"This game is updated by a senior student from Wildcat University from K City to challenge the temporary gymnasium trainer A Fei. This game is 3V3, challengers can freely change elves, gym trainers cannot Change the sprite, there are no other additional rules, now, the game starts!"

"My elf is still this electric dragon."

A Fei's electric dragon has been on the field, and the referee didn't say anything. I guess they have seen more.

After all, this is not a matter of ALFY being a goalkeeper here for a day or two.

"not good!"


The people who were preparing to concentrate on watching the game suddenly heard a scream around them. When everyone looked back, they saw Lu Renjia's face pale, his brows furrowed, and the fine sweat on his forehead became a piece of sweat.

"Lu... Brother Lu, what's the matter? Pharaoh, he..."

The man looked at Lu Renjia and couldn't help but worry for a while. Could it be that the trainer named A Fei was very cruel and would seriously hurt Pharaoh's elves? Otherwise, Lu Da...




With a muffled noise and a pungent smell, everyone finally knew why Lu Renjia's face turned pale.

But now it's not that he feels uncomfortable, it's the turn of the people sitting next to him.

The people sitting not far from them quickly moved their positions. Among them, Zhou Jiang was sitting on the outermost side. He clutched his nose and quickly moved to the side beside them, while the others hurriedly moved their seats. .

This is really a gas bomb!

"Don't... don't go... my stomach hurts... give me paper..."

Lu Renjia pressed his hands tightly to his stomach, pressed his face to the chair in front, and looked at the people with pain.

The ponytail girl closest to him rolled her eyes, put the short-sleeved clothes on her right arm over her nose, took a hard breath, and quickly closed her breath, opened the zipper of her backpack and flipped through the tissues.


"Thanks...thanks...I'm leaving now...oh~"

Holding a paper towel, Lu Renjia bent over and ran out from the small corridor next to it.

After the person disappeared, after a while, everyone couldn't help gasping for breath.

"Really...really can't stand it..."

"What the **** did this old man eat..."

"It's a biological weapon..."


Zhou Jiang reluctantly watched Lu Ren Jia disappear and sighed.

Although I have never smelled the smell of stinky flowers, even the smell of stinky flowers is nothing more than that?

It's really scary.

"Wow~ rare elves!"

"Come on!"

"come on! Come on!"


The sudden shout made Zhou Jiang cast his eyes on the big screen.

I saw in the corner of the big screen, the original three bright pixie **** under the updated profile picture of the male king had two turned into elves, and one of them was gone, and the profile picture turned black.

Judging from the dark shadow of the extinguished elf, it should be Nitorino, and the second elf that is lit is the broccoli monkey!

Elves like the cauliflower monkeys are basically found in the area of ​​Country M, but they don't exist in China. That's why some people exclaimed when he was released.

But... what should I say.

The cauliflower monkey, an elves that hasn’t evolved yet, competes against the completely evolved electric dragon...

Zhou Jiang can tell who won without guessing.

Of course, these are not important, what is important is that the level of the cauliflower is indeed low.

It was only thirty-fourth level, in front of the fifty-odd electric dragon, it was not enough to see.

Coupled with the suppression of its own "individual value", it is estimated that the cauliflower can make a fuss about the movement speed.

But this situation is also difficult to grasp. After all, the opponent is not a fool. He can train one or more trainers of the level of the quasi-king elves. There is always something extraordinary in talent or luck, and he is not young. It is impossible to prevent even the shortcomings of the electric dragon.

The game restarted, and the Cauliflower ran desperately under Wang Xinxin's order.

Although the cauliflower monkey has not evolved, it seems that some exercises are not less exercise, at least this speed is good.

Looking at the handfuls of cauliflower monkeys spinning around the electric dragon, the man didn't rush to give orders, just stood quietly.



Suddenly, among the running shadows, green energy **** shot towards the electric dragon surrounded in the middle, and the electric dragon attacked at the moment when the cauliflower attacked. , The golden thick electric current surged towards the cauliflower monkey.


The current directly dissipated the small scattered energy balls, and then directly hit the running cauliflower!

Directly hit by a strong electric current, the cauliflower monkey struggled for a while, and fell to the ground after a few seconds of continuous consumption of 100,000 volts, and lost the ability to fight.

Now, the next game will almost be able to guess it.

Unless he has some powerful killer concealed, it will be his last elf...difficult!


Suddenly ~www.ltnovel.com~ a crisp sound that belongs to high-heeled shoes sounded, Zhou Jiang looked towards the next door and remembered that he was next door, on the left is a small staircase, and beside the small staircase is a high wall.

As for the outside of the wall, it was naturally the passage where they came in before.

I don't know which woman is wearing these high heels. Listening to this voice, the heel is not low? Is this going to be one head higher than others? !

As the voice walked in, Zhou Jiang's curiosity about the people came up too.

Those who dare to wear high-heeled shoes are not low-heeled, either beautifully bubbling or without self-knowledge.

And here comes...

It didn't take long for the voice to reach the front, and the opponent came to this stadium.

After coming out, there are two ways. Whether there is fate depends on the other party's choice!

Mixing with the cheering of the audience, the sound of "DaDa——" has become inaudible. Just when Zhou Jiang thought that the other party was walking in the other direction, a woman suddenly appeared from behind the bottom supporting wall. Head.

But she seems to be followed by someone? Zhou Jiang didn't take a closer look, and all his eyes fell on the woman.

Zhou Jiang and the others were sitting in the fifth and sixth rows of the small auditorium, and Zhou Jiang's special gaze, so they could still see the face of the visitor quite clearly.

Although the woman immediately sat down in the first row after she came out, in the position vacated by the "biochemical weapon", Zhou Jiang still saw the woman almost.

She really deserves to be a woman who dared to wear high heels. She was not tall enough to say that Zhou Jiang also looked like one meter and nearly 1.8 meters...

The figure is also okay. Although it is not very prominent, it is not particularly flat, the kind that can fly a plane, she is the kind that is relatively normal.

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