
Zhou Jiang coldly looked at the old black who "jumped up and down" like in the anime.

I don't even say that you are dark, but you actually said that I am short?

Zhou Jiang silently wrote down the incident.


After going to the game, let’s see if the opponent’s elves are strong or not, if they are average, we will kill him...


Axe gave up and dropped his hands. Turning back, he just saw Zhou Jiang with his hands on his chest and cold face. He was taken aback, then he reacted and touched his head and apologized.

"Um...Hey, man, don't be angry. In fact, the height is nothing. Look at me, I am actually not very tall. Don't care, don't care!"


Nima, you are a one-meter-eight, come tell me your height is not very good?

Are you here to mock me?

Zhou Jiang glanced at him. Although there were thousands of complaints in his heart, he still didn't say anything. He turned his head and stopped looking at this annoying guy.

"Hey, buddy, don't do this, we will fight together later, don't be so cold, our opponents are not weak, let's meet ♂ meet ♂ stream~"

While talking, Axe was doing fitness exercises, and instantly the air became anxious...


"Hey! Come!"

"Hey! Come! Ye~"


Zhou Jiang wanted a shark...


As the elevator doors opened, Aix regretfully stopped.

"How about, partner, are you moved by the muscles? Let's rush together!"

Zhou Jiang ignored the neurosis and went straight into the elevator.

It's really unlucky, why do you want to squeeze the same elevator with this guy, if you are in the elevator...

Okay, let Kirulian pay attention.

If you accidentally get stuck by this guy, you will lose a lot.

Once this guy has to do something extraordinary, it will definitely make him look good!

Watching Brother Old Hei walk in, Zhou Jiang walked back in silence, clinging to the wall.

"Hey, haven't you introduced yourself yet, my name is Acres, how about you?"

Axe was a little safer after coming in, but...

Seeing him approaching, Zhou Jiang couldn't help but want to step back again, but this was already the last, and finally he could only look at him helplessly.

"Zhou Jiang, and can you not lean over!"

"Huh? Oh~ it's okay, I don't mind."

In spite of this, Aix retreated and leaned against the wall opposite Zhou Jiang.



Tell me clearly, what do you mean, hello!



An arc flashed in front of him, Zhou Jiang subconsciously caught it, only to discover that it was actually a red and white ball?


Looking at the red and white ball in his hand, Zhou Jiang raised his head and looked at Aix.

"Although I don't know which elf of your brother you secretly took, I still hope you use my elf better. After all, even if you release the elf, the elf may not listen to you. It's better..."


Stealing brother's elf?

Zhou Jiang looked at him like a second fool.

How do you know that I stole...Bah!

Is this treating yourself as a minor?

Are minors coming in here?

Although there were various complaints, Zhou Jiang still held back.

Can't talk to him!

Leave after playing.

Really, Zhou Jiang regrets it a bit.

Why do you come here...

It's better to go directly to the gym.

Although I can't beat the gym, it's better than coming here. I met a nasty second fool...

Stepped on **** when you went out?

Too lazy to continue to pay attention to him, Zhou Jiang tossed his poke ball back.

"I have it myself, and I'm an adult!"

After speaking, Zhou Jiang took a deep breath and closed his eyes and leaned against the wall.

"Hey... alright."

Axe caught the Elf Ball, seeing Zhou Jiang's tone firmly and no longer asking, he sighed and said nothing.

In this way, the elevator returned to quiet, letting Zhou Jiang breathe a sigh of relief.

Soon, the elevator reached its destination.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, there was a fierce noise outside.

"Welcome to our new players!"


When the elevator door opened, Zhou Jiang saw a man in a tuxedo holding the microphone and shouting, and the moment he finished shouting, there were loud cheers and applause outside.

Zhou Jiang took a deep breath and then walked out.

In Zhou Jiang's vision, two people appeared on the opposite side.

And all foreigners?

Blond hair...no, no, maybe it's dyed hair.

Due to the distance, Zhou Jiang could only see the outline of the opposite side. As for the face... there was nothing he could do.

No, wait-remember who the old black guy said before that he couldn't beat him?

Zhou Jiang did not remember his name.

He didn't even remember the name of Brother Old Black... It seems to be called Ai...



"Okay! Our four players have come out and are already standing on top of the players. The game is about to begin. The two groups of players are Joshua and Ike from countries E and F, and Congolese. Aix and our Zhou Jiang from China J City!

It is worth mentioning that Joshua, Ike and Akes are all exchange students at Qinghua University in our capital~"

The host was talking over there ~www.ltnovel.com~Ex and they didn't even listen.

Among Zhou Jiang's four contestants, the three foreigners all knew each other, and they were talking about each other now. Only Zhou Jiang was not interested in the affairs between them before listening to the host.

After hearing that these three were Qinghua exchange students, Zhou Jiang glanced at the three.

"Hey! Ax, your companion is the little boy? You won't cry if you lose? Hahaha..."

"Oh, shit! Ike, your mouth still smells the same, I must sew your mouth!"

When Zhou Jiang just wanted to scold his mother, Ax next to him called out.

Listening to what he said, Zhou Jiang nodded.

I didn't expect this black man to be pretty good.

What's the name... Ace?

"...I must sew your mouth together!...Do you have the heart to hit him with such a small friend? We should take care of him, you know! We shouldn't let him taste the pain of failure at such a young age , He should be playing on campus, dreaming of champions!"


Listening to the words behind Aix, Zhou Jiang couldn't help his mouth twitching.

Sure enough, choosing to believe him was his stupidest decision.

I can QNMD!

I said I'm an adult, you bastard, have long ears on your butt?

And can minors enter the competition here?

Is there a yellow object instead of a red and white object in your mind?

Return the touch of Lao Tzu!

Sure enough, we will knock out this old black later, it's really an eye-catcher...

One to three? Haha, it's interesting.

And Qinghua exchange student...

I don't know how strong it is.

Cough, of course, it is better to go to Yibo in the early stage, to detect the enemy's situation, to detect the enemy's situation...

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