I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 266: Blood Wing Flying Dragon!

You are not polite, but the spear of the Big Needle Bee slammed directly at the base of its wings.

The fire-breathing dragon had only time to barely raise its hand to block it, but the needle bee had already expected it, and it accelerated in an instant and passed the fire-breathing dragon. When it came to the back of the fire-breathing dragon, the big needle bee directly poked at the root of its wings. .


Even though a lot of origin was transported to resist, it was still pierced, and the spear of the big needle bee pierced the shoulder blade of the fire-breathing dragon's back!

The painful fire-breathing dragon kept screaming, the flames in his mouth kept blowing, and his hands frantically grabbed it, but it couldn't hit the big needle bee behind it.

"Fire-breathing dragon, dragon tail!"


With a blow of anger, the tail of the fire-breathing dragon lit up with a green light and drew it toward the back fiercely.

Fortunately, the fire-breathing dragon has a longer tail, otherwise it would be really difficult.

But this trick is indeed the favorite of Big Sting Bee.

Most of the physical attacks can be dodged. It can only be said that the paper painting is really abnormal...

Zhou Jiang felt that he could learn paper painting for all the elves. How could he not use such a useful skill?

Although many abilities of my own system have not been developed, and many skills have not been learned by the elves, there is a feeling of being a jewel in the dust, but why do you say that only you have the system as a cheater~

Being unique is being able to do whatever you want!

The big needle bee that carried the paper painting fluttered and escaped the tail of the fire-breathing dragon, and after the tail passed, a glint flashed in the eyes of the big needle bee, and the energy was transported to the fire-breathing dragon that was twitching.


This time, the attack was more severe than the previous one. The small half of the gun tip was inserted, and a lot of blood burst out!

The fire-breathing dragon swayed and fell straight down.


Meng Takibin finally panicked.

what happened? Why suddenly the situation is out of control?

Why is it that the high-ranking quasi-Uranus is about to be able to advance to the level of the Uranus, but the fire-breathing dragon can't defeat the big needle bee that has not been exposed to the source?

Now Meng Takibin is stunned.

After all, why is the Big Needle Bee so strong!

This is not an elf!


Fortunately, the height is not high, and the fire-breathing dragon fell on the ground without causing much secondary damage.

But its wings are estimated to be unable to exercise vigorously for one or two days.

The roots of the two wings were pierced by the spear of the big needle bee. Although it was blocked by the source, it was not penetrated very deeply, but it was enough to suffer.

The big needle bee flew down and stared at the fire-breathing dragon, but didn't do anything.

Zhou Jiang put down his hands on his chest and said.

"Your big needle bee lost? It's all like this. There is no need to fight anymore, right?"

Although the fire-breathing dragon can be fought without its wings, its strength has declined by a large part.

Can't fight when they can fly, can they explode if their wings are broken?

You treat you as the protagonist!

Meng Takibin turned his head, glanced at Zhou Jiang uncomfortably, and snorted coldly.

The villain is determined!

Misty Bin put away the fire-breathing dragon.

She also knew that continuing to fight the fire-breathing dragon had no room for a comeback.

It's just that she couldn't think of why this big needle bee is so strong!

This is really not a fairy!

The elves without roots defeated the elves with roots?

If in the past, who told her that, she would definitely spray the other side's blood.

just now……

The facts are in front of you, the fire-breathing dragon lost a mess, the big needle bee on the opposite side seems to have not been hit even once, it is absolutely abnormal!

Meng Takibin took a deep breath and turned to look at Zhou Jiang.

"One more game?"

Zhou Jiang nodded.

"Okay! Another round will be another round!"

The Big Needle Bee flew back to Zhou Jiang. Zhou Jiang looked at it and asked habitually.


Big Needle Bee nodded, fighting spirit is high!

It just got excited before, and just another opponent!

The Big Needle Bee with strong stamina is really a mess. Up to now, there is no gasping performance. If it had been such a high-intensity continuous attack and continuous shave before, it would have been panting.

Standing up again, Meng Takibin took a luxurious ball from his waist and looked at Big Needle Bee and Zhou Jiang, a sneer flashed in his eyes.

"Go, Blood Wing Flying Dragon!"


Looking at the blood wing flying dragon, Zhou Jiang's pupils shrank.


Level seventy-nine!

You are two levels short of the championship. You **** fight me with this kind of thing, won't your conscience hurt?

Meng Takibin smiled slightly when he looked at Zhou Jiang who was being suppressed.

It seems that you still have some knowledge~

Naturally, she would not think that he was scared by the title of Quasi-God, otherwise it would be too lou...

Of course, she didn't know that Zhou Jiang was really frightened by the level of the Blood Wing Flying Dragon at first, but he was a little envious later.

This blood winged dragon has a high level and high quality, reaching orange.

Quasi-God, it seems to be...

But immediately he thought of the status quo.

Strength, speed, stamina, all of these are used to beat Zhou Jiang’s big needle bee...

Plus the free use of the source...

Hey Hey hey! This can't be done~www.ltnovel.com~ This is cheating!

Zhou Jiang started to persuade, after all, how could this thing be beaten.

Zhou Jiang felt that he could beat a dozen elves of the Heavenly King level in the forest based on his attribute value and quality.

Because he has seen before, the two black Lujia and the wind speed dog are only purple quality, and the golden bee is two levels different from the golden bee, and the cultivation of wild elves has not been specially cultivated by humans. .

This is the confidence he dares to fight.


You directly gave me a high-ranking heavenly king, or a quasi-god... Isn't this killing me!

If the king of heaven is at a beginner level, he can still fight, now...

"Cough cough, I think it's better to forget it, just one game, if it hurts someone's elf, wouldn't it destroy our friendship!"

"Huh? You guy, you can say this because you have such a thick-skinned face! It will take at least two or three days for my fire-breathing dragon to recover and fly. Is this the friendship you are talking about?"

Listening to Zhou Jiang's words, Meng Takibin suddenly smiled.

It was really the first time she saw such a thick-skinned person.

The former friends, which one is not reckless and starts to fight, even if they know that they are lost, which one will just quit like this?

This guy is really...

Meng Takibin was a little bit dumbfounded.

This moment made her depressed heart feel much better.

Moreover, she also had a little interest in Zhou Jiang.

She was going to leave, but finally came back because she was a little worried about hearing the huge movement here.

After all, in her brain supplement before, his strength should not be very strong, but I didn't expect a big needle bee, it is probably a big needle bee that the source has not yet come into contact with.

This easily kills his own fire-breathing dragon?

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