Zhou Jiang has given up thinking.

Elf or something, let it happen.

If you meet a good one, get it over by yourself, if you don't meet it, then forget it.

There are so many good elves in this world, how can I get them all?

Normal heart, normal heart!

After being a salted fish for a while, Zhou Jiang went to take a bath.

After the shower, Zhou Jiang walked out naked and sat on a chair playing with his mobile phone.

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang was startled.

There will be no surveillance in this room...

Probably not, after all, it is a room provided by the wizard center, and Miss Joey and others will not do these things...


But Miss Joey’s inability to do it doesn’t seem to mean that others can’t do it...

In case any tenants like to appreciate art...

"La Roulas, come and see if there are any cameras in this room!"

In the end Zhou Jiang was still persuaded.

What if it does?

Isn't his body as white as jade being seen by others?

After drying the water droplets on his body, Zhou Jiang was wrapped in a bathrobe and released La Roulas.

Sure enough, let the professionals come.

Such a big room, if you look for it yourself, when will you find it? The world's black technology is so advanced, it is probably the camera that did not exist in the previous life.

After Laluras came out, looking at Zhou Jiang, who was only around his lower body, his face turned red, and his small hand quickly covered his eyes.

Seeing the appearance of La Roulas, Zhou Jiang felt a little bit in his heart.

Forget that Laluras can perceive far away, but they should not be tuukuī, right? After all, there is no elf tuukuī own master...

But Laroulas...

Scan the entire room in all directions, if you scan it into your bathrobe...

Well, Zhou Jiang will quit and talk about it.

Anyway, there was no one on the corridor, and I just stood by the door for a while.

After explaining to La Luras, Zhou Jiang opened the door and walked to the corridor outside.

Zhou Jiang regretted it immediately after leaving.

Damn it, can't you let La Roulas scan half of the room first...


Fortunately, there was no danger in the end, no **** plot happened.

After Laluras finished scanning, Zhou Jiang went in.

As a result, Zhou Jiang was relieved.

There is no camera.

However, Zhou Jiang was not sure if it was really unoccupied or it happened to be in this room.

Anyway, I will let La Roulas look at the rooms in the future, otherwise, if he gets tōupāi while doing some shǎoérbùyí tricks, then...

After verbally commending the little guy, Zhou Jiang took her back.

Losing the bath towel, let Xiao Zhoujiang come out to breathe fresh air.

Zhou Jiang lay on the small bed, holding the phone and swiping.


Suddenly, a news pop-up window popped up on Zhou Jiang's phone. Although the title was a bit curious, Zhou Jiang was not interested in it. As a result, he accidentally clicked in...

Country R next door unexpectedly unearthed the remains of an ancient people worshipping the **** of the sea.

In the ruins, people have made a major breakthrough in their understanding of the sea **** Rogia.

Of course, Rogia's name is also known from the documents found inside and then translated.

Watching this heavy news, Zhou Jiang was a little excited.

He is not interested in these superficial materials, he is interested in the ruins.

The remains of the Sea God, even if country R has been swept through, there will always be those who don’t know Mount Tai and leave some precious things, right?

And the ruins are not just copies for the protagonist?

If I go in, where will I go, and then I will get Rogia's favor?

This is the rhythm to fly!

Zhou Jiang lost his cell phone and lay on the bed in the shape of "Tai", dreaming about how he would act like a life after he had Rogia...

God tm, whether you are the protagonist or not is not certain!

Of course, these are what Zhou Jiang thought about himself.

He divides fantasy and reality.

Although he often inexplicably falls into the situation of "fantasy", his distinction between reality and it is still very clear.

It may also be he who persuaded him, anyway, anything out of the ordinary is thought of in his head, and in reality, I dare not say it.

It's like hugging left and right, in reality...

Hehe, not to mention everyone understands it.

After fantasizing for a while, Zhou Jiang didn't bother to continue yy. After chatting with Fatty and them for a while, after learning that Shui Qingrou and their master and apprentice had also left, they broke contact after continuing to talk about other things.

Zhou Jiang fell asleep after turning off his mobile phone.

Tomorrow or when, Li Ruobing, she will find herself to go to Joey to do the wizard check and she can go on the road again.

It's just that it might be a little troublesome next.

Not to mention the gymnasium competition. Those who opened gymnasiums are all upper-class people. They will also know Zhou Jiang's information, which means that Zhou Jiang can't beat those gymnasium masters...

Can't beat the master of the gym...

Challenge those apprentices?

Those who don’t have new elves challenge them with the elves who can fight the quasi-kings or the high-level elites with the sine snakes?

Forget it...

That is to say, my challenge plan for this year's league competition was ruined?

The next year will be a year away, really...


But if you are unhappy, you still have to have a plan.

Since the league cannot be played anymore, consider becoming stronger.

They must be strengthened by a large increase.

They are the foundation of their lives.

Their combat effectiveness has risen, and even if someone comes to find faults, they have the strength to protect themselves, so they won't make it the same as they are now.

But the question is how to go next...

How about going back to that base and having fun with Fatty and them?


Forget it.

Wait until the big needle bees know their origins.

But this is probably difficult.

Two directions, cultivate, and then learn by yourself after they rise up.

The other is to fight the elves of the heavenly king level, and then use the fragments to synthesize the source for the elves.

But it’s not easy to find the elves of the heavenly king level. If you find it, it’s not that easy to defeat...

Do you want to go deep into the forest...

Zhou Jiang's curiosity and desire to die suddenly broke ~www.ltnovel.com~ There must be a lot of wild elves in the deep forest, right?

It's the fastest way to go in and defeat them by yourself and then learn the origins from Big Sting Bee or Larula.

Zhou Jiang is a little looking forward to it.

The seven elves of his own are not weak, and the Big Needle Bee and Lalulas can even fight against the quasi-king-level elves that do not use their origins.

Adding to the recovery of your own system, there shouldn't be any problem with seven gang fights, right?

As long as you are careful, if you encounter too many elves, let Lalulas take him away. It seems there is no danger?

The more I thought about it, the more Zhou Jiang felt that this was feasible. He picked up the phone next to him and looked at it. Zhou Jiang made a decision.

Be an elf trainer in a parallel world

Be a wizard trainer in a parallel world 9

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