I don’t know if I can make up for it...

After feeding the ghosts, Zhou Jiang fed the other elves and left here.

After all, this house still has an owner, and the owner is estimated to be coming back soon. When two people who don’t know each other meet, it is probably very embarrassing...

The "Uncle Lin" had also been handed over to the prosecutors. Zhou Jiang went to bid farewell to Zhang Kui and the others and set off.

Although Zhang Kui and the others still wanted to go to City B with Zhou Jiang, Zhou Jiang refused for reasons such as "traveling" and "seeing the scenery on foot".

Although Zhou Jiang was the kind of layman who couldn't appreciate the scenery, he didn't want to stay in that car with those old men.

Everyone huddled together, sweat smells a bit...

Zhang Kui and the others told Zhou Jiang that his reward would go to the sub-base in City L and hand it to Hua Lao, so that he would not worry. As for the points, they would reach Zhou Jiang's account.

After walking out of the village, Zhou Jiang touched his pocket. There was a light blue glass ball inside, and there was something similar to a gene chain inside the glass ball.

This is the Mega Evolution Stone!

Zhou Jiang has seen it with the system. This thing is Lucario's Mega Evolution Stone, and it happens to be one of the elves Zhou Jiang wants.

Before leaving, Zhou Jiang thought of the stone sculptures in the ruins over there, and finally asked Zhang Kui to take him to see the box that a member of the Galaxy regiment took him away.

Finally, Zhou Jiang passed this thing along.

Of course, this is also the default of Zhang Kui and Wang Hai.

After all, neither of them knew this thing, it looked like a glass ball?

And this thing was only obtained by the ghosts of Zhou Jiang, he took it away if he wanted it, it didn't seem to be a valuable thing anyway.

Only in the end, Zhang Kui sneaked into Zhou Jiang's ear and asked what this thing was and what's the use.

However, Zhou Jiang smiled mysteriously and didn't tell him, but told him that if he had a chance to get this thing in the future, he would seize the opportunity and don't give up.

Zhang Kui nodded thoughtfully, Zhou Jiang ignored him.

At this stage, knowing too much is not good for him!


After leaving the village, there was a large plain. Zhou Jiang walked for about two hours before reaching the outskirts of the forest.

Zhou Jiang likes to walk with the water source. After calling out Bibi Niao, Zhou Jiang asked Bibi Niao to find the water source, and then came back when he found it. Some time was "wasted" for them.

Zhou Jiang cleared a clearing at the edge of the forest and waited for it.

Of course, Zhou Jiang couldn't just wait. Zhou Jiang asked Big Needle Bee to collect points, and then sent a small fire dragon to exercise.

As for the ghost guy...

Forget it, the ghost Si Zhoujiang doesn’t know how to exercise. The super power elves can also exercise their super powers by moving the animal’s body with [Mind Power], but this ghost system...

Through scary?

Come on, he is the only one here, he doesn't want to be scared, he is very timid.

Lying on the dense grass, feeling the mottled light and shadow passing through the leaves, smelling the breath of the forest carried by the slowly blowing breeze, watching one by one lying lazily on the ground with outstretched limbs, watching hard exercise The elves of the younger generation.

The long-lost tranquility...

Haven't felt it for a long time...



Suddenly, he felt a chill on his cheeks. Zhou Jiang looked at it and saw that the guy Menus was rubbing his cheek with his small face.

When Zhou Jiang looked at it, he raised his head and looked at Zhou Jiang with a smile.

Looking at its crescent-like eyes, Zhou Jiang helplessly stroked its head.

"Good~ Good"


Seeing that Zhou Jiang didn’t refuse, this guy had to take an inch. He just rubbed Zhou Jiang’s cheek before. Now he crawled over, climbed onto Zhou Jiang’s chest and pressed his cheek on Zhou Jiang’s face, rubbing vigorously. With.

Although Menus’s skin is smooth, and it’s cold, wet and comfortable, Zhou Jiang thought of motherhood, anthropomorphism, Menus’s gender--


Zhou Jiang remembered watching an animation in his previous life, "Mr. Nobunaga's XX Wife".

In the end, the male protagonist was actually justified by a fake mother!

my God!

Although the previous benefits sold well, they couldn't stand the final crit!

Zhou Jiang touched Menus' head awkwardly, stiff and afraid to move.

With the power of Menus, if you want...


Hearing the voice of grievance sounded from the side, Zhou Jiang remembered that when Menus climbed up just now, he seemed to squeeze the little guy lying on his chest out?

Zhou Jiang quickly patted Menus's head and motioned it to get up. Then Zhou Jiang sat up and saw Laroulas, who was sitting on the ground next to him with tears and tears.


Seeing the little guy's appearance, Zhou Jiang suddenly gasped.

This is really foul!

Seeing that Menas wanted to climb up again, Zhou Jiang quickly picked up La Lulas next to him to comfort him.

After all, although Menus is also very beautiful, it is male! ! !

And La Roulas~


If there is really personification~

Yes indeed! personification!

Ask to see the system!

Why am I so genius!

Zhou Jiang sat back slightly with Laroulas in his arms, leaned against the tree trunk and checked the system~www.ltnovel.com~ This Dogecoin system will not help him find things, so this kind of "needle in a haystack" behavior is still necessary Rely on "customization".

"System, get me something that can anthropomorphize elves! If you really become human!"

After Zhou Jiang entered the request, a bunch of things popped up in front of him, and Zhou Jiang was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, there really are!

Hey hey~ a little day without shame and irritation~

? ? ?

【Special sleeping pills: fall asleep immediately after eating. 】

【Sleep Pillow: Sleeping on the pillow will have sweet dreams. 】


? ? ?

What a dog thing!

I bother!

Garbage system.

Taunt me!

Do you really think I want to personify them?

I bother!

I just want to test you. I didn't expect that your system doesn't even have this thing.

Weak chicken!




Zhou Jiang moved his attention away from the system and looked at the voice, only to see Menus looking at him with tears in his eyes...

Then I saw the pitiful appearance, so Zhou Jiang almost didn't hold it.

Sure enough, you've been single for a long time, even looking at a snake feels beautiful?

And this guy is still male!

Zhou Jiang said that he really can't go on like this...

Although I was rushing secretly before, but this is not the way to continue, I am so good, right? Although not tall, he is quite handsome. Isn't it difficult to find a girlfriend?


In other words, should I go to the fat guy for advice? That guy directly got to the girl who just met once. This skill is a bit profound...

Zhou Jiang hugged Menus and La Luras in his arms, and his thoughts were complicated toward major events in life.

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