I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 223: Guess i guess i guess i guess i guess

"Guai Li Wushuang!"

This name came from Zhou Jiang...

Although it sounds like a second grade, it does not hinder the awesomeness of this skill.

Listening to this name, you know that this is a derivative skill of the skill strange power.

Before the Big Needle Bee could only converge all its strength on the spear and hit it once, now the Big Needle Bee can indeed hit it continuously.

Of course, with the current control power of Big Needle Bee, although it can be used continuously, its power has dropped a lot.

However, this is also harmless. Although the strength of the continuous attack has dropped a little, it sometimes has a different effect and can exert greater power.

Boom boom boom!

The continuous flame punch of the fast dragon collided with the continuous force of the big needle bee

And the strange power is worthy of the strange power. Every time the big needle bee hits, the fast dragon retreats steadily. Although the strength of a blow has decreased, it is also more durable.

Sure enough, the longer the better~



The two elves are fighting each other, every punch of the two elves intersects with each other.

However, this naive fellow Kuailong suddenly turned around and wanted to use his tail to sweep the big needle bee...

Doesn't it know that Big Needle Bees can easily dodge in the air?

Sure enough, the quick dragon's blow did not hit the Big Needle Bee at all, and Big Needle Bee escaped easily.

However, Zhou Jiang did not let Big Needle Bee take advantage of this gap to go up and fight with Kuailong.

Such a big flaw is either a real flaw or a fraud.

Compared with the interest relationship between the two, Zhou Jiang chose to ignore and let Big Needle Bee on standby...

It would be terrible if there was a crisis that he hadn't seen. If you look at it this way now, if the opponent doesn't use the origin, the chances of Big Needle Bee will be higher, so Zhou Jiang doesn't bother to take the risk.

Zhou Jiang glanced at Li Ruobing triumphantly. Who would have thought that she was looking at Kuailong instead of looking at herself, which made Zhou Jiang a little unhappy.

Humph, but I saw through your routine, broke your plan, and made you proud!

Of course, it was impossible for Zhou Jiang to know what was in the mind of this fast dragon without the master's command.

Li Ruobing looked at the confronting two sides in shock.

Kuailong swept his tail without authorization, Zhou Jiang and Big Needle Bee on the opposite side of such a big neutral did not seize the opportunity. Instead, they watched this side carefully and carefully and did not dare to move.

Thinking about it, Li Ruobing almost didn't laugh out loud, but now is not the time for her to laugh. Wouldn't it be better to have a layout when the other party doubts?

Now Kuailong and Big Needle Bee are facing each other, they are in the air, panting slightly and staring at each other.

Li Ruobing was obviously "annoyed" in the meantime, and Zhou Jiang, who was secretly watching her, also saw her expression, and he was instantly relieved.

Although it was a suspicion, the suspicion was only a suspicion. From her expression, she did indeed have some trick to wait for her big needle bee to fly up and hit it.

Zhou Jiang used the system to see the tricks of Kuailong, but he didn't see much.

Although there are many skills, the system will only display those "orthodox" skills.

For example, the system, official skills, and the system will be displayed, and the complex skills, combination skills and the like derived from them will not be displayed by the system unless they are learned by the skill machine from the system. skill.

Although I don't know, it doesn't hinder Zhou Jiang's guess.

If you want to seduce Big Needle Bee to get the bait, and even put Kuailong at risk of injury, simply think about it. It is likely that Kuailong has a powerful trick that can kill Big Needle Bee half-life or hang directly. The trick is.

After all, she wouldn't dare to be so messy if she didn't gain much, right?

After all, the two elves are almost evenly matched, even if there is a small gap, it is not harmful, and it has not yet reached the critical moment of being able to distinguish the outcome.

And if one party is injured for no reason...

Then the victorious balance will immediately lean towards another elf.


I think so, but what is the killer of Fast Dragon...

Long range or close combat?

The Bumblebee's physical strength and defense are very low. If it takes a move directly, even the fast dragon's eighth achievement of spraying flames is dead, so Zhou Jiang began to shrink a little.

The other party didn't know that his Big Needle Bee came up by relying on a plug-in, if someone accidentally made a big move and evaporated Big Needle Bee...

Zhou Jiang will definitely regret his death.

Zhou Jiang's cautious and cautious mood was also conveyed to Big Needle Bee, and Big Needle Bee's behavior became more careful.

"Quick dragon, come on!"

Seeing the big needle bee wandering cautiously over there, Li Ruobing's mouth slightly cocked.

She didn't expect the effect to be so good. She directly calmed the opponent. She thought it would only make the opponent nervous or distracted a little more during the battle. She didn't expect this effect to be extremely powerful!

……and many more!

Is it possible that the other party is swindling and waiting for him to take the bait?

After all, this will make you wonder at most, how can you be so careful? Is it to confuse me and get me hooked?

"Quick Dragon, come back!"

Li Ruobing thought very fast, and Kuailong shouted before rushing there.

When Kuailong heard Li Ruobing’s voice, he hurriedly braked. Although it looked dumbfounded, due to the short distance between the two elves, it did not dare to look back at its owner and could only slowly touch the ground. Back to the big needle bee.

Zhou Jiang looked at the Kuailong who suddenly rushed up and back away, and was startled.

This is definitely a problem!

Otherwise, how could the other party be so abnormal!

No, let the big needle bee pay attention.

And Li Ruobing saw Zhou Jiang's "surprise" and the "serious" expression after that.

Li Ruobing sighed slightly after seeing his expression.

Before, she was only suspicious ~www.ltnovel.com~ and now she is convinced that there is a fraud on the other side. As expected, the other party used the trick and led me to the bait. If I hadn't reacted quickly and let Kuailong come back, now Kuailong has been seriously injured?

But when the fast dragon rushed forward, the big needle bee was definitely brewing a trick. Now Zhou Jiang saw his fast dragon retreating, and he was surprised and unwilling to see the game he had set.

Sure enough, he deserves to have won the college league championship. The guy who reached this level when he debuted is simply more sinister than the old guys!

Two people with strong brain supplements each speculated on the opposite side's mind, staring at each other firmly, not even knowing that the condensed sweat drops on their faces.

The situation of Big Needle Bee and Quick Dragon is similar.

The fast dragon is okay, and I don't know what "attribute" it is. With no heart and lungs, the big needle bee is much more serious, staring at the "big move" fast dragon.

Be a wizard trainer in a parallel world


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