
This time the Big Needle Bee is a finger gun that is fully used.

The Big Needle Bee and Bi Diao’s super-powered attacks faced each other, and the tip of the needle faced the Maimang, and a big explosion occurred in an instant, and the two elves were also pushed away by the explosion.

The Big Needle Bee and Bi Diao flew out of thick fog, but the two elves did not dispel the thick fog separating the two elves, and each flew into the air panting.

The Big Needle Bee is now covered with large and small scars.

These were not hit by the opponent's attack, and a large part of them were hit by the aftermath of the explosion that just happened.

Seeing this, Zhou Jiang knew that the Big Needle Bee was probably dead, and it had no strength.

The barrel effect is the barrel effect.

Big needle bee's shortcoming is too serious.

Insufficient physical strength, weak defense.

The opponent's Bi Diao probably just panted a little bit more seriously, and now the Big Sting Bee is already dead.

This is because Big Needle Bee exercises with a gravity bracelet to increase a lot of invisible physical strength. Otherwise, Needle Bee is afraid that it won't work for ten minutes.

Taking advantage of this, Zhou Jiang recovered the Big Needle Bee and released La Luras.

As soon as La Luras played, the invisible rocks in various places flew towards La Luras.


La Luras looked at the densely packed rocks, and instantly released her thought power. All the rocks were frozen in the air. Then, under the powerful thought power of La Rulas, the rocks hit each other and turned into pieces. Fell to the ground.

Li Ruobing looked at the terrifying power of La Lulas, and his pupils shrank.

The super-power elves are notorious for being a waste wood in the early stage, rising up in the middle stage, and defying the sky in the later stage.

Is he La Luras so strong in the first stage?

She hadn't watched Zhou Jiang's previous video of playing against La Roulas, but to be honest, even if she watched it, she would still be surprised...

With such a wide range of mind power control, even some third-stage superpower elves are difficult to achieve!

Sure enough, monsters are monsters. I hope other elves are not such monsters. If they are all such monsters, how can they fight?

The smoke dissipated in the sky, and Bi Diao could see his new opponent clearly.

Although the Invisible Rock had seen movement when it was launched before, it did not actively attack.

"Bi Diao, Tornado!"

"Bi Diao!"

Bi Diao screamed loudly, and then slammed his wings, suddenly the air surging above the field, and then a tornado that threw through the sky slowly formed and rolled towards La Lulas.

By this time, La Lulas had already completed two meditations...

"La Roulas, make a wall of light to surround yourself!"

Things like light walls are really abnormal.

Especially those with high "special attack", the light wall created is not only long-lasting, but also hard to die.

Although it is specifically designed to defend against special attacks, it can also be defended against physics. Although it is difficult to defend against elves of the quasi-tianwang level who are good at physics like the carving, they are also very powerful.

It didn't take long for La Luras to build five almost transparent "tempered glass" around him to seal himself up.

As for the air... isn't it ok to dig a hole in the ground to the outside?

Under the control of Bi Diao, the tornado quickly came to the location of La Luras.

Far away, the thick tornado could affect La Roulas' "little house", but this "little house" made of "tempered glass" seamlessly welded stood still there.

The tornado soon came to the "small house", and then the tornado covered the entire "small house".

Zhou Jiang was not worried at all.

Even if the house is broken, she will use teleportation to escape, and she and Zhou Jiang are now telepathically "talking". This "small house" is really strong, even though the tornado is strong, it is Still motionless!

Maybe it was because he thought this trick was useless, Li Ruobing commanded Bi Diao to disperse the tornado.

After all, continuous control of output needs more energy than the carving, especially after it is far away, if it wants to maintain, the energy supply will be more difficult, and a lot of energy waving from the wings will be dissipated in the air.

The tornado didn't use Bi Diao's control and continued energy transmission, and finally dissipated after five minutes.

And in the "Little House", La Lulas, who was safe and sound, also appeared in the eyes of everyone.

During the previous tornado raging, La Luras also came to meditate several times until he felt saturated.

"La Roulas, Nianli!"

Although Zhou Jiang and La Roulas were telepathically connected, Zhou Jiang still shouted out instructions.

This is a killer move.

After all, if you call a move name later, La Luras uses another move...



Bibi Niao screamed, and instantly felt that his whole body seemed to be fixed by a cement seal, his whole body could not move, and even the blood seemed to be frozen.

Seeing this, Li Ruobing frowned, and immediately took out the Elf Ball to take back Bi Diao.

However, the light from the poke ball passed by Bi Diao for an could La Roulas let it go so easily?

After trying three more times, all without success, Li Ruobing's frown deepened.

"Bi Diao, breakthrough!"

After Li Ruobing finished shouting, the purple thought force membrane that wrapped Bi Diao instantly became unstable, and Bi Diao's wings, etc. were also struggling violently.


Nian Li was instantly defeated, and a gust of wind blew around Bi Diao.

This is the origin!

Li Ruobing doesn't care.

Bi Diao and Kuailong are her two strongest elves, and these two elves can't be a problem.

Before, it could be said that the original source is not used, but now it is controlled. If it is not used, it is estimated to be GG.

Anyway, it's all GG, let's fight for it, maybe you can exchange a bit of injury with Laroulas.

"Bi Diao, Yong Bird!"


A huge blue energy coat appeared on Bi Diao's body instantly. If he were a little bigger, he would be able to serve as Susano?

Due to the addition of such a mysterious thing as Yuanyuan, this attack is more powerful than Diao's.


The eagle's wings fluttered, and then it flew towards Laluras like a missile.


The "little house" that was previously indestructible in front of the tornado became a paper-like existence in front of Yutori, and it was broken at the touch of a touch.


With a loud noise, smoke and dust suddenly rose over the "Little House".

At the same time, perhaps it could be said that it was lost early. On the other side of the venue, after a period of blurring of space, a small figure appeared on the venue.

"Tsk, the elves of the super power system are really troublesome!"

Looking at La Roulas, Li Ruobing instantly felt that the cute little guy became disgusting.

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