
Seeing the girl who was still unconscious and babbling, Zhou Jiang frowned.

"La Luras, come over and use super powers to smash this porridge a little bit."

Zhou Jiang took a spoonful of porridge with a spoon and shouted at La Roulas not far away.

The little guy nodded, then floated over and used his superpowers to fine-tune the spoon.

After the purple light of super power dissipated, the little guy breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, this is also the first time she has done such a meticulous work. Fortunately, the mission of fulfilling her mission was completed perfectly!

Zhou Jiang glanced at the crushed millet grains in the spoon and gave a thumbs up to La Luras, then carefully stuffed the spoon into the mouth of the little girl who was still talking.

Having said that, this is the first time he feeds others by himself...

But with the previous experience of feeding little La Luras, it should be fine... right?

Zhou Jiang's spoon was placed next to the girl's mouth, without Zhou Jiang trying to figure out a way to open her mouth, she opened her small mouth automatically.

Zhou Jiang was close, and suddenly, a strange smell came out, and Zhou Jiang could clearly see that the girl’s teeth were covered with yellow stains, and even some places were a little dark...

Zhou Jiang's face suddenly changed, he quickly held his breath, and even the hand holding the spoon was shaking slightly.

"No! How could loli have bad breath! And...and! No! I don't believe it!"

La Roulas was wrapped in thought power, but she couldn't smell the smell, and she was originally a loli, so she didn't understand what was wrong with Zhou Jiang, so she stood aside and looked at Zhou who was holding her head curiously. River.

After a long time, Zhou Jiang put the spoon into the girl's mouth with a look of grief.

Artificial respiration...over...

I don't know how she did it. She obviously didn't wake up, but she ate quickly.

As soon as Zhou Jiang poured the minced porridge into her mouth, she immediately swallowed it, and finally, with the strong cooperation of Zhou Jiang and La Luras, finally poured all the porridge in the bowl into her stomach.

Seeing the girl whose complexion had obviously improved a lot, Zhou Jiang shook his head.

Faith is shattered...

Zhou Jiang sat down on the ground, then picked up the porridge and drank.

The girl can still drink the porridge now, which shows that she will basically be okay, and if there is something really wrong, then she can't even drink the porridge.

As for why didn't you wake up?

Where does Jiang know this week.

Let alone human beings, even Zhou Jiang couldn't figure out a lot of the elves.

He hadn't studied it specifically, and he couldn't understand it himself in his previous life.

But it's a good thing to be okay. This situation can be seen in the hospital after the situation is in town.

After eating, Zhou Jiang asked Qingteng Snake to make some sturdy vines with [Grass Knotted Rope]. After the little girl was tied to her body, she hung herself up with a sling so that Big Needle Bee and Bibi Bird would work together to lead them towards Fly to the small village.

I didn’t dare to fly before because I wasn’t sure about the little girl’s physical condition, but now...

I drank a big bowl of meat porridge, what else?

The two elves flew together, the speed increased a lot, and the battery life of the bibi could be longer.

"Huh? They haven't left yet..."

Looking at the inspectors sitting on the "mount" elves running towards the forest, Zhou Jiang was full of black lines.

It's been three hours, you guys haven't left...

This efficiency is really...

Sure enough, in addition to dropping the base together in the future, you can't go back with them or do other things, it's not efficient!

"Hey! Zhou Jiang!!!"


Hearing the familiar voice of Zhang Kui, Zhou Jiang looked down carefully. Although the prosecutors below all stopped the elf and looked up here, no one below looked like Zhang Kui.

"Hey! I'm on it!"

When Zhou Jiang heard the sound, he looked up and saw that Bi Diao had been flying over not far ahead, and there was a man standing on Bi Diao's body, and behind Bi Diao and them there were more than a dozen flying elves carrying their respective trainers. .

Not long after, Bi Diao came to Zhou Jiang not far from them. Zhang Kui looked at Zhou Jiang's appearance curiously and almost didn't laugh.

"The way you fly..."

Looking at Zhang Kui who was holding back his smile, Zhou Jiang gave him a helpless look.

what's so funny! When Lao Zi Bibi Niao evolves, Lao Jiao evolves, kill you!

"It's been so long, why haven't you returned? And why don't you take the car, no one will pick you up?"

Glancing at the dozens of black spots below his eyes, Zhou Jiang asked Zhang Kui.

"No, the car is here. We asked some people to take the prisoners and the materials and let Wang Hai lead the team back. We are helping a villager find his girl! Oh, don't you know, listen to them The daughter of their family is now lost in the forest. It's probably been a week, and I don't know if I can live..."

Looking at Zhang Kui who was babbling, Zhou Jiang nodded and said nothing.

What he said was probably the little girl behind him.

Just as Zhou Jiang was about to speak~www.ltnovel.com~, he saw the inspector flying over Zhang Kui behind him.

Among these inspectors, there is actually a firework mixed in!

? ? ?

Isn't she the resident prosecutor of L city? Why are you here!

Zhang Kui talked for a long time, then looked up and found that Zhou Jiang was not listening to what he was saying at all. He just wanted to "get angry" and glanced reflexively at where he was looking, and found that what he was looking at was actually standing. The fireworks above the fire-breathing dragon!

Zhang Kui glanced at the two people ambiguously, and then said nothing, he smiled and motioned to Bi Diao to move slowly to the side, not to be the villain.

Zhang Kui looked back at the inspection team members who were rushing behind him. After making a gesture to them, he pointed towards Zhou Jiang and the others.

The inspectors nodded seemingly, but watching the two confronting each other, they silently chose to follow the instructions given by Captain Zhang Kui and walked around from a distance!

Seeing that they had done so, Zhang Kui nodded in satisfaction.

Turning his head to look at the two lovingly looking at each other, Zhang Kui nodded.

‘I helped that kid so much, so I have to invite dinner when I go back! But it’s nice to be young~ I think back then...’


Zhou Jiang felt the awkward atmosphere and didn't know what to do.

In other words, there shouldn't be such an atmosphere. We are not boyfriend and girlfriend, right! Right! !

Look towards Huahuo.

In an instant, the two eyes collided.

The corner of Zhou Jiang's eyes twitched, and he quickly shifted his attention away.

Hey Hey hey!

Zhou Jiang was about to die in embarrassment.

Why on earth is there such an atmosphere!

I just did a fight last time. Now why do you think that the quarreling boy and girl friends stay together in this atmosphere! ! !

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