothly, and the door over there was also concealed. As long as the sound of digging a hole is quieter, then it will be perfect.

Among the two elves, one is Zhou Jiang's large needle bee, and the other is a fangs shark called Wang Hai!

When he learned that he actually had a fangs shark, Zhou Jiang almost couldn't help but want to ask him for an egg...

Among the many quasi-gods, Zhou Jiang's favorite is the biting land shark. If it weren't for the system can't change the elves, Zhou Jiang would have wanted to get one.

Jet plane!

Can fight and ride.

You can even ride while playing, how powerful and practical!

Unfortunately, Zhou Jiang is not very familiar with him...

But it doesn’t matter if you are unfamiliar, as long as you do it a few times, you will be familiar!

Ahem, just kidding...

In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't have him. With the resources of Zhou Jiang's system, you are afraid that you can't get a round land shark?

Let’s say Zhou Jiang’s automatic energy cube maker.

This kind of black technology, as long as Zhou Jiang dares to release it, even those champions of the king will break their heads and grab it.

Not to mention themselves, their juniors, apprentices, etc., after having this, they only need to bring some medicine to live in the forest for cultivation.

Energy cubes can be eaten not only by elves, but also by humans!

And because the energy contained in the energy cube is a bit large, a piece of energy wave cube eaten by an elf can eat for two days and four meals!

A full meal is a full meal, that is, the taste is not very good. After all, the tastes of humans and elves are still very different.


In Zhou Jiang's cranky thoughts, Guisi came back, and his return means that there is ready, and the potholes are dug!

The three of them glanced at each other, leaking a sinister smile, and slowly sat down, waiting for those people to be busy.

The people behind them have been resolved and tied up, and there are reinforcements on their way behind them. Now these people are the turtles in the urn!

And they don't know yet, they are still busy copying materials, and then these important research materials will all belong to them!

When they thought of the beautiful scene, their mouths couldn't close their smiles.

Is there anything better than this?



"Look at it, are they ready!"

Zhang Kui’s excited voice came, and Zhou Jiang and Wang Hai, who were resting on the rock wall, got up and ran over to look at them. Even a lot of inspectors behind them ran up.

"Okay, let's go!"

Zhou Jiang is overjoyed and it is finally done! The ghost knew how long they had been waiting here...Even the inspectors who were touching the road came over.

Really, relying on their speed, I really don't know where their confidence left to copy the materials.

If it hadn't been for Zhou Jiang's plan, they would have been **** and left there like the members of the Galaxy Group in front.

"Armored Tyrannosaurus, come on!"

"Bibi Bird!"

"Abby Long!"



The three of them walked out after throwing the poke ball.

"The Galaxy Group, you are already surrounded, hurry up and surrender!"

"Just catch it!"


"Hu~Finally the copy is finished! Those prosecutors are still blocked out, please contact them quickly, we are going to retreat!"

After smashing the last machine, a doctor in a white coat said to the man with the sun tattooed on his clothes.

The man panted heavily, rubbed his fingers and then wiped his sweat before nodding.

Just about to take out the intercom.

"The Galaxy Group, you are already surrounded, hurry up and surrender!"

"Just catch it!"


"No! Doctor, you go first with the information, I am here to stop them!"

"Okay! Star, you must escape!"

"Doctor, don't worry! You must protect these materials. With these materials, our Galaxy Group will be able to dominate Country E and even rule the world!"


Zhou Jiang and the others were already impatient to wait, and after seeing them healed, they couldn't help but ran out.

Looking at the elves of the man who was left behind, Zhou Jiang and others smiled.

It is another big fish who is about to reach the level of the king of heaven.


Zhou Jiang and others were not in a hurry to attack, looking at the researchers who pushed open the door and ran outside, they forcibly resisted not laughing.

Star suddenly felt tight when seeing that the inspectors stuck here did not attack, and he quickly reminded his elves to be careful of the other's ghost elves coming over.


"Ah! What **** digging hole!"

"Ah! Old man's waist!"



? ? ?

! ! !

Hearing those strange screams, Star turned his head awkwardly and looked in the direction of the passage.


There is an ambush!

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