I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 308: Can copy the public?

And there are other handsome skills of other systems, like the infinite sword system of Red A, how handsome and pretending?

However, with the infinite sword system... well... Lucario probably? Its spine blow is to condense a bone rod with a waveguide and then attack, so can the waveguide condense other things too?

And there are others, such as a fairy novel that Zhou Jiang read a long time ago. It seems to be called Yuluoxingchen or something. Many of the protagonist's skills are modified by magic, and he can use it now!

Zhou Jiang remembers that his wonderful frog flower seems to be able to use some magic to change the vine whip, release what kind of spores, poisons, etc. It's awesome, it's awesome!

what? Plagiarism?

Can the matter of the traverser be called plagiarism? This is called carrying culture!

what? Is there a great skill in a novel? Very good, from now on, that's mine.

The wind speed dog glanced at Zhou Jiang, who was standing next to it with a climax look, and turned his head to look at the battle with a bit of confusion.

The Big Needle Bee did not cause any serious damage to Longlongyan, why is it so hilarious...


The Big Needle Bee kept evasive under Rumble Rock's crazy offensive, until the opponent rested for a while to catch his breath.

Although it is said that it is not tired to fly like this, it is still mentally tired with so many dense attacks...

And it can only evade passively, smashing large pieces of rocks from time to time, and can't go up to fight... It just feels abnormally aggrieved.

It’s been a long time since I was so suffocated, which reminded it of the days when he was in Tie Ke Kun...

The stamina of Big Needle Bee did not consume much. Among the stamina that it was about to burst, the comparison between the consumed and the total amount can be said to be negligible, while Rumbling Rock is different.

That crazy attack, although it uses ready-made stones behind it, it still needs to be injected with energy and control. After so many attacks, it started to pant, and the big needle bee on the opposite...

Rumble Rock felt a little desperate.

In the past, when fighting other elves in its territory, it used this trick to force its opponents to consume most of its physical strength. It can be said that it has been tried and tested, and this time...

It has to admit that it planted...

Unexpectedly, the opponent's physical strength was so much, and he had been avoiding for so long, and he still looked like nothing.

Long Longyan thought for a while and decided to increase his firepower!

Can't you hide, aren't you physically strong? I want to see how strong you are!

Does it take physical strength to avoid and smash rocks? And you have to concentrate, I don’t believe how long you can survive!

The Ronglongyan who had figured it out suddenly burst into a terrible fighting spirit, and after changing the position, he rolled up the stone again and attacked the Big Needle Bee.

Big Needle Bee looked at the flying stones again, and felt a little tired. Although there were too many stones this time, it didn’t change the soup or the medicine... It really wanted to go up and have a hearty fight...

After crushing more than ten stones, the big needle bee flew back and retreated.

The stone flies very fast, and it has energy in it, and its attack power is not weak. Moreover, Rumbling Rock has a very good prediction. The Big Needle Bee needs to swing a needle to break the rock from time to time, looking at the Rumble standing still below. Rock, Big Needle Bee is a little depressed. There is no chance of being crushed and beaten...It is really uncomfortable...

If it hadn’t been for the big needle bee now "the heart is like still water", it might really be unable to help but rush to fight...

In this way, the big needle bee kept avoiding and rushing forward in the broken stones, and after a certain distance, it avoided the rock seal of the rumbling rock and then avoided...

Twenty minutes later...

Rumbling Rock finally stopped...

Zhou Jiang leaned on the wind speed dog and yawned. After watching Long Longyan finally stopped the crazy attack, he finally got a little bit of energy.

Really are……


Zhou Jiang didn't dare to let the Big Needle Bee just go so close to fight, not to mention the other party's "Earth-Blasting Sky Star", what if he forced it to explode?

Zhou Jiang remembers that in the comics, Ban Mu or someone else's Long Longyan can separate the stones that make up the body...

Now that Longlong Yantou Iron wants to keep attacking Big Needle Bee, then of course Zhou Jiang welcomes it...

As long as you don't hit the big needle bee, who is afraid of the big needle bee's physical strength?

It also does not restrain the big needle bee, unless it uses those energy attacks, but the energy attacks consume abnormally physical energy...

Then just like that, Big Needle Bee and Rumble Rock stood in a stalemate for so long...

Zhou Jiang and the others thought it was funny at first, then slowly became boring and numb...

How long will this ghost attack last?

Zhou Jiang could only be fortunate. Fortunately, the Big Needle Bee kept flying towards it to make a trial and tricked out a lot of rock seal attacks, otherwise the stalemate would have to continue!

All the elves also saw the rumbling rock that stopped, and wanted to see what it was going to do afterwards.

Before, those who watched the game really almost fell asleep...

Big Needle Bee panted slightly, but the effect was not significant.

Long Longyan panted violently, looking at Big Needle Bee with an incredible expression.

It really can't understand, why isn't the big needle bee tired?

Obviously it's half tired~www.ltnovel.com~Why is Big Needle Bee not tired!

It stands to reason that it shouldn't be the other person who gasped violently and it just gasped slightly? !


What's wrong!

Wait... not right!

Looking at the painful expression of Big Needle Bee, Long Longyan instantly understood——

It must be deliberately pretending to deceive me, and it must have no physical strength!

I just have to boil it, boil it a bit, it must have no energy, it came to scare me on purpose!

Right, that is it!

"I want to understand" Long Longyan looked at Big Needle Bee with excitement and shouted.

"Oh, oh, oh!"



Seeing the two elves communicating inexplicably, Zhou Jiang was taken aback and asked La Luras.

La Roulas then passed the translation into Zhou Jiang's mind.

[I already know, you have no energy, can't hold it? Hahaha, don't be strong, you can fight this king to this level, I admit that your strength is not weak, but unfortunately, you met this master! 】

【Ok? what are you saying? Why didn’t I understand... And if you still can’t fight, I’ll attack if you don’t fight...]

[Damn fellow, dare to ignore me when I have no energy, so daring! watch out--】



Zhou Jiang...Um-a bit dazed.

What to do, why is it so weird... Although La Roulas is a little cute when saying these things, but... By the way, is La Roulas sure that there is no translation error...

'Humph! La Lulas always translates according to what they say, there is nothing strange, the master feels strange that La Lulas will not translate for you! ’

There was a scream in my mind, and then the heart link broke...

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