Zhou Jiang glanced at Meng Takibin, then nodded and said, "Of course, you are... uh... the eighth person who knows this."

"Huh? The eighth?!"

Seeing her shocked look, Zhou Jiang suddenly felt a little funny.

"Yes, but don't worry, the first seven are my teachers and friends. They won't say anything. It should be a month or two since they knew this."

Meng Takibin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what he said, but still exhorted.

"I advise you not to let more people know about this news, even if you are a friend, you can't do it. It's not that I can't believe your vision. There are so many people. What if you read the wrong person? If you spread this news about you, you're done!"

Zhou Jiang nodded and did not refute. What she said was correct and for her own good, and he had nothing to refute.

Suddenly, Meng Takibin asked Zhou Jiang with a smile.

"Why did you show this to me before, are you afraid that I will tell you?"

Seeing Meng Takibin's smiling face, Zhou Jiang almost lost his senses, but fortunately, he shook his eyes and quickly looked away.

But... Miss Sister is so good-looking... I want to flirt!

"I believe you!"

What a shame... Zhou Jiang didn't dare to look into her eyes when he said this...

But Meng Takibin didn't notice this.

‘I will protect you in the future! ’

"Okay, Xiao Binbin, I believe you..."


Zhou Jiang saw the opposite person after being embarrassed for a while and didn't make any movement. He moved his eyes to look and found that Meng Takibin was actually there in a daze!

Could it be... you got her? !

Is it possible that I also have a talent for picking up girls?

No, no, you think too much, the third illusion in life and the fourth illusion: you succeed!

I can’t think about it, if the other party is not interesting to me, wouldn’t it be embarrassing...

Sure enough, chasing women is troublesome, why don't there be beautiful women chasing me...

By the way, Wang Qingyan is also pretty, but it’s a pity that I just want to learn the training of elves with me, hey...

The two people with different thoughts sat in the chairs silently, without speaking.

"I'm going back……"

I don't know how long it took, Meng Takibin got up and walked toward her tent, looking at Zhou Jiang a little confused.

What's wrong?

It feels weird, like crying...

So, isn’t it true that I got it...

Meng Takibin entered the tent, Zhou Jiang looked at the sky, and it was too late. There was nothing to stay outside alone. After taking a shower, he went into the house.

As for La Roulas? She is looking for Kirulian again, and it is estimated that she will not be back tonight and let Zhou Jiang stay alone in the empty bed...

Lying in bed, Zhou Jiang, who couldn't sleep, continued to scan his phone to see if there was any big news.

I searched all the results and found that it was also some small daily news.

What caught fire again, the Jenny Turtle Fire Brigade rushed to put out the fire in time, resulting in zero casualties...

XXX star and XXX star are suspected of having a relationship

The big movie "Pikachu" has been finalized and can be watched in theaters across the country...

Some people who sold elves privately were caught in a certain city, etc...

Although these seem to have the feeling of big news, they are actually **** and are of no use, especially those related to celebrities.

Forget the others, they are all related to elves, that star...

Sure enough, no matter which world the stars are in, they are almost the same.

Zhou Jiang sighed. He even looked at the post bar and those groups, but found nothing interesting. It was only when he was about to turn off his phone to close his eyes and go to sleep, he remembered what he had become an inspector. A small website can be up...

I found a small card from the backpack. After typing in the URL above, I downloaded an APP on my phone. After a series of complicated authentications, I finally entered the interior.

After entering inside, Zhou Jiang took the lead to check his own profile and the like.

Those materials were filled in by Zhou Jiang himself, there was no difference, except for a few more things on the resume.

Zhou Jiang shook his head, and then slowly began to fumble.

Said it was a groping, in fact, he directly clicked into the top popular post.

This thing seems to exist similar to Post Bar, so Zhou Jiang wouldn't know how to play.

The top popular post discusses a siege at the Rockets base. Looking at the release time, it seems to be a few days ago.

Zhou Jiang simply looked at it, and there were more than 5,000 messages in it. It was really awesome...

After clicking in, the videos on the upper floors were all videos. Zhou Jiang briefly looked at the beginning and other parts. It showed scenes of fighting with the Rockets. Then he jumped and looked at it, and he turned off after he found that he didn't have much nutrition. , Watch the video behind.

After watching all six videos briefly, Zhou Jiang finally realized it!

The host is a character like a small fish in the prosecutor~www.ltnovel.com~ The video of the battle taken is not very strong, and they are all from the elementary to intermediate stage of the elite.

No longer interested, he simply flipped through the comments below and closed the post after finding that there was still nothing good.

I went to see other things again, and it turned out that most of the knowledge about the cultivation of elves was discussed, and there were almost no other big news...

Reluctantly, Zhou Jiang turned off the phone after he went down again and there was no "big news".

It is really disappointing.

I thought I could surprise myself with this thing suddenly, but it turned out like this...

After turning off the phone, Zhou Jiang couldn't sleep for a while, but there was nothing to do at night, so he fell there thinking.

Big Needle Bee still has a strengthening liquid that is useless and time is running out, so I will use it tomorrow.

There are still about five hundred points for the points. If you finish the day properly tomorrow, you will get points again, which is estimated to be more than two thousand, but those points can only be exchanged for a potion again.

Zhou Jiang also roughly guessed that the "devil-breaking" effect will not appear if it is strengthened to ten. He can only pray for the fifteenth.

Zhou Jiang estimated that by the time of the fifteenth strengthening, it is estimated that it will be more than two thousand...something terrible...

After not thinking about points, Zhou Jiang went to look at the backpack's modifier, using cards and other items.

There are no other good things in the system backpack, only the evolution stone and the spiral pill skill machine are still there.

Zhou Jiang glanced at the Intermediate Card, and sighed when he found it was gone. He originally wanted to change the characteristics of Qingteng Snake...

But it's okay if it's gone. Wait for the future. Now it's not in a hurry anyway. After you do some tasks, you will definitely send a lot of them.

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