I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 251: Menus' sneak attack

Seeing that the situation is not good, the little brothers of the black Lujia camp want to slip away.

Since ancient times, territorial invasion wars, those who win will kill those who lose, and they are rarely allowed to leave, because once they are let go, then the elves of other territories may peep at them. After all, there is nothing wrong with losing. Loss, if you win, you can still get a super good piece of land. Who will refuse?

And who guarantees that the elves who let go will appreciate you and won't make a comeback?

Of course, this is not absolute. Some lord elves who are not very good at killing will not be so cruel, at most they will kill the leader.

The elves of the Heluga camp are very hard. If you continue to stay here and hand over their lives to the wind speed dog, it is better to fight.

Running out is victory. They can be brought to attack the territory, and their fighting power is not weak. As long as they are not disabled, they can escape to the territory of other lords to linger.

Although it may be excluded, it is better than death.

However, they are desperate.

Next to this is the base camp of the Wind Speed ​​Dogs, so the elves from the Wind Speed ​​Dog territory have been summoned in the battle just now.

Hei Lujia originally had a little less manpower, and a lot of elves were knocked over. In the end, the wind speed dog had more manpower...

Surrounded by three circles inside and outside three circles, they couldn't find a chance to escape at all!

The bird elves wanted to fly out, but they were blocked by the bird elves when they flew high, and then followed by the deep soul torture of wind blades, fire pillars, and lightning.


Zhou Jiang looked at the "small soldiers" surrounded by him, smiled sinisterly, and threw Menus's Elf Ball.

Hard vortex water blade!

These elves are all elite.

Even the junior elite has about 20 points.

And there are nearly a hundred of them here!

The elves surrounded by them didn't dare to be presumptuous, and both sides stared at each other sternly, but the Hei Lujia camp was a bit imaginary, thinking about how to escape.

Menas came out without attracting anyone's attention.

Under Zhou Jiang's signal, Menas began to accumulate strength.

There are too many elves, and the standing is a little scattered, and a hard vortex water blade can't involve them all.

After a shot passes, the opponent will definitely guard against it, and even counterattack, which is not good, so Zhou Jiang's plan is for Menas to directly spit out four hard vortex water blades.

Although the damage and scale are small, as long as they are sealed in their four corners, they can only wait to die.

Four smaller waterspouts were the first to block them. It is estimated that they would retreat and huddle together for various reasons. Then some elves would think of fighting back.

And after they counterattack and destroy, then Menus's most powerful hard vortex water blade will come up.

The elves gather together, why is there something wrong with the hard vortex water blade of Menus?

In that big environment, there will definitely be a lot of elves recruited.

Then there are four tornadoes on the periphery.

It doesn't matter if they break a few tornadoes. Menus can hold on and continue to attack with more physical effort. What if they don't break?

That is a big tornado and four small tornadoes. If you control the direction and unify the speed, you may be able to combine five in one. An absolute killer move!

After brewing for nearly a minute, Menus finally got ready, groaning softly, and the surrounding four javelins flying in the air flew toward the sky.

"Mei-chan, just get it!"

I don't know how this magical creature like elves grows. It can understand all human languages.

Even the elves living in the deep mountains and forests who have never seen humans can understand what humans say, such as Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese and other languages, which are a piece of cake for them!

But fortunately, the elves can only understand but cannot understand the words. Otherwise, the language-related scholars of Huaxia Archaeology are almost abolished. What do you need to do if the elves can understand?

Wouldn't it be ok to get a telepathic one or let an elf learn to write modern characters?

It's a bit far.

Encouraged by Zhou Jiang'ai, Menus continued to hold back big moves.

This time the trick is powerful.

Menus was brewing a trick, while the elves on both sides were still confronting nervously.

Suddenly, a rumbling rock in the Heluga camp felt that a "cloud" suddenly appeared above itself, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

When a bad feeling arose in its heart, it suddenly raised its head.



Listening to my own feelings, Long Longyan squeezed towards the back in an instant, even if there is a companion standing there behind, if you continue to stay here, the thing that you don’t know what it is smashed down may cost my old man. Life!

With a great alarm in his heart, Long Longyan squeezed away violently in spite of the complaints of his companions behind him~www.ltnovel.com~.

After the current javelin was lowered, many of the elves who were facing each other saw it, and then they all looked at it dumbfoundedly. Except for some elves with a strong sixth sense in the front row, the other elves were a bit dumbfounded. Did not react.

boom! ! !

The elves in the four corners who were unlucky enough to be selected, and some elves who were still in a daze who did not retreat were directly shot by a powerful water jet.

The hard vortex water blade is not only a group injury, its single killing ability is also very strong.

The water stream is crazily compressed into a "javelin", and the water stream rotates crazily in the "javelin". How can this lethality be weak?

Although they were not hit from the front, a bunch of elves were sputtered by the water that erupted after being hit by the "Javelin" on the ground. This was a period of damage. They were so close that there was no time to evade. The super-large waterspout that unfolded directly involved them all!

The elves who were not involved in the rear hurriedly retreated back. However, the space was so big and full of elves. Only the flying elves tried to fly out from above, but they were caught by the wind speed dog. After being hit, he was swept in by a waterspout.

Seeing that it couldn't be squeezed, and the waterspout was still getting bigger again, an elf couldn't help launching an attack at the waterspout.

The attack of one elves drove the attacks of other elves, and everyone attacked the waterspout in front of them.

The attack of one elves may be weak, but if ten or twenty elves are attacked, even a waterspout with a diameter of one meter cannot hold it!

Seeing that some of them were getting smaller in front of them, and there was even a waterspout that was about to dissipate, the elves all gained confidence and carried their energy to continue to attack the waterspout.

Ten seconds later.


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