I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 213: The game continues

Seeing Akai, who was blushing and ran away, the girl giggled happily.

The girl usually sees a lot of this kind of man, and every time she flees in shame under her prosperous beauty, she will feel inexplicably good looking at the men who fled.

Li Ruobing looked at the girl who was smiling happily, and shook his head without saying much.

This kind of thing will be understood when she grows up.

"Now, Sister Ruobing, do you think he can beat that A Fei."

The girl looked at A Kai who was already standing on the playing field, and couldn't help but asked Li Ruobing curiously.

Li Ruobing looked at the obviously nervous face displayed on the big screen and shook his head.

"I can't win. Look at his introduction. I'm a senior, and I don't have any honorary awards."

Listening to Li Ruobing's words, the girl nodded thoughtfully.

But I don’t know why, she can feel a different breath from him...

That kind of surprise...

But the girl did not say it. After all, Li Ruobing was right. Although he said that honor does not represent strength, you don't even have the qualifications for honor...

Where is your strength...

Moreover, she is only a senior, and she is not from a big family. Sister Ruo Bing is talented and intelligent and has a lot of resources to reach this position.

However, the girl still felt that he had a strange feeling attracting herself.

Looking at Akai on the field, the girl couldn't help but become curious.


"Go! Nidona, second kick!"

"Lei Guang Palm!"

Nidona whizzed and disappeared from the place, and then rushed towards the electric dragon in a straight line, leaving behind shadows on the road.


Nidona's speed was extremely fast, and she quickly traversed the entire field and reached the front of the electric dragon. Perhaps the electric dragon was exhausted, or for other reasons, the Thunder Palm did not hit Nidona.

At the moment when the electric dragon came over, Nidona was short, and then she hid.

The electric dragon slammed into the field with a powerful blow, and suddenly the rocks fell apart.

After avoiding the electric dragon's attack, Nidona appeared in the electric dragon's abdomen, looked at the electric dragon's white belly, smiled slightly, and then kicked it hard.


There was a crashing sound, and with a sigh, Nidona flew out!


Seeing Nidona who flew far away and rolled three or four on the ground, covered in scratches, Akai was full of self-blame.


Dianlong looked at Nidona, the silver-white tail shed light and returned to normal.

Before, it used this trick to solve it.

As Nidona relaxes, a fierce and powerful attack hits the opponent's weakness.

Nidona, whose waist was swept fiercely, lay on the ground in pain.

Before that, the electric dragon directly hit its vitals, but now it only feels abnormal pain in its abdomen, and can't even stand up.

"Electric Dragon, one hundred thousand volts!"

Looking at Nidona, who couldn't stand up, ALFY didn't have any ink marks, so he directly eliminated it.


Nidona was hit directly by the electric current and instantly lost her fighting ability.

Seeing Nidona who was easily resolved, everyone in the audience shook their heads helplessly.

The girl also frowned and looked at Akai, not knowing what she was thinking.

Akai took a deep breath and retracted Nidona.

Although I had expected that I would lose before, I didn't expect to lose so badly...

Maybe she...

Shaking his head, Akai puts away the distractions.

Trainers also have guidelines for trainers.

Distraction during the game time is disrespect for the opponent, disrespect for myself, and even disrespect for my elves!

After pondering for a while, Akai threw the second pokeball.

"Please, Centero!"


With a roar, a strong bull appeared on the field.

The moment Ken Tello came out, he lowered his head violently, his hind limbs scratched the ground, and his three powerful tails snapped, ready to charge.

"Centello, trample!"



With a loud sound, and with a loud noise, the entire venue shook. In an instant, a crack appeared in front of Cantello's hoof and spread towards the electric dragon.

"Electric dragon, earthquake!"


The electric dragon leaped high, and the moment it fell, it shook again at the site of the aftershock.

This venue is worthy of a big price, and there is no feeling of sitting on it.

Zhou Jiang looked at the fiercely vibrating venue inside the screen and couldn't help feeling.

The shock wave brought by the trampling towards the electric dragon was easily disintegrated by the earthquake of the electric dragon, and then the aftermath of the earthquake swept over, causing Cantello to stagger and almost fell down.

"One hundred thousand volts!"

"Kentello, run!"


With a roar, Ken Tello flew all over his feet, running wantonly on the cracked ground.

After the electric dragon hit three rounds of one hundred thousand volts, they all ended in failure.

Seeing that the electric dragon stopped attacking, Akai gave orders to the electric dragon.

"Centero, horn bump!"


Cantello rushed towards the electric dragon with a lot of dust all the way, and the huge body rushed straight out. If he had a bad heart, he might even weaken his legs.

"Electric dragon, split tiles!"

Cantello's speed was very fast, and it didn't take long before he came to the electric dragon, then lowered his head, and a huge horn moved towards the electric dragon.


The leaf-like hand of the electric dragon fiercely slashed towards Centello, and suddenly, sand and rocks were flying away, and the ground broke apart.

"it is good!"

"Come on! Cantello!"

Although it took advantage of the tiredness of the electric dragon, the audience still couldn't help but yelled at the stalemate where Centero and the electric dragon were evenly matched.

The electric dragon's palm was pressed on Cantello's horn, and the two sides fell into a fight.

However, due to the racial relationship of the elves like Cantello and its extraordinary physical strength ~www.ltnovel.com~, the electric dragon was slowly pushed back by Cantello during the wrestling process.

Both of them had two traces on the hard ground.

"Electron, cotton spores!"

At the moment A Fei shouted, clusters of white cotton-like spores appeared on the electric dragon's body, and then the electric dragon's hand was loosened, and Ken Tiro slammed a corner of the electric dragon, and then rushed out against it. .

The electric dragon's body was covered with soft spores, but Ken Tiro's big horns did not cause much damage to it.

"One hundred thousand volts!"

"Kentello, don't be counseled, trample on with all your strength!"

Centello stopped and looked at the electric dragon lying on the ground covered with spores. With a roar, he raised his front body fiercely, raising his hooves, condensing energy.


Be a wizard trainer in a parallel world 9

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