The corner of Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched and released a small plane, letting it fly beside him.

Seeing the little plane coming out, all the elves looked at it curiously, and then stopped watching.

Zhou Jiang glanced at the points. It was more than three thousand and one hundred. Zhou Jiangwen's system changed two bottles of strengthening potions and spent 1,660 points. Zhou Jiang was heartbroken to the point of bleeding...

More than half of the points were gone all at once, really...

Zhou Jiang endured the pain, shaking his hands and took out two bottles of potion from his backpack.

This is most of the family property...

Zhou Jiang called Big Needle Bee over. Big Needle Bee had used this kind of similar potion once before, so when he flew over, seeing the potion in Zhou Jiang's hand, he obediently stretched out its big baby.

Looking at the somewhat excited Big Needle Bee, Zhou Jiang silently wiped away his tears, and then "enchanted" its big baby.

The enhancement remains unchanged this time, but to increase the hardness of the spear.

"Enchanting" has two effects, increasing sharpness and hardness.

Hardness is easy to understand, but Zhou Jiang's sharpness is a bit unclear.

Isn’t it that the harder the spear, the sharper the tip?

And how does this potion increase the sharpness?

However, although Zhou Jiang was stunned, it did not prevent him from using it.

As long as there is an effect, isn’t it good?

At that time, after thinking about it, I can't think of anything, so I still need to use it?

I don't know what the liquid is in this one. If the composition can be analyzed, maybe it can be made by itself without changing the system?

However, this is only Zhou Jiang's wishful thinking.

After all, those minerals whose names have not been heard before will not be mentioned. It is difficult to say what this thing can really analyze.

Looking at the two small prismatic potion bottles the size of index fingers, Zhou Jiang sighed.

Let La Luras get ready, then poured out the potion.

This thing should be evenly applied to the spear of the big needle bee.

It is estimated that the system is also considered good, and it is just right after all the paintings are finished, so Zhou Jiang dare not mess around. If he paints himself, it is estimated that there will be a little more here and a little less...

With the power of Laluras' thought, under her precise control, the potion turned into a transparent film, slowly covering the spear of the big needle bee.

After finishing its right gun, La Roulas' face was covered with fine sweat.

Zhou Jiang wiped it off for her, rested for a while, and then enchanted another spear of Big Needle Bee.

After both spears are successfully enchanted, wait for the potion to take effect.

It takes four hours for the potion to fully take effect. During this period, the needle bee cannot be collected into the poke ball, the spear cannot touch things, and cannot fight, so it can only fly by Zhou Jiang.

After all, it would still touch the spear a little while resting on the tree.

Zhou Jiang didn't want to let the potion he bought at a big price wasted.

If it is touched and needs to be re-purchased, wouldn't Zhou Jiang vomit to death.

This is 830 points!

Zhou Jiang took a look at the system. The next stage of Big Needle Bee requires 950 points, and if both spears are to be acquired, it will also cost 1,900 points...

Zhou Jiang felt that he couldn't hold it anymore.

If I wanted to strengthen to fifteen before, I might still be able to resist it, but now think about it...

It’s about nineteen thousand on eight. If it’s fourteen on fifteen, it will cost more than ten thousand.

Adding the previous ones, the total cost is almost 20,000, right?


But... do you want to try a spear first?

Anyway, the spear used by Big Needle Bee is also the spear in the right hand. First, concentrate all resources and pile a spear to explore the bottom. How many points are needed to reach the stage of breaking the origin.

After thinking about it, Zhou Jiang felt that this method was feasible.

I'll get to the 15th stage first, and if I haven't already, I can give up. I guess it will cost tens of thousands from 15 to 20, and I can't stand it.

Now he is estimated to be able to get nine, it seems that a lot of battles are needed...

Zhou Jiang looked at the many elves who were resting after eating.

Then let them fight together, it's too slow to come one by one.

If they come together, then four or five hours later in the afternoon, an elf is estimated to be able to get about one hundred and sixty. Now Zhou Jiang can play a total of five. The dragon's abilities are also somewhat weak and can't last, but these are all right.

After addition, subtraction, there are more than four to five hundred points!

Calculating this way, three days is one thousand. After one month, it is estimated that it can be done right?

Zhou Jiang dreamed about it beautifully, watching the elves' eyes softer.

Those are points!

After resting for a while, Zhou Jiang quickly called out the elves.

Rest and rest enough, come and play!

I wasted my own points while resting~

Although they were a little puzzled about Zhou Jiang's anxious behavior, they still stood up and started fighting.

In themselves, they will have some battles more or less every Now it's just the time and the target of the battle have changed.

At night, you can eat delicious and energetic energy cubes with the fruit, why not?

Zhou Jiang also set up a reward mechanism. If you win a battle against his elves, you can get five energy cubes for free!

Although five yuan is not much, it is better than nothing!

This mobilized the enthusiasm of the elves, rushing to fight Bibi Bird.

After all, Bibi birds have a rest after a battle, but it won't be too long. Then they will always have the illusion that they are taking advantage and winning.

Because Zhou Jiang wanted them to fight together, that is, the five elves went to fight at the same time, instead of watching here, plus it was not very big, so the elves were separated.

The land here is not big enough to hold all the elves to fight together, so three elves have to go to find a suitable place to fight.

Zhou Jiang also didn't bother to find other places, and took them directly to the field where he played against the wind speed dog before.

It’s quite big there. If the three elves are playing against each other, even if the venue is still a bit small, it’s OK to knock down some more trees. Although it’s considered a place for wind speed dogs, it’s OK to get some ordinary trees. What.

With the assistance of the elves, the venue was set up, and then they were in full swing into the great cause of scoring.

The elves were scoring points. Zhou Jiang had nothing to do and watched by the side. Whoever got hurt would take some medicine.

Of course, the premise is Zhou Jiang's elves.

If even the younger brothers of the wind speed dog are treated, the speed of earning points will slow down.

He also wants to quickly get a spear that can break the origin.

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