But it’s okay, Zhou Jiang said that he will be long in Japan.

   I have a lot of time, it's not empty at all!

  The cabins of the elves are made very quickly. After all, they don't need a bed, and they don't need too much space. They are just a night residence.

   Plus the wood has been processed before, so it’s almost finished now.

   Zhou Jiang turned around a few times, looking at the endless grassland in the distance, and regretted putting the camp here...

   He has forgotten that it took about half an hour for the little fire horse to run here on the other side of the river...

In the forest, there is a place bordering a small river. This is what the Wind Speed ​​Dog said last night. It said that the Hei Luga rushed to invade them from there, and today will be the day they rushed past to invade. ...

   shook his head, shaking his head all the things he shouldn't think about.

   Black Luga, if they fail to invade, they must consider the consequences, and now their territory is probably being destroyed and plundered by the wind speed dogs.

   Fruits are very important resources. The elves will not destroy the fruit trees, but they will pick up all the fruits on it, leaving only some small fruits for the elves in the newly occupied territory.

   Even if it is not finished, it will not be put there.

   Although it was the site where the Wind Speed ​​Dogs had beaten them, they would soon be occupied by others. It might be a more powerful Elf Territory, or it might be a team formed by some small shrimps.

   But basically the elves won't run out to grab territory.

   because they are enough to eat.

   And most of the time, it is inevitable that the car will not be overturned, unless it is a very combative spirit, otherwise it will not easily attack other territories.

   Zhou Jiang walked around the house, looked at the five houses that had been repaired, and nodded in satisfaction.

   I don’t know inside, but at least it looks good from the outside.

   Although the cabin is quite satisfactory, it looks okay.

   A big house in Zhoujiang is in the middle, and two small wooden houses and two concrete houses are surrounded by squares.

   In fact, a house is redundant, but it’s okay, anyone who wants to live in it will do, and the surplus cement house can also be used as a warehouse.

   The house consists of two snakes and three elves, the little fire dragon.

   Big Needle Bees and Bibi Birds both like to rest on the trees. When the time comes, get one or two of the trees in the forest and it will be almost here. Zhou Jiang said that he was very comfortable looking at the symmetrical houses.

   He has no requirements for others, he has obsessive-compulsive disorder inexplicably about symmetry, and it will be disgusting if things are not symmetrical.

   Turned his head and looked at the elves behind him who looked at him blankly, Zhou Jiang sighed helplessly.

   Suddenly, Zhou Jiang thought that he would sigh at every turn, is it too pessimistic...

   This thought just flashed in his mind, and now there are more important things waiting for him.

   These guys still want rewards.

   There is no way, Zhou Jiang can only use his small treasury again.

   Looking at the little treasury that was left, Zhou Jiang shed tears of poverty again.

   After setting up the energy cubes and giving five elves each to help, they smiled happily and left like a fool.

   The bed and stool had already been put in by La Luras with a thought force. Zhou Jiang came to the door, slowly opened the door, looked at the inside, and nodded.

   is very good, although those elves are shameless, but straightforward, Zhou Jiang likes it very much.

   And they work very seriously, but they are not sorry for the salary they get.

   Speaking of salary, my heart is drawn.

  There are tree fruits that are converted into energy cubes. Although the cost of this is already very small by the machines made by the system, there is still a little bit. In addition, a lot of tree fruits are needed to make energy cubes.

   Until now, it is estimated that the tree fruits brought by Zhou Jiang can only be made about 30 yuan to resemble a cube...

   It's only a few days now...a lot of supplies are all exhausted...

   Fortunately, only the fruit is gone. In the wild, although the fruit is controlled by the elves of each site, with Zhou Jiang's strength, it is not a problem to go to other sites to get some fruit.

Let the big needle bees play their own. Zhou Jiang lay on the wooden bed they made and tried it. It was almost the same as the school bed board. Zhou Jiang didn't pay much attention to the place to sleep, as long as it was not a garbage dump. Some sleep just fine.

   After opening the small window supported by the brackets to let in the sunlight, Zhou Jiang and La Lulas went out.

   It's still early, it's just a little bit past eight o'clock. I'm idle and I'm idle, so I just go to the game to get points. Zhou Jiang did not forget his purpose.

  He didn't come here for fun!

   tried his best to collect the origin fragments, and then let the big needle bee learn the origin.

   This thing is really abnormal.

   There are really different existences and not.

   Zhou Jiang thought about it, if the original source of fragment synthesis is used, if the elves can touch the original source like the quasi-king stage elves, then he will let the elves practice while getting the original fragments.

   If it can be used directly at the level of the king of heaven, then Zhou Jiang will wait for the three sources to see if there is time.

   If there is, go to the challenge gym to participate in the league competition.

   If not, I will continue to practice and wait a year later.

  Although Zhou Jiang wanted to open a shop as a salted fish after the fight earlier, he was not hungry enough to get ordinary badges.

  What is the use of ordinary badges?

   If you want to get it, you have to get the commemorative badge!

   Feiyu Gymnasium has a fast dragon that is extremely close to the level of the king~www.ltnovel.com~ This is because she has just taken over.

  Many of the other gyms are old gym trainers.

   They are not as easy to deal with Li Ruobing.

   Maybe Zhou Jiang will deal with six elves of the heavenly king level...

   And there should be some rare elves in this forest, right?ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Ibrahimovic didn't have any extravagant hopes before, but now he is trying his luck.

   If only I could meet the quasi god...

   But Zhou Jiang just thought about it, quasi-god...existence that can be met but cannot be sought...

   It is estimated that even if you encounter it, it is difficult to be alone.

   shook his head, Zhou Jiang called the Big Needle Bees back, and they just wanted to take them back and went to fight, and then Zhou Jiang saw the empty space all around...

   Zhou Jiang patted his forehead, and he said that he seemed to have forgotten something.

   Forget about the wall!

   is almost...

   But it's okay, it's worthwhile.

   Building a fence is still simple.

   Let Laluras and Ivy Snake get some trees over, and then let the big needle bee bury them as stakes in the ground, and then wrap wires and barbed wire around the exposed parts.

  Although they can't stop the skills of the elves, they definitely suffer from those elves who are curious.


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