After eating, a riot broke out in the forest when many elves were in full swing!

Just hearing the loud noise of "Boom——", countless birds were startled in the forest.

The elves carrying wood and hammering nails felt the movement and stopped their movements, turning their heads to look at the place where the sound was made.

The audience was quiet for a second, then all the elves who came to help dropped the wood and tools in their hands, screaming and rushing towards the forest

Forget it, Zhou Jiang, where the explosion occurred, is almost the location of Fengshougu's territory.

Without thinking about it, he picked up La Luras, took back the other elves, and ran towards the other side.

Listening to this constant movement, Zhou Jiang used his duodenum to think about it and knew that this must be the enemy who injured the wind speed dog.

Zhou Jiang just finished the foundation and housing materials, etc., he didn't want to just give up.

And these elves have fed some food themselves, and the relationship is settled so that Zhou Jiang can choose a place again?


Don't persuade, just do it!


Zhou Jiang was desperate. How could a two-legged man run past a four-legged elves?

Even those of Haoli are faster than Zhou Jiang.

In the end, there was no other choice but to let Lalulas use his thought force to fly Zhou Jiang towards the inside.

Looking at La Roulas who looked "I really can't do anything with you~", Zhou Jiang smiled helplessly.

La Lulas took Zhou Jiang and flew much faster, and it didn't take long to catch up with the elves who hadn't even seen their **** before.

Listening to the increasing movement, Zhou Jiang stretched his hand to his waist.

Looking at the tall trees not far away, Zhou Jiang nodded.

They didn't hit the base, and it seemed that their security defenses hadn't been so bad.


After bypassing a few big trees, Zhou Jiang finally saw the many elves fighting.

There are many elves fighting here.

Wind Speed ​​Dog is fighting with a tall black Luga, and around the battlefield of Black Luga and Wind Speed ​​Dog is the battlefield of quasi-kingdom level elves.

Wind Speed ​​Dog here counted the seven quasi-king elves that Zhou Jiang rescued yesterday.

Flame Horse, Strange Power, Heracross, Cunning Tengu, Hat Mushroom, Fiery Monkey, and Three-in-One Magneto.

Although the physical condition of the three elves treated by Zhou Jiang hadn't fully recovered yesterday, the comparison of the opposite sides was also very good.

Zhou Jiang glanced at it roughly, and there were two Hei Lujias of the Heavenly King level opposite, one fighting with the wind speed dog, and the other surrounded by three quasi-kings.

In addition to the two elves of the heavenly king level, there are only three quasi-celestial elves on the black road.

Three quasi-king-level elves faced four. Although three of the four were slightly weak, the other party did not get there. There were still some unhealed wounds on them, probably left the day before or before.

Wind Speed ​​Dog talked to Zhou Jiang about the situation yesterday.

There were originally seven quasi-celestial kings on the Helujia camp, and a queen who was promoted to the heavenly queen should have six, but now only three of them were supporting them, plus the small wounds on their bodies. And the scar, Zhou Jiang understood after thinking about it.

It is estimated that the other party thought it was stable, and then let the three seriously injured elves stay at home to guard their homes. After all, the sudden attack the day before yesterday was okay, and there will definitely be other elves in other territories who will pay attention to their territories.

In addition, there is a quasi-tian king who is more seriously injured, so some combat power is left at home.

The three opponents were seriously injured, and the other three were also seriously injured. In addition, the old wind speed dog was also seriously injured. The two black Luga on their side were only slightly injured. Could it be possible to roll over?

How does flying dragon riding face lose?

The two Hei Lujia and the younger brothers behind them invaded the Wind Speed ​​Dog territory mightily.

They have a certainty of victory, and they have already figured out how to develop after occupying this land.


The reality slapped them hard.

After the attack, found that the wind speed dog's injury was healed? It's okay. Two heavenly elves, even if the wind speed dog is good, it is useless.

The minor injuries of the four quasi-kings are also healed?

...That's okay, redistribute the combat power, and fight the wind speed dog with one heavenly king and one quasi-tenant king, and their extra heavenly kings can hold the opponent three or more, and they can still win.

......The injuries of the three severely wounded dying quasi-kings are also healed?

...Then you hit a chicken!

The current situation is that the elves on the Heilujia side want to run, but because there are so many elves on the Wind Speed ​​Dog, some minor injuries have been treated by Zhou Jiangyi, and the minor injuries have been dealt with. The idea of ​​selling an adult favor and having a good relationship with ordinary elves was cured.

On the other hand, on Heluga's side, half of the combat power was not brought out...

The current situation is that they can't go if they want to.

It was wrapped up by the three tiers inside and the outside three tiers of elves.

Fortunately, there is an extra elves of the heavenly king level on their or they would be defeated.

But if this continues, they will not be far from defeat.

In the battle between Wind Speed ​​Dog and Hei Lujia, Hei Rujia still had some minor injuries on his body and was also vigilant around him, so there was a faint tendency to be hit by the Wind Speed ​​Dog.

On the other side of the Black Luga, it is estimated that it was just promoted, and the source control was not very good, so it was dragged by four quasi-king-level elves, and sometimes it would be tricked.

As for the remaining three one-on-one quasi-kings, Hei Lujia's camp is still wounded, plus some restlessness, so fight with the three spirited elves on the wind speed dog side. It's evenly matched.

Zhou Jiang looked at Hei Lujia who was being dragged by four quasi-king-level elves, and without a word, he threw the elven ball of Big Needle Bee.

The original fragment delivered to the door!

Don't do it for nothing!

After Big Needle Bee came out, he spotted the target and headed directly towards Hei Lujiazhao.

The elves on the wind speed dog know Big Needle Bee and Zhou Jiang, so they were only a little surprised at first, and then they continued to fight, and the opposite...

He Lujia glanced at the big needle bee that emerged from the small ball. It was not very strong, and continued to fight regardless of it.



The speed and strength of the Big Needle Bee has reached the level of the king of heaven. Although it is at the early stage, it is underestimated by the elves of the same early stage of the king, and it is besieged by four not weak elves. The bees fell to the ground.

The big needle bee with a shaved and finger gun might have missed it and failed to respond when the elves paid attention, let alone failed to pay attention. The sharp spear pierced Hei Luga's waist and small On the belly, a hole appeared in Hei Lujia's belly...

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