I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 264: Battle the fire-breathing dragon

The two sides stood up, and it was the fire-breathing dragon in front of her that Meng Takibin chose to fight.

She looked at the big needle bee flying in mid-air facing the fire-breathing dragon, and she couldn't help feeling a little lost.


"Hey, Xiao Binbin, guess what I found? Jiang Jiang~It's this little guy~’

The girl held a yellow worm that was sleeping soundly in her hands, and she held it in front of Meng Takibin like a treasure.

Although the girl's tone was very happy, she couldn't see her face clearly. She couldn't even remember her mouth, nose, etc., as if there was a layer of mist blocking her.

‘Eh~ Unicorn, isn’t this the most common worm type spirit? ’

‘Humph! That's right, don't you all say that the insect elves are very weak? Then I will be the champion of the king with insects! I will use my strength to tell them that even the insect elves are very strong! In the future, I will subdue this little guy and let him be my elf! ’

When the girl said this, she looked happy and yearning, but she still couldn't see the girl's face.

"Eh~ Really? Then I congratulate you first, crown, army, sir~’

'Humph! You laughed at me again~ Ignore you! ’

The girl put her hands on her chest and turned her head proudly.

"Hey, no, I really agree with Xiao Rui's dream~"

"But... Xiao Binbin, do you think I can really do it..."

The girl was a little happy listening to Meng Takibin's words, but she was still a little unconfident and hesitant.

'Of course, no problem! Because Xiao Rui is Xiao Rui, as long as you work hard, you will definitely become a champion! I am waiting for you, when the time comes, I will use the camera you gave me Xiaorui to record your most beautiful moments! Moreover, I will protect Xiao Rui! ’

Meng Takibin patted his chest with a confident expression on his face, no problem!

'Ok! Thank you Xiao Binbin~’


"Hello? Are you there? It's thundering and raining, go home to collect clothes!"

"You are Caixu Kun!"

"Ah? What? What kind of Kun?"

Seeing Meng Takibin who had recovered, Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched.

"Stop it, it's the game! Focus!"

Zhou Jiang began to understand how others felt when he was talking to others...

Sure enough...

"Uh, sorry, sorry, I didn't pay attention, so let's start!"

Meng Takibin was a little weak in speaking.

After speaking, he used his eyes to signal that the fire-breathing dragon was fine.

Zhou Jiang shrugged, indicating that the woman is really inexplicable...

But it didn't matter, what he liked about her was her elves.

The two known elves, the fire-breathing dragon and the Tanabata Blue Bird, are both high-ranking quasi-kings. No matter how bad they are behind, will they be worse?

And even if there are no other powerful elves, there is no big deal.

Two elves add up to provide more than one hundred points, so content!

More than one hundred points, at least dozens of wild elves are required to get them.

And it's hard to guarantee that she won't have any other elves, what if there is still a heavenly king?

As long as it is not the existence of the late Uranus, Zhou Jiang believes that Big Needle Bee can beat it!

Start with a coin toss.

Zhou Jiang took out a coin and flicked it towards the sky.

Both of them stared at the coin.

Although it is not a big deal to be slow, but it will "lost face"?

After all, in this case, it can be considered that the two are better than "who makes the move first". People who are slow will naturally feel a little angry and uncomfortable, which will be more or less affected later.

Of course, this is useless for Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang's battle basically relied on the elves themselves.

He seldom gives orders, and when fighting, they basically use the tricks they often use in normal training. The battle basically relies on their own reaction speed.

Of course, if the trainer's IQ is high enough, he can also use tactics through the field. This is also one of the uses of the trainer. Otherwise, what do you want you to do?

However, although Zhou Jiang is not very good at tactics, he still has small ideas occasionally, and isn't he specialized in training elves?

Although all rely on the system, but some training methods are all he thinks.


The moment the coin fell, the two began at the same time.

"Jet flames!"


Zhou Jiang's orders are very brainless and effective.

The big needle bee just cares about it.

The physical strength and strength improved again, especially the substantial improvement of the physique, the big needle bee is not one or two strong.

Shave with all your strength, the big needle bee directly turned into "light"!


On the other side, the fire-breathing dragon on the opposite side opened its big mouth and there was a fiery flame.

However, the flames just gushed out, and they were cut and penetrated by the big needle bee before they had gone far!


The fire-breathing dragon had only time to subconsciously raise his arm to block it in front of him, and then he was smashed out by the big needle bee.

In fact, the amount of strange power is not very suitable for the big needle bee.

The power of the big needle bee should be reflected in the penetration, which is the finger gun!

But the finger gun is too scary.

Concentrate the power of the whole body to shoot out, and the spear of Big Needle Bee has been strengthened, making it sharper and harder.

If you don't draw back your strength, it is easy to make a few holes in the opponent's elves directly, or even if you are not careful~www.ltnovel.com~, it is possible to die directly.

Even so, but the skill of strange power is still very powerful.

The power bonus is huge.

The fire-breathing dragon was smashed and flew out, and instantly hit the trunk that fell to the ground, and the poor tree broke apart again.

Due to the resistance of the fire-breathing dragon, it did not fly too far, but it was not injured lightly when it came down like this, especially the wings, with a lot of blood stains on them.


The fire-breathing dragon was not lightly injured, but it just ignited its anger.

The elves of the fire element are like this.

They are not the strongest when they are in full state, they are the strongest when they suffer a little pain but do not affect the movement, or when the residual blood is ignited.

The fire-breathing dragon stood up and sprayed flames at the large needle bee flying at high speed.

The flame is not as simple as an ordinary flame, and the temperature of the flame integrated into the source is even more terrifying, and the air is distorted from a distance.

The kumquat flame shot in the direction of the big needle bee.

The horrible temperature was felt by the Needle Bee from a long distance. At that temperature, it is really bad to have no origin. Even if it is not hit, the Needle Bee will consume a lot of physical strength.

The big needle bee immediately flicked its wings and flashed to the side.

The fire-breathing dragon's head turned slightly, and the flame followed.

However, the speed of the big needle bee was really fast, and it evaded the flames and rushed to the front of the fire-breathing dragon's abdomen.


Seeing the familiar but unfamiliar energy on the fire-breathing dragon's body, the Big Needle Bee was no longer polite, and the spear pierced hard.

The origin is really powerful.

Without it, the big needle bee would be able to penetrate the fire-breathing dragon's belly directly this time, and now only the spear head has gotten in.

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