"Big... Big Needle Bee..."

Looking at the elves sent by Zhou Jiang, Akai's mouth twitched.

My previous thoughts, hunches... Is it just an illusion?

Big needle bee or something... Although he has one of his own, he doesn't think this kind of elf can be so powerful.

Although the early development is fast, but the middle and late stages are abnormally weak.

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible to defeat the opponent's big-billed finches... His own big needle bee was defeated without a few moves...

Looking at Zhou Jiang's Big Needle Bee, A Fei couldn't help but his face condensed.

Although a little unbelievable, he really wanted to say that this big needle bee threatened him...

He still believed in his own feelings. Before in the wild, a sudden feeling saved his life.

A Fei nodded slightly when looking at the very ordinary-looking Big Needle Bee flying there quietly.

No matter what, there is nothing wrong with paying attention.

"Big Needle Bee, weird power!"



Looking at the big needle bee that had appeared in the original location of the big-billed bird and the dusty field, A Fei couldn't help but open his mouth.

What kind of monster is this!

"Okay... so strong... As expected, Sister Ruobing didn't lie to me, even Big Needle Bee can be very strong..."

Shi Yuxuan opened her mouth slightly, looked at Big Needle Bee in disbelief, and muttered.

And the sister Ruo Bing in her mouth also raised her brows.

This speed... is about the same as that of the quasi-king-level elves, right?

Is he really a senior in high school?

At this moment, this question echoed in everyone's mind.

On the field, Big Needle Bee did not take advantage of the victory, but flew quietly in the air, looking down on the ground, like an uncrowned king looking down on his country and minister.

The smoke dissipated quickly, and the situation on the court soon stunned everyone.

The big-billed finches lay half-dead on the field. With the big-billed finches as the center, a small circular pit with a diameter of three meters appeared in front of everyone. Inside the pit, the ground was cracked and broken into pieces. Of small stones.


This is no ordinary venue!

After being hit from mid-air, there is still so much power!

This is better than most quasi-king-level elves!

Li Ruobing frowned, looking thoughtfully at the venue.

And beside Li Ruobing, Shi Yuxuan, the little girl, was about to become a fan of the big needle bee, staring at the big needle bee flying there "dominantly leaking".

So handsome!

So violent!

Good man!



A Fei stared blankly at the struggling big-billed finches lying in the small pit on the ground.

One move... One move made the big-billed sparrow lose its resistance... What kind of monster is this!

A Fei looked at Big Needle Bee again, and this time, he felt a stronger pressure from Big Needle Bee.

King of heaven? !

"No, no, it's impossible, it's not the king of heaven. If it were the king of heaven, the big-billed sparrow would have fainted. But if it wasn't the king of heaven, it was about to reach the king of heaven..."

Looking at Big Needle Bee, A Fei suddenly felt like he was burning!

He came here to challenge more and more powerful opponents. He refurbished and practiced in the forest for two years and never went out. When he was hungry, he ate the fruit, thirsty and drank the stream. Elves.

In that kind of difficult environment, his comparison eagle finally broke through to the king of heaven!

After the breakthrough, he felt that he was about to come out to fight against the opponent. I heard that the gym trainer is at the lowest level of the quasi-king, and his elves are flying, so he came here to challenge the owner and Study here if possible.

He is an orphan. Although the country has a good policy for orphans, all tuition fees are exempted, but he still has to go to work to obtain many things.

He liked elves since he was a child, until one day he met Bobo...

After graduation, he used Poke Ball to officially overtake Bibi Bird, and then he began to train hard.

He started everything from scratch without anything. Although the training materials were available, they were all sporadic.

He really relied on those experiences and materials to slowly walk out of his own path.

Over the past ten years, he has also reached the level of elite intermediate.

In order to break through the senior elite in one fell swoop, he went to practice deep in the forest that the Alliance had not explored or announced.

This has been two years, and finally, most of the elves broke through, and there was a big breakthrough than the eagle, reaching the quasi-king!

"Excellent, come and fight! Partner!"

A Fei grinned and retracted the Toucan. The referee just shouted that after the Toucan had lost the ability to fight because A Fei retracted the Toucan, A Fei dispatched his comparison eagle.

"Better than Diaodiao!"

Feeling A Fei's excitement and blood, Bi Diao was also excited.

Although Bi Diao is in the Elf Ball, it has already touched the origin, so its perception ability has greatly increased. It has seen what is happening outside, and it is also serious about the Big Needle Bee.

"Bi Diao, Yong Bird!"

Rarely, A Fei took the initiative to attack, and this time, he no longer shouted orders blankly, but was impassioned, like a speech. Not only that, he also shook his fist vigorously forward.

The blood is burning!

Bi Diao screamed loudly, and then wrapped in blue energy, he hurried towards the Big Needle Bee.

It is extremely fast than the carving, and it is said that full flight can have a speed of Mach two.

Now with the blessing of energy, Bi Diao disappeared from everyone's eyes at once, and everyone could only see a blue beam of light flying straight past.

When Bi Diao's figure appeared again, it appeared with a loud noise.

The right wing of the eagle collided with the spear of the big needle bee, and the invisible air wave rolled around. The two elves did not stop and wrestle. After the touch, the two elves kept in the air. Chase back and forth, fight together.

The banging sound and the impact caused the small energy stream and the smoke to be generated everywhere in the air ~www.ltnovel.com~Bi Diao, come on! "

"Big Needle Bee, come on!"

Everyone in the auditorium was shouting cheering, even A Fei, who everyone hated, was shouting cheering.

Although it is difficult for everyone to see the movement of the elves even on the big screen, it does not hinder their excitement.

The excitement of the elves and the crashing sound are the best stimulants!

However, high-speed battles can't last. The speed of the two elves slowed down after a while, and even the naked eye can see the trajectory of the two elves.

The claws, beak, and wings of the eagle are powerful weapons, plus the size is bigger than the big needle bee and I don’t know how many turns, so it is always attacking, and the big needle bee defends with two extremely beautiful spears. The dripping water did not leak, and not a single attack from Bi Diao was hit on it.


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