I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 316: The power of new skills

As usual, the other elves beat themselves.

When Zhou Jiang’s Big Needle Bee and Wind Speed ​​Dog fought each other before, those elves didn’t know who the two elves won, and later...

After seeing Big Needle Bee slaying the lords in the surrounding territories of Wind Speed ​​Dog, Zhou Jiang told them that his elves are so strong because there are more battles. They have always been losing battles...

Then there is no more, now they are all extremely excited, if it weren't for their elves, they still need to rest, they would like to fight for 24 hours...

Is Big Needle Bee strong? Are other elves strong?

Big Needle Bee stunned the lords, and the other elves did not lose a single battle with them except Tyrannosaurus...

Looking at the active elves, Zhou Jiang smiled slightly and said nothing.

Sandbags come up actively, and points are sent up actively. Do you have anything to complain about?

The Iron Agent Tyrannosaurus lost a lot, Zhou Jiang couldn't help it, and replaced it with [Iron Block], [Frozen Light], [Jet Flame] and [One Hundred Thousand Volts].

Zhou Jiang originally wanted to change it to surfing and other skills, but after thinking about it, let it go.

Elves are really magical animals.

In the animation, the little mentally retarded encounters a tyrannosaurus who is not afraid of water. In order to eat, he bravely crosses the river...

Really awesome!

In fact, the damage caused by attribute restraint is not static.

For example, the tyrannosaurus that is not afraid of water in the animation.

It's not that water won't cause harm to it, but it's getting used to it.

I am not afraid of pain if I hit too much, and I will get used to water if I get more blisters.

It is estimated that the original double restrained water system skills can only cause double damage when hitting it.

This is the power of "habit"...

Zhou Jiang and Fengshougou came to the battlefield again.

After releasing the Queen Needle Bee, they both stared at their opponents seriously.

An opponent not to be underestimated!

Although the big needle bee has defeated the wind speed dog many times, it is still not sure of the victory of the wind speed dog.

If one is not careful, it is still easy to roll over.

And recently, the wind speed dog is getting stronger and stronger, and it is getting harder and harder for the big needle bee to fight it.

In the final analysis, the wind speed dog is getting stronger and stronger because of Zhou Jiang.

Intermediate energy cubes are eaten every time, can they not become stronger...

Especially if it hasn't been eaten before, and it's all wild fruits, the effect is even more obvious.

But it doesn't need to be too worried.

Fighting so many times, just losing once, then it means that it is indeed stronger than the wind speed dog, just be careful and be careful.

As soon as the battle began, the two elves attacked each.

Big needle bee uses lamella, wind speed dog uses jet flame.

Although the energy attack consumes a lot of physical strength, the attack speed is fast, the distance is long, and the damage is high. It is still very worthwhile.

Lan collided with the jet flame, and after a stalemate for two seconds, the flame swallowed Lan and continued to fly towards the big needle bee.

And the big needle bee is no longer there.

The flames of the wind speed dog are basically two colors.

Pure orange and kumquat.

Pure orange is its ordinary flame, while kumquat is its original flame.

In orange, the more the origin, the more obvious the gold.

Although the wind speed dog only mixed a little source in the center of the flame, the sharp-eyed large needle bee still found it.

In a wave of confrontation, neither elves suffered a loss.

Zhou Jiang hugged La Luras and walked towards the back for a few steps and sat on a tree stump.

The three Gotha ducks did their best to put out the fire there.

This is their home, can't you do your best...

Although Zhou Jiang didn't seem to care about it, in fact the scenes of the battle came into Zhou Jiang's mind.

So Zhou Jiang didn't need to look at it, just just sit down and close your eyes and concentrate on watching the pictures in his head.

Big Needle Bee was able to fight Wind Speed ​​Dog with ease today. All attacks of Wind Speed ​​Dog were avoided by Big Needle Bee.

This hiding is not just as simple as being fast and hiding, it's more like the wind speed dog's skills are deliberately missed!

Wind speed dogs naturally do not do this, so the problem is the big needle bee.

And Big Needle Bee will naturally not change that much in one day, so the last reason is Zhou Jiang who has a system.

After yesterday's battle with the Electric Shock Beast, Zhou Jiang tried to change two skills for Big Needle Bee after returning home, but both skills became available!

[See and Cut], [See and Hear, Domineering]!

Seeing and cutting is similar to protection, but the "principle" of this thing is much more powerful.

Protection is to generate an emerald green protective barrier to block the attack, and see to it...

It should be something like predicting the future, seeing the trajectory of the opponent's attack in the future, and then avoiding the attack.

Zhou Jiang remembered that in One Piece, it seemed to be able to predict the future when he saw and heard the domineering cultivation to the highest level, so he also changed this skill to Big Needle Bee.

With the domineering look, the needle bee can basically see the opponent's attack trajectory when calm, and it also has the "predicting the future" move, protection, paper painting...

Basically, except for the super-wide range of skills or the elves that are much faster than the needle bee~www.ltnovel.com~ otherwise, no elves can hit it.

The current battle of Big Needle Bee looks really elegant and strange.

All the enemy's attacks can be seen through to evade or take advantage of it, etc. If the wind speed dog has experienced a lot and lost a lot to the big needle bee, it is now afraid that it will not suspect that the elf is born.

After seeing it, Zhou Jiang directly let it Mega evolve.

The only advantage of fighting the wind speed dog is that there is no need to worry.

Fighting with other lords who are afraid of being beaten when Mega evolves, and Wind Speed ​​Dog has no such scruples. Wind Speed ​​Dog will naturally not deal with Big Needle Bee in this state.

Mega was over, and the Super Needle was stuck for a while, and it was not a normal suppression.

Although it is not too proficient to see and domineering, but it is also very powerful, the trajectory of the wind speed dog's movement is clearly presented in its mind, the big needle bee can always directly attack the wind speed dog.

In the past, the Big Needle Bee was shot with three shots, and only wiped it from the skin on its body, now...

One shot, one accurate!

And the flame of the wind speed dog's counterattack was accurately blocked by the big needle bee, and there was no panic at all.

Before long, the battle was over.

The wind speed dog did not lose the ability to fight, and the big needle bee put a shot on its neck, and then it gave up.

Zhou Jiang and Fengshougou tried, fighting with all their strength, and then he was able to stand up to the point and give in sincerely to get points, that is, the system decided to win.

Just like before, when the opponent admits to losing against other trainers, he still earns points.

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