I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 280: Fighting Speed ​​Dog

Of course, it is also possible that Zhou Jiang's method is wrong.

After all, it is a matter of points, and now I am considering the original fragment, can the two be the same...

If the source fragment can only be obtained once or other conditions...

Zhou Jiang felt that he might have to honestly raise the level of Big Sting Bees and let them realize it.

But all this is still unknown, it's useless to think so much, I will know tomorrow.

After resting for a while, Meng Takibin began to set up a tent.

The tent is not difficult to set up, and with the cooperation of La Lulas and Cirulian, she soon set up a tent on the grass beside the forest.

After setting up the tent, Lalulas and Kirulian went to play, while Meng Takibin returned to Zhou Jiang and leaned on a chair.

"By the way, why do you use this fence... to prevent mosquitoes?"

Meng Takibin has always been curious about the power grid that surrounds here on three sides.

But this thing has such a big gap between the wires that mosquitoes can't stop it...

So what's the use of this stuff?

Listening to Meng Takibin's words, Zhou Jiang raised his head and looked at the iron wire attached to the wooden stake not far away. He couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth.

"Uh, what? This is for vigilance. You don't need to know too much. Anyway, just don't touch it. The electric spirit on it may be able to resist it, but we still can't hold it."


Meng Takibin let out an unexplained hum, looked at the stake, and nodded seemingly.

"By the way, what are you doing here, taking pictures?"


Meng Takibin was startled, and then nodded after reacting.

"Yes, I'm here to take pictures. There will be a municipal competition next month. I'm going to participate in it."

Seeing that she was about to enter the "teaching mode" again, Zhou Jiang interrupted her quickly and changed the subject again.

After the transfer was successful, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, this technology is a bit tricky to change the subject... If one accidentally messes it up, you may get into more trouble...

Time passed by Zhou Jiang and Meng Takibin's exchanges.

Although Zhou Jiang didn't know much about Meng Takibin, the relationship between the two has improved a lot.

At least both parties exchanged accounts and added friends.

Late at night, the two went back to their residences to rest.

The elves are guarding outside.

This time, La Lulas did not want to sleep with Zhou Jiang for the first time. She went to sleep with the little sister she just met...

Zhou Jiang, who didn't have the pillow of La Roulas, was not used to it at first, but it was not much worse. At least he had never bought a pillow in his previous life.

The next day.

Two people got up after three poles in the day.

"Good morning!"

"……Good morning."

Seeing Meng Takibin who greeted him, Zhou Jiang was still a little uncomfortable.

It’s been a long time since I said hello to someone in the morning...

Seeing the messy hair of the other party, Zhou Jiang paused without saying anything, and went straight to wash.

After washing, the two separated after eating breakfast together.

Meng Takibin said that she was going to look for her baby dragon, and after searching for materials, she would only come back at night.

After speaking, he rode the blood wing flying dragon and left.

As for the fire-breathing dragon?

Its injury is not completely healed...

La Roulas was a little bit upset about the little sister's departure, but was happy when he thought of meeting again at night.

Zhou Jiang hugged her and took the big needle bee and they walked mightily towards the place where the wind speed dog and them rest.

Today, he came to "kick the hall"!

For Zhou Jiang, the elves in the Territory of Wind Speed ​​Dog were extremely welcome, especially those new-born little guys who looked at Zhou Jiang curiously with their small eyes open, and Zhou Jiang was bloodied.

After seeing the Wind Speed ​​Dog, Zhou Jiang did not hide his intentions or say anything else, and directly confessed to the Wind Speed ​​Dog.

In this regard, Feng Speed ​​Dog was not surprised, and he nodded and agreed with Zhou Jiang's non-release game.

The elves selected by Zhou Jiang were of course the Big Needle Bee, and the other elves were far behind.

Zhou Jiang took Laluras, Big Needle Bee and Wind Speed ​​Dog and walked far away, while other elves were left by Zhou Jiang, and many elves in Wind Speed ​​Dog territory were also left behind. The elves left by Zhou Jiang stared with big eyes.

The strangeness of the two elves, the Big Needle Bee and the Wind Speed ​​Dog, attracted the curiosity of many elves, but no elves followed them. They just looked at Bibi Bird and they were full of interest.

Zhou Jiang and Feng Su Gou stopped shortly after they left.

This piece of land is not a small open space, surrounded by traces of skill hits. It is estimated that it is a place like the practice field of the wind speed dog?

But now is not the time to think about this.

My round, draw!

The Big Needle Bee flew onto the court, and the wind speed dog stared at the small eyes and introduced the rules. The old method is to first attack and lose coins.

The moment the coin landed, the two elves moved!

The wind speed dog suddenly disappeared in place ~www.ltnovel.com~ when it reappeared in Zhou Jiang's field of vision, it had already landed.

It turned out that it swooped at the big needle bee, and the big needle bee reacted extremely fast, and a paper painting escaped its swoop, while the wind speed dog that did not hit the elf was clinging to its limbs. On the ground, sliding.

The big needle bee was not polite, and after evading the attack of the wind speed dog, it shot in the backhand.

The wind speed dog fired three shots of extremely high temperature in a row and forced the queen bee back, then adjusted his body and forced it towards the bee.

After facing the big needle bee for a while, the two elves disappeared together.

Hearing the banging sound and the unclear phantom, Zhou Jiang sighed, but he still looked **** the court.

After smashing each other for dozens of times at high speed, both elves panted and stopped, staring at their opponents.

Looking at Big Needle Bee, Zhou Jiang frowned slightly.

The big needle bee with a lot of health bars is now panting. It seems that the previous attack was very fierce...

Fortunately, no strong storm broke out, otherwise he would not even have the qualifications to stand here.

The big needle bee and the wind speed dog looked at each other for a long time, and the two elves looked at each other very pleasingly.

After all, it's not about fighting for life, it's also a discussion.

In an instant, the two elves moved again.

This time, the wind speed dog did not use the speed and the big needle bee to go head-to-head, but began to play a long-range attack.

The gold-orange flame pillar quickly shot towards the big needle bee, and the big needle bee's wings disappeared in place with a strong wave.

Without its original protection, it would not dare to let this thing get close.

With the original blessing, the damage itself is high, and the fire element also restrains the insect element. It has not been knocked down, and it is too hot to stand beside it, and its physical strength is frantic.

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