After one side of the flat stone was sharpened by the convenience of La Luras, the stone quickly flew towards Dunjia's front leg.

Due to Dunjia’s deliberate actions, the muscles were not taut. In addition, La Luras had a strong mind, so a wound appeared on Dunjia’s foreleg immediately, and then blood flowed out.

La Roulas controlled well, the wound was not very big, and the blood only shed a little. After the blood came out, it did not shed again, only a small wound was left.

Numerous elves immediately gathered around, because the next stage was the most important treatment stage.

Although this strange little cutie said that the healing effect is very strong, they don't know.

Although this is not the deep part of the forest, humans rarely come here.

As for these drugs invented by humans, of course they have not been exposed to them.

In order to prove that he didn't cheat or something, La Luras gave the potion to a Haoli and let it spray the potion.

After teaching it how to use it, La Roulas gave up the position to them.

In the curious and tense eyes of many elves, Haoli sweated and slowly pressed his index finger.

If Haoli hadn't had a strong control over the muscles, it was afraid that its hands would be shaking.


With the pressing of the index finger, a small mist of medicine sprayed out of the nozzle.

The potion sprayed on Dunjia's feet, and Dunjia moved his body uncomfortably.

It felt a little itchy where it was sprayed, but it was still testing the potion, so it didn't dare to move its foot easily.

Ten seconds later, in the distressed eyes of La Luras, Haoli finally released his index finger.

Such a small wound can almost be cured by spraying it intermittently for ten seconds...

Little La Roulas felt his heart twitching fiercely.

This is the smell of money flowing away...

But after a second of distress, she returned to normal.

It's normal to be distressed about the waste of the owner's stuff, and then I will continue to live it~

Withdrawing the potion in Haoli's hand, looking at the many elves who were stunned at the wounds of the armor, La Lulaston raised his head and looked proud.

More than ten seconds later, many elves boiled again.

Haoli: "It's amazing! This was previously only possible for Master Yuyi!"

Heracross: "That's terrible, does this mean Lord Lord is saved?"


Many elves rejoiced.

In order to reassure them, Zhou Jiang asked La Lulas to tell them, let them heal their friends first, and they would just stay here.

After Laluras reminded them, many elves also reacted, and then the fast little fire horse and other elves ran towards the inside with the potion, while Zhou Jiang came to the river and sat down.

With the previous potions, many elves did not reject Zhou Jiang, and Zhou Jiang did not go to them, so they did not show hostility or the like.

Taking off his shoes, soaking his feet in the not deep river, stepping on the pebbles on the soles of the feet, the water flowed to the knees, feeling the cool touch, Zhou Jiang felt like he had returned to his childhood.

When he was young, he lived in the small mountain village where his grandmother lived.

I often go to play and splash in small rivers such as mountains.

He waited until he went to school before he came to the city where he lived later.

When I was young...

Although the times hadn't developed at that time, there were only low houses in the countryside, but there were memories that he could not forget.

It's all good memories...

Carefree childhood, beautiful countryside, simple working people.

The times are developing, and when I return to the small village more than ten years later, I discovered that the place has also changed a lot...

Due to various reasons such as the land, the relationship between the grandmother's family and the family became tense, and the family of the eldest uncle and the uncle no longer communicate.

All the fun of memories and so on are also being renovated and changed in the bedding.

When the river is not there, people are no longer...

Thinking back to the days before, Zhou Jiang couldn't help sighing.

Hearing Zhou Jiang's sigh, little Lalulas sitting next to him playing with water tilted his head and looked at him.

Zhou Jiang felt the movement around him and looked back at her concerned eyes, his heart warmed.

Touched her little head, comforted.

"It's okay, don't worry~"

Touching the little corner of her head, watching it squint, and the little head little by little, Zhou Jiang feels healed...

So cute~

With Lalulas by Zhou Jiang, Big Needle Bee did not continue to stay by Zhou Jiang, but flew higher to find the powerful elves on the opposite side.

Zhou Jiang has already told them.

The purpose of this practice is to fight those powerful elves.

Especially the big needle bee.

It should be the strongest elf on Zhou Jiang's side, and its form has reached its final form, so Zhou Jiang decided on the goal.

The first genie to use the source is the Big Sting Bee!

Of course, although it works best when used by La Luras of the super power system, after all, La Luras is the first stage of existence...

What if it can't be used?

What if it is discovered that only the final evolved form can be mobilized and used after using it?

What if it's rejection or something?

Zhou Jiang didn't dare to bet and finally gathered all the origins, if there is a wizard who can only use the origins, then it will be easy.

So Zhou Jiang is seeking stability this time!

And the big needle bee is not weak and easy to cut.

Zhou Jiang's fighting instinct sometimes feels terrible.

Especially after absorbing the experience of the battle against Abby Long, its melee combat has become even stronger.

Even if it is strong, it will absorb the experience of fighting against the enemy and become stronger. Isn't it great?

After waiting for two hours by the river, the sun was about to set, and the dark yellow afterglow was shining on the river in the distance, sparkling.

Zhou Jiang hadn't soaked his feet long ago.

His feet were already white and wrinkled. If the soak continued, Zhou Jiang didn't know what would happen.

Looking at the elves who were lying on their stomachs and some were fighting, Zhou Jiang felt helpless.

How long will it be...

It's literally, if I had known it for so long, I might as well continue on the road.

In case it ends up still not working...

If it doesn't work, Zhou Jiang can only sleep on this side tonight.

But the ghost knows there is something scary here.

If the elves are okay, if the ghosts are waiting for something...


Suddenly, the movements of the opposite elf attracted Zhou Jiang's attention.

There was a big fight, and the dozing elves all stood up and looked behind them.

Zhou Jiang also stood up, asked La Luras to lift himself up, and then looked over there, only to see the little fire horse that had left before and the elves came back!

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