After applying the medicine to the fire dinosaur, Zhou Jiang massaged it in the envied eyes of the elves for a while before rubbing his sore arm and walking towards the small chair.

"Hey~ Do you still massage?"

At this time, Meng Takibin was also finished. He sat on the chair with no image, with his hands on the back of the chair, lying there looking at Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang listened to Meng Takibin’s question and smiled: "Of course, my massage technique is first-rate~"

Zhou Jiang didn't know how his so-called massage technique was, but it was probably not bad looking at the way the elves enjoyed it, so he didn't feel embarrassed when he blew it out.

"Hey~ awesome!"

Meng Takibin looked at him and nodded. Yes, it seems normal for a senior breeder to perform some wizard massage techniques, she was quite moved.


She knew Zhou Jiang's age.

It was the first time that Zhou Jiang was eighteen years old when she was a senior in high school.

His elves are all trained by himself. Has he reached this level at such a young age?

And he is not only an elf with high strength, he is also an advanced breeder who can make high-level energy cubes!

Can humans be so powerful...

These "achievements" can be achieved at such a young age...

This is a monster...

Of course, although he was hit, Meng Takibin did not fall into any self-doubt, just a little emotional.

Meng Takibin didn't speak any more, and Zhou Jiang didn't speak either. He sat down on the chair and let out a long sigh.

Massaging the elves is still very tiring. The elves have thick and thick skin. If you want to massage comfortably, you must use a little force in the early stage. Only when the other party relaxes can you relax.

Calculating the time, Zhou Jiang massaged it for at least half an hour!

For half an hour, Zhou Jiang not only had to move his fingers, but also his arms. Now he only felt that his hands were not his own...

After resting for a while, Zhou Jiang and Meng Takibin started chatting.

After all, it is impossible to sit here all the time, and the two are relatively familiar, so the chat is naturally quite natural.

When it was completely dark, the "bonfire stand" built with cement nearby was ignited.

The inside is wood, and the fire source... a lot of elves will set fire, this is not before.

"By the way, this is you?"

Suddenly, Meng Takibin lowered his head and fiddled with the phone for a while, then handed the phone to Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang leaned in curiously and found that it was a chat group called "Free Souls Never Die." What she wanted to show herself was a large piece of text.

Zhou Jiang didn't understand it after reading the beginning.

This is the news that Li Ruobing released before.

The above introduced Zhou Jiang's "everything".

After Zhou Jiang finished reading, all the things recorded above were all the things he said out, even smoke bombs.

After watching her, Zhou Jiang nodded looking at her.

"Yes, my elves are so strong because of the ruins that I strayed into before. Otherwise, how can I be so strong."

As he said, Zhou Jiang still shook his head helplessly with a wry smile, quite self-deprecating.

Zhou Jiang feels that his acting talent is still very strong, if it weren't for unintentional acting, otherwise the Oscar would leave his name on everything!

Hehe, okay, he made it himself.

However, Zhou Jiang's acting skills are indeed okay, but deception can basically deceive himself and others.

That's right, fool yourself!

This is very shameful.

Every time Zhou Jiang lied, he would repeatedly call out the lie in his heart, and tried to think of angry things to arouse his emotions...

Don't say this.

Meng Takibin nodded and retracted his outstretched hand, and looked curiously at the big boy with the flame reflected on his face.

"What? Very disappointed?"

Zhou Jiang grinned and asked with a laugh.

Meng Takibin shook his head, still looking at Zhou Jiang.

"No, it's better to say it's a sigh of relief."

Zhou Jiang nodded secretly.

Also, I reached this level at such a young age, surprised, inferior, and desperate.

These may exist.

After all, those people have worked so hard for so many years, and the result is not as good as a novice trainer who has not graduated from high school?

"I just said that you are so good at elf breeding, how can you train so well, it turned out to be a relic, then it will explain it~ Haha, when I saw this in the afternoon, I thought it was a mistake or the same name. I didn't expect it to be you..."

Meng Takibin's tone contained a hint of sigh and a hint of emotion.

But these Zhou Jiang didn't care.

Good feeding?

? ? ?

Why don’t I know, what are you talking about, isn’t it elf training? How come it’s about feeding again...

Zhou Jiang was a little confused, but he didn't say anything, so he sat here blankly, as if he had been hit.

Meng Takibin didn't speak either, his eyes blurred, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After the two became quiet, the entire camp was also quiet.

The elves have already stopped their activities. Except for one or two of Zhoujiang’s elves, all of them consciously went back to sleep in the hut that Zhou Jiang built for and the elves of Meng Longbin also They are all lying on the ground dozingly.

Seeing that it was getting late, and the two of them didn't have much topics, Zhou Jiang got up and said goodbye to her, ready to go to sleep.

I have to go out early tomorrow morning...

By the way, Zhou Jiang’s right spear for Big Needle Bee has been strengthened again. I wanted to do it again, but the points were not enough...

It was still about 120 or so to strengthen again, which made Zhou Jiang quite emotional.

The points are not enough!

I didn’t know what to do before I had accumulated points, now...

There is a lot of accumulated points here for Zhou Jiang to use, he can't guarantee how much will be left...

After taking a bath in a small wooden bucket specially used for bathing, Zhou Jiang hugged La Lulas and lay on the bed.

The rest of this bed is fine, but a bit hard...

But for Zhou Jiang, there is not much difference.

Zhou Jiang felt like he had fallen asleep on the rigid bed in the school in his previous life. Now this is nothing.

La Roulas didn't go to sleep with her little sister tonight, so she still played the role of a pillow.

In the middle of the night, the camp was quiet, except for the sound of wind blowing over leaves and grass, there were only slight snoring sounds of some elves.

Zhou Jiang was a little unable to sleep, lying on the bed hugging La Roulas, not knowing what he was thinking.

Obviously there is nothing to think about, but I just can't sleep, feeling inexplicably a fire in my heart, a little irritable?


"Ha~ early..."

Zhou Jiang opened the door and greeted Meng Takibin who was making breakfast.

"Well, early... Fuck! What's wrong with you, you are drained?!"

Meng Takibin heard the door opening and Zhou Jiang's voice, glanced at him subconsciously and greeted him.

However, it was that glance that made her almost unable to hold the spatula in her hand...

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