I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 268: Where is this place?


Zhou Jiang watched the image that La Luras had transmitted to his mind, and couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth.

How come you met again!

That's right, it wasn't any elves or strange people inside, but Meng Takibin who had left again before...

This is a coincidence!

From the picture passed by La Luras, it can be seen that the other party has discovered herself, but she only knows that there is something outside and does not know who or what elf.

"Hey! How did you find here!"

Zhou Jiang called out quickly.

If the opponent takes the bleeding pterosaur...

Zhou Jiang felt that he would suffer a blood loss.

If the opponent attacks...


It’s a trivial matter that the house is gone, but it’s a big deal if you are killed or lack arms or legs!

It’s okay if La Luras moves quickly, but if it’s slow...

Zhou Jiang will regret it forever!

"Huh? Zhou Jiang?!"

Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief when a voice came from the room.

"Yes, it's me, why did you come here..."

Zhou Jiang is a little helpless, this is the third time... Is this really predestined?

Zhou Jiang walked around the house towards the front, and Meng Takibin also came out of the house.

The two looked at each other, a little embarrassed.

Is it really... fate?

"By the way, why did you come here, didn't you want to leave, the speed of the blood wing flying dragon, it's impossible to get here..."

Zhou Jiang looked at Meng Takibin, somewhat curious.

Meng Takibin clutched his hair in despair.

"I want to go too, but while flying, I dropped a pokemon ball!"


Zhou Jiang looked at her, his mouth twitched.

What the **** did this guy do to lose the pokeball...

"Did you drop the Elf Ball while sitting on the Blood Wing Flying Dragon or did you drop it while walking before?"

"It must be when I was sitting on the Blood Wing Flying Dragon!"

Listening to Zhou Jiang's question, Meng Takibin looked at Zhou Jiang with an expression of "what kind of idiot question are you?"

Zhou Jiang's facial muscles twitched.

"Then you are really a little genius. You lost it on the blood wing flying dragon. When you rolled down, your blood wing flying dragon didn't feel it?"


Zhou Jiang knew what she looked like.

The Blood Wing Flying Dragon must have found something that fell, but it was estimated that there was no time to look at it. She just looked down and was stopped by her and let it continue to fly.

This is really... talented enough...

But having said that, the poke ball can still fall off the hook on her waist, which is absolutely amazing.

At least the poke ball that Zhou Jiang hung on his waist has never been accidentally dropped, and he has never heard of someone whose poke ball was accidentally dropped from his waist...

"What kind of elves did you drop? With the strength of your elves, you should be able to come out by yourself?"

"Um...I lost a fangfang dragon. That little guy has never liked to exercise, and I never force it, so there is no evolution..."


I dropped a quasi-god... this is very good, very awesome...

What's more awesome is that you have a quasi-god who doesn't like training and is not angry. You also agreed...

Is this the thigh?

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it anymore, I will definitely find Yayalong!"

Meng Takibin scratched his hair arrogantly, and then patted the wooden wall made of stacked logs.

"Is this the house you built?"

Zhou Jiang looked at the wooden house and nodded, somewhat proud.

Although this wooden house is small, it is still very unique. Although I did not build it myself, it was built by my own elves!

Of course, the elves who came to help in the domain of Wind Speed ​​Dog were also credited by Zhou Jiang.

If they don't have their own energy cubes and excellent personality charms, how can they come to help so diligently?

So, this is all my credit!

Regarding Zhou Jiang's shameless acknowledgment that the house was built by him, Meng Takibin didn't say anything. In her opinion, the trainer's elves could also say that they did it themselves.

After all, once a relationship is reached between the two parties, it will be both prosperous and both prosperous.

So it's not impossible to take the "credit" of the elves to yourself.

But for Meng Takibin, these are trivial matters.

The main thing is...

"This is the territory of the Celestial Elves! You idiot!!!"

Meng Takibin rushed to Zhou Jiang in an instant, looking like he was about to collapse, pulling Zhou Jiang's collar and shaking it all the time, while Lalulas and Big Needle Feng stood aside looking awkwardly. Holding them both.

"wait wait wait……"

Zhou Jiang finally broke her hand. In order to prevent her from continuing to mess around, Zhou Jiang could only hold the opponent's wrist tightly with both hands and press her against the wall.

"what are you doing?!"

Zhou Jiang's voice became louder.

It's really... crazy.

Somehow came up and grabbed the collar of others.

It depends on the face of the other girl who is a good-looking girl, if it is a rough guy...

Nothing to say, let Big Needle Bee show you a hole first!

Watching Meng Takibin, Zhou Jiang’s affection for her has decreased a lot, and the feeling of being a little happy about meeting again before also disappeared~www.ltnovel.com~ Both sides calmed down, Zhou Jiang let go. Get out of the way.

"What's wrong? Suddenly so irritable."

Step aside, Zhou Jiang stepped away from her and asked.

Although Zhou Jiang calmed down, his tone was no longer the same as before, as if he was talking to a stranger.

This is because the two met a little bit before, otherwise Zhou Jiang would really...

As the saying goes, a man’s head and a woman’s waist cannot be touched.

Zhou Jiang doesn't care about touching his head, but the collar is definitely not allowed to be touched!

Especially holding his collar in both hands!

how? Do you want to fight? !

"Uh... sorry... I was impulsive..."

Seeing Zhou Jiang's changes, although Meng Takibin was a little confused about where she had offended him, she still apologized obediently.

Anyway, let's apologize first.

To Meng Takibin's apology, Zhou Jiang nodded and didn't say anything. He didn't have this situation for a day or two, but was always here.

Although few people have ever encountered Zhou Jiang’s explosion point before, once they do...

Of course the two were fighting fiercely...

In his previous life, he had fought with others twice because of this kind of thing. Although he lost every time, he still couldn't get rid of this problem.

This is the first time I have come into this world.

If it weren't for her, Zhou Jiang would have forgotten about this problem...

Fortunately, the other party did not become strong and wanted to fight with himself, which made Zhou Jiang a sigh of relief.

After all, if the two of them have a real fight...

That's really embarrassing...

Meng Takibin looked at Zhou Jiang and asked.

"Do you know where this is?"

Zhou Jiang:? ? ?

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